Ear symptoms

Ear pain from headphones

Nobody claims that using headphones is categorically harmful. But violation of the regime of use leads to unpleasant and sometimes irreparable consequences.

A noise stimulus with a strength equal to 80 dB is critical for the human hearing system. What can we say about higher indicators? Stable listening to audio recordings with a power equal to 100 - 120 decibels definitely leads to hearing impairment. Clinically experts have determined that the current generation has much worse hearing acuity scores than 10 years ago.

The most harmful effect on the functional ability of the internal ear apparatus is provided by earplugs.

They allow you to completely isolate the auricle from external stimuli and bring the sound source as close as possible to the inner ear. The effect when listening to music or other sound material is impressive. But the negative consequences will not be long in coming. A short time after the earphones, the ear begins to ache.

Short-term exposure to loud noises causes temporary degeneration of the inner ear cells. Sometimes their function is restored. But prolonged exposure leads to the development of hearing loss and hearing loss, as a result of the deactivation of sensory cells. Loud music disrupts the work of the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear and causes disruption of the functioning of internal organs (even at the cellular level, but harm has been done to the body).

Here are some simple rules to help you determine if the listening volume is acceptable:

The sound intensity should not exceed 60 decibels.

To determine the strength, you can, if possible, hear the world around you. If you can hear the interlocutor with your ears closed, then the playback volume is acceptable. If the volume is increased, you will communicate with others in a loud voice (turning to screaming).

People around you should not hear sounds coming from your device.

High-frequency sounds are considered more harmful.

Normal conversation is estimated at 30 - 35 dB, a cry is perceived more uncomfortable and is equal to 65 decibels.

Acoustic trauma and consequences

Listening to pop or rock music is like a sound test. Without harm to your hearing, you can listen to music through headphones at 30 decibels for no more than an hour a day.

The harm that excessive sound brings:

  1. disorientation of a person in space;
  2. the appearance of tinnitus (extraneous noise and ringing in the ears);
  3. headache for no reason, irritability, increased blood pressure.

Consequences of prolonged use of earpieces:

  • the internal hearing aid ceases to fully perceive high-frequency sound;
  • constant microvibration of the eardrum under the influence of strong sounding negatively affects the vestibular apparatus;
  • sensorineural hearing loss develops - cochlear nerve (damage to the auditory nerve, pathology is practically not amenable to treatment).

What to do if earbuds hurt? It is worth abandoning their use for a while if there is ringing in the ears, discomfort, irritability. Switch to an acoustic listening method.

Rules to reduce the risk of hearing impairment:

  1. Avoid listening to audio recordings at a critical volume (80-85 dB).
  2. If you are unable to lower the volume level, take short pauses to avoid overloading your hearing aid (rest for 15 minutes every hour).
  3. Adjust the playback volume immediately after switching on. Try to get the volume of the player at which you can still hear a slight sound from the outside.
  4. To eliminate discomfort while listening, select high-quality headphones that are convenient for you personally in design (when it comes to "earplugs" or "pills").

If inflammation is excluded, but the ears in the headphones hurt, then the soreness may be due to the unsuccessful design of the latter. This concerns external ear pain. Discomfort and soreness disappear when the patient stops using the accessory.

If there is a persistent feeling of internal soreness, you should be alert and consult an otolaryngologist.

This symptom can develop and lead with further use of earpieces to hearing loss and partial hearing loss. Constant sound irritation of the inner ear and pathologically frequent vibration impact on the eardrum leads to micro-disturbances in the structural sensory elements of the hearing system.

When to see a doctor

If you have not been able to avoid the negative effect of increased volume on the hearing analyzer (most often it concerns young people) and there are the first signs of hearing impairment, contact your healthcare professional immediately. The doctor will conduct an audiometry and explain why the ears hurt from the headphones, and the pain syndrome does not go away.

Symptoms that indicate hearing impairment:

  • the quality perception of high-frequency sound has worsened (children's and female voices are heard worse);
  • increase in the distance of audibility (close - the sound is perceived, further - not audible);
  • the appearance of extraneous ear sounds and noise that are audible only to you;
  • flickering of circles and "midges" before the eyes (decompensation of the vestibular apparatus and nervous system);
  • unreasonable irritation, which sometimes disappears after a while after resting from the headphones;
  • insomnia, headache, discomfort in the ears. For a long time, we researched reviews of the Alkozerox product from real people and doctors on forums and other sites. There are different opinions, and mostly positive. However, negative reviews can often be found on the Internet. Let's see what this drug for alcoholism actually is, and why some people write negatively about it. Alkozerox Does the drug help ?! Real reviews. Where is deception and divorce ?! The truth about ALCOZEROX.

Consult with an otolaryngol (otolaryngol), neurologist and cardiologist.

If not treated within the next 3 to 5 days, cochlear neuritis may develop, leading to complete or partial hearing loss. Pathology a month old or more is not eliminated at all or is treatable to a small extent. When such a diagnosis is made, complex therapy cannot be avoided.

Remember that the use of headphones itself does not cause any harm - sometimes it is even necessary to use them for certain types of noise work. Only a violation of the mode and correctness of sound reproduction increases the risk of hearing loss.