Throat treatment

How to gargle with soda for sore throat?

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is an infectious ENT disease, local manifestations of which are inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and lymphadenoid formations (glands). Gargling with soda and salt for angina stimulates tissue regeneration and resorption of infiltrates in the lesions. Sanitizing procedures prevent the spread of pathological flora in the ENT organs, which prevents the development of local complications.

The causative agents of infection can be pathogenic viruses (herpetic sore throat), bacteria (lacunar and follicular tonsillitis) or fungus (candidal tonsillitis). Local therapy of pathology involves the use of medicinal solutions with a wide spectrum of action. Soda-salt preparations destroy the pathogenic flora of any etiology, which is associated with the creation in the oral cavity of an environment unfavorable for the development of pathogens.

The effectiveness of local therapy

Is it possible to gargle with soda for sore throat? Soda-salt solutions of moderate concentration do not cause irritation and allergic reactions. However, the advisability of using alkaline drugs should be consulted with a specialist. Abuse of sanitizing procedures can lead to fluid retention in the body, which is fraught with increased swelling of the glands and throat mucosa.

Salt and soda are among the natural antiseptics that destroy pathogens in the foci of inflammation. Regular washing of the oropharynx with the drug helps to cleanse the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract from 70% of pathogens. Hypertonic solutions literally "draw out" purulent masses and excess intercellular fluid from the affected tissues.

Local treatment of angina accelerates the resorption of hypertrophied tissues and regression of catarrhal processes in the oropharynx, which is due to the following therapeutic properties of alkaline solutions:

  • inhibit the reproductive activity of microbes;
  • normalize water-salt metabolism in tissues;
  • accelerate cellular metabolism;
  • increase local immunity;
  • promote the regeneration of mucous membranes;
  • eliminate puffiness and pain.

For therapeutic purposes, you can use salt and soda, which do not contain dyes and synthetic additives.

Regular washing of the tonsils leads to a softening of tonsilloliths (purulent plugs), which contributes to their evacuation. Elimination of pus from the lacunae of the palatine tonsils leads to the restoration of the drainage function of the organs, thereby increasing local immunity.

Solution preparation rules

The effectiveness of sanitizing procedures is determined by the correct preparation of the medicinal solution. Rinsing with soda for angina should be carried out during the entire period of acute inflammation of the ENT organs. To prepare an alkaline preparation, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp salt (sea or food);
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 3 drops of iodine tincture;
  • 250 ml of boiled water.

To kill most pathogens in tap water, boil it for 3-4 minutes before using it.

The presence of sediment in the liquid can lead to mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the throat. To eliminate this possibility, it is more advisable to use fine crystalline salt and hot water. Local treatment of angina should be continued until the main foci of inflammation in the oropharynx disappear.

Solution for pregnant women

Throat sanitation is one of the safest treatments for ENT diseases in women during gestation. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of synthetic drugs to relieve the symptoms of angina is prohibited, which is associated with possible violations of the intrauterine development of the fetus. To prevent the development of pathologies, only safe drugs, the components of which are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, are included in the complex therapy of infectious diseases.

During pregnancy, the body's resistance decreases due to hormonal changes. This greatly increases the risk of developing opportunistic microorganisms in the ENT organs. To stop pathological processes in the mucous membrane, mainly local preparations are used, in particular soda-salt solutions for rinsing.

Reducing the dosage can prevent an allergic reaction during throat debridement. To prepare the drug, you should:

  • dissolve in 250 ml of boiled ½ hour salt and soda;
  • add 2 drops of iodine tincture to the solution;
  • heat the liquid to 38 ° C.

To prevent complications, it is recommended to flush not only the throat, but also the nasopharynx. For these purposes, you can use isotonic solutions based on sodium chloride.

