Throat treatment

How to wash the tonsils with tonsillitis

Washing the throat with tonsillitis with antiseptic solutions helps cleanse the tissues of pathological secretions, infectious agents and viscous mucus. Local treatment of ENT disease accelerates the regression of catarrhal processes in the oropharynx, which prevents changes in tissue morphology. Timely treatment of the tonsils with drugs normalizes the pH level in the mucous membranes, which creates unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic agents.

Physiotherapy treatment is one of the key components of conservative therapy of respiratory diseases. Rapid absorption of active components of medications ensures the speedy destruction of pathogenic flora and resorption of infiltrates. Regular disinfection of the throat mucosa stimulates the epithelization of the affected tissues, as a result of which the foci of inflammation are eliminated.

Purposes of throat flushing

The gland is an accumulation of lymphoid tissue that performs hematopoietic and protective functions. The organ is permeated with lacunae and follicles, in which a large number of T-lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils and other cells are concentrated. They capture and neutralize pathogens entering the ENT organs, which helps to maintain homeostasis.

A decrease in the body's resistance leads to a decrease in the concentration of protective cells in lymphadenoid formations, which creates conditions for the development of opportunistic microorganisms. Their active reproduction provokes inflammatory processes in the tissues, as a result of which the palatine tonsils swell and increase in size.

Untimely relief of catarrhal processes leads to the formation of abscesses in the gaps, which destructively affect the structure of the glands and therefore can provoke complications.

Local treatment, involving washing and irrigation of lymphoid tissues with antiseptic solutions, prevents the generalization of pathological processes. The systematic carrying out of sanitizing procedures accelerates recovery, which is due to the following healing properties of physiotherapy:

  • mechanical washout of pathogens;
  • increased tissue reactivity;
  • improvement of the trophism of lymphadenoid tissues;
  • restoration of the drainage function of the tonsils;
  • creating an unfavorable environment for the development of pathogens;
  • elimination of catarrhal processes in the ciliated epithelium;
  • destruction of pathogenic flora in the foci of inflammation;
  • elimination of local manifestations of tonsillitis (perspiration, pain, edema, hyperemia).

The minimum therapeutic course of treatment is 7 days, during which the patient must wash the tonsils with drugs at least 3-4 times a day.

Gargle rules

How to wash the tonsils with tonsillitis? The effectiveness of the procedure is largely determined by the technique of its implementation. Rinsing the tonsils affected by inflammation helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and protozoa that provoke infectious and allergic reactions.

In the process of physiotherapy treatment, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The head should be thrown back, protruding the tongue forward as much as possible;
  2. During rinsing, you need to pronounce consonants ("s-s-s", "a-a-a") to prevent aspiration of fluid;
  3. The temperature of the medicinal solution should be a maximum of 37-38 degrees;
  4. The minimum duration of one session is 5-7 minutes;
  5. It is advisable to perform at least 4-5 procedures during the day.

Important! Do not irrigate the oropharynx with alkaline solutions in the presence of mechanical damage to the mucous membranes.

Improvised means

What means to use to eliminate tonsillitis? Washing the tonsils is often done with the help of improvised means, which, for sure, are practically in any home. Infectious-allergic disease is characterized by a sharp onset, as evidenced by the congestion of the tonsils and discomfort in the throat. To immediately stop catarrhal processes in lymphadenoid formations, you can use:

  • salt, soda and iodine: dissolve in 250 ml of warm boiled water for 1 tsp. soda and salt, adding 5 drops of iodine to the solution;
  • apple cider vinegar: mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with 200 ml of warm mineral water (without gas);
  • beet juice: mix 200 ml freshly squeezed beet juice with 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of juniper essential oil;
  • green tea: brew 1 tbsp. leafy green tea, adding 1 teaspoon of table salt to it;
  • Blueberry decoction: pour ½ cup dry berries with 500 ml of water and boil for 3 minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature.

For the preparation of an antiseptic solution, you can use only weakly concentrated 6% apple cider vinegar - this is due to its local irritating effect.

In the absence of hypersensitivity, decoctions based on medicinal herbs - sage, mallow, plantain, chamomile, calendula, etc. can be used as anti-inflammatory and wound healing solutions for washing the tonsils. Why do you need chat roulette? Such an original way of meeting girls helps guys develop sociability, learn how to easily enter into conversation with strangers and not be afraid to meet with a categorical unwillingness to make acquaintance from the interlocutor. The popular site Wirth Chat 18 will help you find a girl for virtual sex. More than 500 thousand users from Russia and the CIS countries visit the chat every day. Chatroulette compares favorably with all chats and provides unique opportunities.

Pharmacy preparations

There are practically no contraindications to sanitizing procedures, but one should not forget about possible restrictions on the use of pharmaceutical preparations. In the case of using medicines for irrigation of the oropharynx, it is advisable to consult a specialist. The choice of a medicinal solution is determined by the principle and spectrum of its action. Antimicrobial, antiviral and antimycotic agents are used to treat inflammation:

Drug nameActive ingredientsOperating principle
"Hexoral"hexetidineantiseptic analgesic, deodorant and antiphlogistic action; inhibits the synthesis of serotonin, which prevents the exacerbation of catarrhal processes
"Chlorophyllipt"eucalyptus ball extracta phytopreparation of decongestant action, which accelerates the regression of purulent processes in the ciliated epithelium; promotes the healing of trophic and purulent wounds
"Yodditserin"molecular iodinea bactericidal local analgesic antimicrobial agent, the components of which are active against staphylococci, Klebsiella, fusobacteria, enterobacteria, streptococci, etc.
Rotokanextract of calendula, yarrow, chamomileantimicrobial solution that has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect; accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues
"Amifour"nitrofuralantimicrobial drug that destroys gram-positive microbes; promotes the resorption of infiltrates in the mucous membrane and the regression of purulent-inflammatory reactions
"Iodinol"molecular iodine and polyvinyl alcoholsolution antiseptic bacteriostatic and anti-edematous action; destroys the microbial flora in the foci of inflammation, which promotes the healing of purulent wounds
"Stopangin"hexetidine, essential oil of peppermint, clove, eucalyptusa complex preparation of antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action; disrupts the synthesis of pathogenic RNA and DNA, which leads to a decrease in the number of pathogenic cells in the foci of inflammation
"Malavit"glycerin, copper and silver ions, yarrow, echinacea and chamomile extractantipruritic, analgesic and decongestant naturopathic medicine; promotes healing of burns, purulent inflammations and fistulas

Most of the above drugs must be diluted with water before use in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The effectiveness of medicinal solutions is largely due to their ability to reduce the concentration of acids in the treated tissues. Alkalinization of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx helps to reduce the reproductive activity of pathogenic agents, which leads to their destruction and, accordingly, recovery.