Throat treatment

Soda, salt and iodine gargle

Diseases occurring with a sore throat are caused by various factors. In some cases, they can be caused by bacteria, in others - by viruses or a fungal pathogen. At the same time, the clinical picture and the course of the disease are noticeably different. In each case, in addition to measures aimed directly at combating the pathogen, symptomatic treatment plays an important role.

One of the methods of treatment for this condition is local procedures, inhalations, compresses, gargling. The most popular gargle is baking soda, salt and iodine.

This is due to the fact that this procedure is a simple and affordable way to alleviate the condition. The advantage of the method is its safety. The procedure can be used in patients with severe cardiovascular pathology, cancer. It is not contraindicated in pregnant women.

An acute condition, high body temperature are not a contraindication for gargling.


Most often, pain in the throat occurs in acute respiratory diseases and pathology of the ENT organs. Most often, this symptom is observed when

  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis.

This symptom worsens the course of the disease, interferes with rest. Quite often, the pain increases when swallowing, making it difficult to consume the necessary fluids for treatment. The development of pain syndrome is accompanied by changes during an objective examination. There is hyperemia and swelling of the pharynx, an increase in the tonsils. With follicular or lacunar angina, they can become covered with purulent deposits. The presence of complaints and objective signs forces us to take measures aimed at reducing inflammatory changes and pain in the throat.

Mechanism of action

The most popular remedies used to gargle the throat are

  • furacilin;
  • alcoholic extracts or herbal decoctions;
  • salt and soda solution.

The use of these funds is due to their antiseptic, antimicrobial action, the ability to reduce puffiness. However, experts differ on the effectiveness of this procedure. Some doctors think gargling with baking soda is a waste of time. This product has nothing to do with the principles of action against viruses or bacteria. The opinion about the use of other means is similar.

However, many doctors believe that gargling with any means, or even warm water, is beneficial. Such actions moisturize the throat, thin mucus, and prevent the formation of crusts. Overdried mucous membranes are a favorable environment for the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. Moisturizing the throat by gargling is an important part of preventing these complications.

Food residues, lingering in the crypts and lacunae of the tonsils, contribute to the development of putrefactive processes, are a beneficial environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The procedure promotes the removal of excess food and oral hygiene. It is especially important in chronic tonsillitis, as it helps wash out purulent deposits.

According to patients, the most effective home remedy is a soda and salt gargle. Such a remedy reduces pain. The salt in this solution is an integral component of the hypertonic solution, which helps to reduce the swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa. Baking soda, by creating an alkaline environment in the throat, soothes a sore throat.

Both components, acting together, complement each other, contribute to the achievement of maximum results.

To enhance the effect, an alcoholic solution of iodine is added to the solution with soda and salt, which is a powerful antiseptic that acts on pathogenic microorganisms.

Salt, soda and iodine are the only ingredients in this solution. The general availability of such a tool, in combination with its effectiveness, contributes to the widespread distribution of the solution.


To prepare a gargle, you will need food or sea salt, baking soda, 5% alcohol solution of iodine, hot boiled or purified water.

The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  1. One teaspoon of salt and soda is placed in a prepared container;
  2. The dry substance is poured with prepared water and stirred until completely dissolved;
  3. It is necessary to wait until the solution cools down to 40 degrees. (At this temperature, it will be comfortable to rinse);
  4. Before directly carrying out the procedure, 2 drops of iodine are added to the glass with the obtained cooled agent. It has the property of decomposing in the light and losing its qualities, therefore it is added only before use.

The proportions when rinsing the throat with soda, salt and iodine are as follows: in equal shares, one teaspoon each, the components of the dry matter are taken, a glass of water is added to them. The third component, iodine, is used only in small quantities, since the alcohol solution is an external agent. Undiluted, it has a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane. In addition, the resulting iodine solution can be a potent allergen.

In some patients, individual intolerance to iodine preparations is characterized by the development of rhinitis, lacrimation, and skin rashes.

Recommendations for use

To achieve the desired effect, reduce inflammation and pain, gargle should be done after a meal. It is necessary to perform 5-6 procedures per day, alternating solutions. After rinsing with soda, salt and iodine, the next solution can be a decoction of herbs or its alcohol extract Rotokan. Then - a solution of furacilin is used.

The same solution is used as a prophylactic agent during an epidemic to moisturize the mucous membranes of the throat. Before going out to crowded places, while staying in an unventilated room with dry warm air, it is recommended to periodically irrigate not only the nose, but also the throat. Moisturizing the mucous membranes, which are the entrance gate of infection, contributes to the prevention and fight against viral infections.

In the acute period, the use of rinsing for the treatment of inflammation and sore throat should be coordinated with the attending physician, since this procedure is effective only in the complex treatment of patients. Acute tonsillitis of a bacterial nature requires mandatory antibiotic therapy. Without appropriate treatment, the disease will become chronic. Local procedures should not be the only treatment in this case.