Throat treatment

How to gargle with chamomile during pregnancy?

Many people know about the healing properties of chamomile. This plant is used to treat diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, as well as various skin injuries and inflammation.

The ability of chamomile to reduce inflammation has been proven in an experimental study by experts from the WHO (World Health Organization).

The flower baskets used for the preparation of medicines have an attractive appearance and pleasant aroma. To gargle with chamomile during pregnancy, you need to know how to properly use plant materials.

Treatment during pregnancy

Can chamomile be used by women who are carrying a child? Medicines based on this plant are not recommended for oral administration as part of fees and infusions. However, for local limited use, chamomile is permitted.

The WHO, in describing the pharmacological properties of plant raw materials, emphasizes: there are no data on teratogenic (contributing to the development of fetal malformations) or other adverse effects during pregnancy. However, this is due not so much to the safety of drugs based on chamomile flowers, but to the lack of sufficient research material for analysis.

The use of chamomile-based medicines allows you to:

  • eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • reduce the intensity of pain syndrome;
  • fight the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Chamomile contains a complex of nutrients, the most active of which is chamazulene.

It accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

During heating (especially boiling), chamazulene is partially destroyed, therefore it is recommended to infuse the medicine no longer than the time indicated in the prescription and not to reheat. Although the flower baskets of the plant cannot serve as a substitute for antiseptics and anesthetics for bacterial infections, they successfully complement the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

It should be understood that we are talking about drugs without the addition of alcohol. If an alcoholic tincture or extract is used, where ethanol acts as an extractant, the safety of therapy for a pregnant woman is questionable.

Prescription drugs

Chamomile is a plant known for its mild anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used in various cultures for a long time, which has led to the emergence of a variety of recipes. Since it is better for pregnant women to use monopreparations rather than herbal mixtures, it is advisable to provide recipes where chamomile is the main component.

Classic remedy

You need to take 0.2 liters of boiling water, pour 2 tablespoons of dry flower baskets (whole or crushed). Leave for 20 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature, strain, use immediately.

Cold water based

For 500 ml of cold boiled water, take 5 tablespoons of dry raw materials. Insist for 10 hours in a cool, dark place. You can store it at a temperature of 8 to 15 ° C for no more than 48 hours, including the cooking time.

With wrapping

A tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water in a heat-resistant container. Wrap up with heat-insulating cloth that does not transmit light, leave for 30 minutes.

Then filter, check the temperature of the product, cool slightly if necessary.

All recipes use chamomile.

Throat lavage is carried out 4 to 5 times a day and does not exclude the use of other medicines.

The therapy should be local - the medicine should not be swallowed. This is especially important during the first trimester of pregnancy.

At the same time, chamomile in the form of an infusion is safe if a small amount is accidentally swallowed.

Application nuances

Gargling with chamomile should only be beneficial, which requires caution from the patient. The raw materials from which the medicinal product is prepared must undergo tests for purity, including:

  1. Determination of the residual content of pesticides. Determination of the content of heavy metals (in particular, lead and cadmium).
  2. Determination of the presence of residues of radioactive elements (in particular, strontium-90, iodine-131, cesium-137, plutonium-239).

In order for a pregnant woman to be sure that there are no harmful components, it is better to purchase herbal raw materials in a pharmacy, check the composition and labeling of the package. The prepared infusions and decoctions must be stored during the day in a place protected from light, preventing the penetration of foreign impurities.

Only freshly prepared medicines should be used. If a chamomile-based product is brewed in large quantities in a thermos, the entire volume must be used before it cools.

It is not recommended to warm cold medicine. An exception is the infusion, originally prepared with the addition of cold boiled water - before use, it should be warmed up to a temperature comfortable for rinsing.


According to WHO experts, chamomile rarely causes allergic reactions.

However, hypersensitivity is a valid reason for not using this herb.

At the same time, since the flower belongs to the Asteraceae (Compositae) family, it is forbidden to use medicines based on it also for patients with allergies to:

  • ambrosia;
  • asters;
  • chrysanthemums.

The use of chamomile baskets can cause allergic dermatitis, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, as well as anaphylactic reactions. Since ragweed allergy is common among the European population, this factor must be taken into account when deciding whether to start therapy.

Chamomile for gargling a sore throat during pregnancy is one of the safest herbal ingredients. Nevertheless, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and in no case ignore them. It is best to discuss the use of chamomile with your doctor before starting treatment.