Throat treatment

How to gargle with baking soda during pregnancy

A woman can complain about pain in the throat at any stage of pregnancy - often the cause is a viral or bacterial infection. To help the body cope with the disease and at the same time not harm the child, patients turn to the safest, in their opinion, methods.

Gargling is considered an affordable and easy way to relieve pain and remove mucus and pus.

In this case, the drug does not need to be taken orally, which minimizes the level of risk both for the woman herself and for the child she is carrying.

However, before the procedure, you should decide on the type of solution. Is it possible to gargle with baking soda during pregnancy and what should be remembered while doing this?

Why soda?

The list of folk recipes that are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx contains not a few - dozens of names. Many of them are successfully used by patients of different ages. Such products as beet juice with the addition of vinegar, alcohol tincture of calendula have become very popular. Such solutions are good in the absence of individual sensitivity, help to temporarily eliminate pain and fight inflammation. However, baking soda remains the undisputed leader on the list of traditional throat medications - including for symptoms during pregnancy. What are the benefits of this product?

  1. Availability. Soda is a universal assistant for any housewife. It can be found in every kitchen because it is used in a variety of situations - from cooking to general cleaning. It is also used to treat throat. In addition, it has a rather attractive price in comparison with other components for medicinal solutions.
  2. Beneficial features. The official "chemical" name for soda is sodium bicarbonate. In pharmacological classifications, it is sometimes referred to as a substance that belongs to weak antiseptics. This means that baking soda is capable of fighting pathogenic microorganisms - although not nearly as effectively as representatives of the "classic" antiseptic groups. It cannot and should not replace local antibiotics, but it is useful in various infectious lesions of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx as an adjuvant.
  3. No annoying effect. Sodium bicarbonate, when used correctly, does not cause redness and irritation of the mucous membranes - that is, it can be used without restrictions for different types of pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Is it permissible to gargle a reddened throat with soda during pregnancy? This question naturally and reasonably interests all patients who are faced with the need to start treatment for diseases of the oropharynx. Sodium bicarbonate is offered as a safe and effective component of a mouthwash.

Pregnant women should not be afraid of the adverse effects of soda on a child - provided that soda is used only if indicated, locally and in compliance with the recipe for preparing the solution.

How to prepare medicine

Sodium bicarbonate solution for gargling is a universal medicine. For both expectant mothers and patients who are not carrying a child, recipes for throat solutions with soda are recommended in the same proportions. The classic option is the following combination of components:

  • clean boiled water - 0.2 l;
  • drinking soda - 1 teaspoon.

After boiling water, you need to cool it to a temperature that approximately corresponds to the body temperature. It is necessary to check the heating level in a separate container by touching the water with your finger or taking a sip (if you are sure that the liquid has cooled sufficiently). The required amount of sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in warm water. The solution is used immediately. At the bottom of the glass, a small turbidity may remain in the form of grains of a substance that have not completely dissolved. This is a permissible phenomenon, however, it is best to mix the solution well in advance.

Adherents of traditional methods of treatment and medical practitioners may recommend supplementing the solution with components such as:

  • kitchen salt;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • iodine.

Gargling with soda during pregnancy will be even more useful if salt is added to a glass with a solution - ordinary table or sea salt. At the same time, the product should not contain additives that improve the appearance, enhance the taste and aroma.

For a volume of 0.2 l of water, 1 teaspoon of salt is enough (one type should be chosen).

It is better to purchase fine salt - it dissolves quickly and is convenient for preparing a solution. But if only coarse salt turned out to be in the kitchen, you can add it to the water, following the complete dissolution.

As for iodine, it is highly undesirable to use it to flush the throat during pregnancy. It is better to discard this component, replacing it with safer options. If you have doubts about the effectiveness of a soda or soda-salt solution, you should immediately consult a doctor - in addition to sodium bicarbonate, other medications may be required.

What to do

Rinsing is a simple procedure familiar to many people from childhood. But whatever the experience of treatment with its help, it is important to remember some rules:

  1. Use only warm water.
  2. Monitor the expiration date of all ingredients in the solution.
  3. Rinse the dishes under running water after each procedure.
  4. Never swallow a large amount of the medicinal solution.

Mineral water is not needed for rinsing; simple boiled water is suitable. It is allowed to use even heat-treated water supply - the main thing is that it is clean, without dangerous impurities.

It is best to gargle near a sink with running water. If for some reason this is not possible, take a basin or bowl where the patient can spit liquid. A glass of solution is placed within reach so that the woman does not have to reach far behind it. The patient takes a little of the product in her mouth, gently throws her head back to clear the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Holding the medicine for about thirty seconds, you can pronounce the sound "s". Due to the natural composition, Frutalik capsules have a minimum number of contraindications. It is not recommended to drink capsules: women during pregnancy and breastfeeding; people under the age of 18; patients with intolerance to the components that make up the complex. If the dosage is observed, the slimming complex does not cause side reactions, and in the presence of individual intolerance, allergic reactions may occur. A feature of Frutalika is the ability to receive it without prior consultation with a nutritionist.

Repeat the procedure up to 10 times a day - after eating. It is better for pregnant women to wait 15 to 20 minutes so as not to provoke discomfort while rinsing. Do not rush, make sudden movements. This can lead to swallowing fluids, coughing.

Precautionary measures

Although sodium bicarbonate is a relatively safe remedy, nevertheless, one cannot call unnecessary measures that will prevent unwanted consequences.

When thinking about whether pregnant women can use baking soda, it is important not to allow:

  • a significant excess of the amount of soda in the solution;
  • lack of control of the temperature of the solution;
  • simultaneous combination with other substances - for example, hydrogen peroxide.

The saturated solution helps to dry out the mucous membrane.Since the main purpose of the rinse is to moisturize, this effect is highly undesirable. Also, do not use a cold or hot product, as this will lead to additional damage.

Baking soda should not be the main treatment for throat during pregnancy.

Contrary to the beliefs of many patients, therapy during pregnancy may include pharmacological drugs - including antibiotics. After examination, a specialist will prescribe only a drug that is allowed in this period. It is both futile and dangerous to try to substitute baking soda for the medicines you need. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable - before starting to use soda, the patient's condition must be assessed by a doctor.