Ear symptoms

Pain behind the ear

Pain behind the ear on the right or on the left is a fairly common occurrence that many of us experience. Most people in such a situation are in no hurry to seek help from a medical institution and prefer to cope with the problem on their own at home. However, painful sensations can develop under the influence of a wide variety of reasons. And the lack of timely qualified medical care can lead to serious complications, often irreversible. Let's find out why there is pain behind the ears, and what therapeutic measures will allow you to cope with unpleasant sensations in each case.

Root causes and diagnosis

If it hurts near the ear, you should immediately find out the cause of this pathological phenomenon. Unpleasant sensations can be one of the symptoms of disorders such as:

  • otitis;
  • sulfur plug;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • parotitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • dental diseases (caries).

Only a specialist can determine what exactly provoked the pain behind the ear. Therefore, the development of any pathological symptoms should be the reason for going to the hospital and conducting a thorough examination.

Diagnostics include the following activities:

  • a blood test to identify the inflammatory process in the body;
  • an electroencephalogram to confirm or exclude migraine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging to confirm or exclude tumor neoplasms in the head, cephalalgia;
  • dopplerography of the vessels of the head;
  • X-ray examination of the temporal joints;
  • otoscopy and audometry to detect hearing impairment.

These research methods will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and draw up an adequate therapy program.

Treatment activities

Migraine and muscle strain can cause pain behind the ear. In this case, it often hurts above the ear, the pain can radiate to the temple, eye area. In order to eliminate painful sensations, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers are prescribed. Pain of a pulsating nature often develops in women, vasospasm can be removed with the help of nicotinic acid, Baralgin, No-shpa.

Unpleasant sensations localized in the ear area on the left side may appear after sleeping in an uncomfortable position. The correct organization of the sleeping place will help to get rid of pain - a hard mattress, the absence of too high pillows. Also, pain can indicate overexertion and problems with the spine. In this case, the doctor will recommend special exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles.

If it hurts near the ear, meningitis may be the cause. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the meninges due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment in this case should be immediate, with the aggravation of the pathological process, a fatal outcome is possible. Therapy of the disease is carried out with the use of ear drops, anti-inflammatory drugs and, of course, antibacterial medicines.

With sinusitis, the sinuses of the nose become inflamed, painful sensations can radiate to any area of ​​the head.

Antibiotics are used to treat the disorder.

It is possible to eliminate the pain under the ear, provoked by otitis media, only by curing the underlying disease. Therefore, in this case, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are necessarily used. Also, to eliminate the inflammatory process, a specialist may prescribe antibacterial drugs.

If the cause of painful sensations is the presence of a sulfur plug, it must be removed. With the help of a high pressure of water, the specialist can easily cleanse the ear cavity from the accumulation of wax.

If it hurts behind the ear against the background of trigeminal neuralgia, the use of anticonvulsants is required. Sedatives are also used. To strengthen the nervous system, the intake of B vitamins is additionally prescribed.

In difficult situations, surgical intervention is performed.

With the development of lymphadenitis, urgent treatment is required. In this case, antibiotic therapy is carried out, in the absence of a positive effect, the lymph node is opened and purulent masses are removed from it.

If it hurts under the ear due to osteochondrosis, physiotherapy exercises and special massage are recommended. To eliminate painful sensations developing against the background of mumps, the use of antiviral agents is required, in certain cases - immunostimulants.

With the development of caries, you should consult a dentist and treat a diseased tooth. You should know that in the absence of therapeutic measures, caries can lead not only to the occurrence of painful sensations in the ears. Also, with this violation, the work of the digestive system, heart and kidneys worsens.

Home treatment and prevention

If the bones behind the ears hurt, alternative medicine can be used as an adjunct to the main treatment. Herbal teas can help reduce soreness. To prepare a healing drink, you can use mint, lemon, chamomile, oregano. Herbal tea has a calming and relaxing effect on the body.

Self-massage of the head will help relieve tension; before the procedure, fingers can be lubricated with essential oils (lemon, eucalyptus).

It should be borne in mind that head massage is contraindicated in the presence of a tumor.

Therefore, any alternative methods of treatment should be used only after consulting a doctor.

In order to reduce the risk of developing diseases that are accompanied by pain behind the ears, it is required to adhere to the basic rules of prevention:

  • strengthen the body's defenses (systematic hardening procedures, daily long walks in the fresh air, balanced nutrition, moderate physical activity);
  • timely treatment of viral and inflammatory diseases;
  • strict adherence to hygiene of the ears and oral cavity (timely treatment of carious teeth);
  • a healthy lifestyle (giving up smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages).

Painful sensations in the ear area can arise under the influence of several reasons at once. It is impossible to independently determine what provoked the pain and even more so to eliminate the source of unpleasant sensations. Self-medication can only aggravate the patient's condition and lead to serious, often irreversible consequences.