Solution for children

Children under the age of 3-4 years should not gargle, which is associated with the risk of aspiration of soda-salt solution. The penetration of concentrated antiseptics into the lungs can lead to tissue edema and obstruction. For this reason, before using sanitizing procedures, it is advisable to consult with a pediatrician, who will explain the essence of the throat rinsing technique and some of the nuances of the therapy.

How to prepare an alkaline solution for a child?

  1. heat boiled water to 37 ° C;
  2. dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt and soda in water;
  3. add 1 drop of iodine tincture.

Soda is one of the products with a high degree of allergenicity, therefore, before using the solution, it is advisable to carry out an allergy test: apply a small amount of the solution to the elbow. If within 30 minutes allergy symptoms do not appear (itching, flushing, blistering), use the drug as directed.

To prevent irritation of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, the procedure should be performed no more than 3 times a day for 3-4 days. In the absence of positive results, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Solution recipes

Saline and soda solutions contribute to the rapid cleansing of the ciliated epithelium from pathogenic flora, purulent plaque and mucus. Several receptors for the preparation of anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to sanitize the oropharynx. The most effective of them include:

  1. saline solution: dissolve 1 tsp of sea salt in 200 ml of warm water; gargle at least 5 times a day during an exacerbation of catarrhal processes;
  2. soda solution: dissolve 1 tsp soda in 250 ml of boiled water; carry out sanitizing procedures 4-5 times a day for 5 days;
  3. soda-salt solution with decoction: dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and salt in 250 ml of warm decoction of medicinal chamomile; flush the tonsils and throat mucosa with the finished preparation 4-5 times a day.

To enhance the antiphlogistic and deodorant properties of the solution, you can add additional ingredients to it: a decoction of sage, essential oils of lemon, peppermint, lemon balm, cedar, etc. To soften the local irritating effect of the drug, egg white of the protein will help - 1 egg white per 250 ml of soda-salt solution. Thus, irritation and drying out of the throat mucosa can be prevented, which allows the solution to be used in pediatric therapy for the treatment of children aged 3-4 years.

Rinsing recommendations

Local treatment of ENT pathologies will be effective only if sanitizing procedures are carried out regularly. To prevent the active reproduction of pathogens, it is necessary to constantly maintain an alkaline environment in the oropharynx. Conditions unfavorable for the development of microbes inhibit their reproductive activity, thereby increasing local immunity.

During therapy, it is advisable to observe the following recommendations:

  • if there is pain in the throat, sanitizing procedures must be performed at least 5 times a day;
  • to eliminate the local symptoms of acute tonsillitis, rinsing must be done 4-5 times for at least 10 days in a row;
  • it is advisable to prepare antiseptic solutions immediately before use in order to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in them;
  • in order to prevent the occurrence of local complications, during the period of treatment, one should refuse to eat solid foods;
  • it is possible to prevent irritation of lymphoid tissues and ciliated epithelium with herbal decoctions and infusions.

30 minutes after the sanitizing procedure, it is advisable to rinse the throat with an emollient.

Herbs such as sage, calendula, chamomile, oregano, eucalyptus, etc. have pronounced antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tbsp. raw materials 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse the herbs for 3 hours, then strain and use as directed.

Rinsing technique

Gargling with soda for sore throat must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. The correct approach to physiotherapy treatment can prevent the spread of infection and speed up the healing process. But at the same time, one should not forget about taking systemic drugs that destroy pathogens not only in the lesions, but throughout the body.

Rinsing rules and recommendations:

  1. cool the alkaline solution to an acceptable temperature - 37-38 ° C;
  2. put a small amount of liquid in your mouth;
  3. Throwing your head back, gargle for at least 1 minute;
  4. spit out the solution and repeat the procedure 3-4 more times.

Important! It is undesirable to flush the oropharynx with alkaline solutions more than 1 time per hour, as this can lead to dehydration of the mucous membranes.

To cure tonsillitis, sanitizing procedures must be performed at least 4 times a day. When using sea salt and regular soda, you do not need to add iodine tincture to the solution.