Throat treatment

How to remove purulent plugs from tonsils

A constant sign of acute tonsillitis caused by a bacterial pathogen is purulent plaque. An objective examination of the pharynx with a purulent form of tonsillitis is characterized by reddening of the tonsils and the presence of pathological foci visible to the eye on them. In this case, a mandatory symptom is pronounced intoxication, an increase in body temperature, pain in the throat. These factors make the patient think about how to remove pus from the tonsils.

At home, cleaning the glands, according to some patients, is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery.

Depending on the localization of the lesion and depth, purulent foci fill the follicles or are located in the crypts of the tonsils. In this case, follicular tonsillitis is characterized by the fact that the abscesses are located under the layer of the epithelium. Attempts to scrape them with a spatula end in vain. In this case, clearing the tonsils from the plugs is a difficult task. In addition, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the advisability of such manipulation.

Characteristics of purulent foci

Despite the pronounced changes occurring in the tonsils, the cause of poor health is not ulcers. The phenomena of intoxication, increased body temperature and other clinical symptoms of purulent tonsillitis are caused by the effect of pathogenic agents and the development of the inflammatory process. Studies of purulent contents show that it does not include pathogens. The focus is represented by dead tonsil cells, leukocytes, food debris.

Attempts to remove the plugs from the tonsils do not in any way affect the duration of treatment or improve the general condition.

Bacterial tonsillitis is a well-studied pathology. The causes and development of diseases, as well as the existing methods of treatment, do not raise doubts among specialists. Numerous observations have proven that the formation of pathological foci on the tonsils is not only a manifestation, but also a prerequisite for the course of an acute purulent disease.

A few days after the appointment of the appropriate antibiotics, the patient's condition improves, the symptoms of intoxication, the sore throat decrease, the temperature indicators return to normal. In 1-2 days after that, purulent foci also disappear. They are washed out with saliva. After their rejection, an erosive surface will remain, which in a short time will take on the appearance of a normal epithelium.

Given this development of the disease, as well as the fact that cleansing the tonsils is a painful procedure, the question of its expediency becomes relevant. However, most people are not familiar with the pathogenesis of this disease. They believe that the cause of the inflammatory process is the purulent foci that form on the tonsils.

Ways to clear the tonsils from plaque

Patients seeking to recover quickly trying to remove the plugs from the tonsils by mechanical cleaning of plaque using

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • Lugol's solution;
  • brine;
  • furacilin solution.

This procedure is performed as follows. The patient or the person performing the procedure wraps a bandage on the index or middle finger, then moistens it in a previously prepared solution and mechanically cleans the surface of the tonsil. This is usually the end of the home procedure. Such manipulation is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, since inflamed tonsils are characterized by soreness even at rest. If the pain sensations increase sharply when swallowing, the more they will be significant with external pressure.

Another method used at home to remove suppuration in the tonsils is to squeeze out the pus with a spatula. The manipulation is carried out as follows. A pre-disinfected spatula is pressed on the amygdala near the purulent focus. As a result of such efforts, the contents of the follicle flow outward, forming a crater.

This intervention is not only extremely painful, but also unsafe. Even with effective conduct, when there is a discharge of pus from the follicle, the traumatic effect on nearby tissues is pronounced. This leads to the formation of erosive surfaces that heal poorly and leave behind scars. Often, the outcome of such manipulations is the development of an abscess due to insufficient adherence to asepsis. Scars that form at the site of such a rough removal lead to the fact that the cleansing of the tonsils from purulent plugs is not carried out in full. This contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Indications for surgery

The question of the need to extract pus from the tonsils can be raised only if there is a suspicion of the development of complications of purulent tonsillitis, when it comes to an abscess.

This condition is characterized by increased soreness in the throat. In this case, the patient cannot open his mouth. There is an increase in the phenomena of intoxication, an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees. The pharyngoscopic picture is also very characteristic. It is characterized by significant, usually unilateral enlargement tonsils, which becomes sharply hyperemic. At the same time, there are no plaques and purulent plugs.

This condition is the reason for surgical intervention. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only in the conditions of the corresponding department. Its purpose is to remove the purulent focus, by opening the tonsil to allow the purulent contents to flow freely into the oral cavity. In view of the painfulness of this manipulation, it is carried out under local anesthesia. This helps to reduce pain, allows the patient to open his mouth wider, and, therefore, increases the possibility of surgical access.

Washing the tonsils

There are also ways to clean the tonsils in a more gentle way. It is about washing the tonsils with various means. For these purposes, they most often use

  • furacilin solution;
  • soda or saline solution;
  • decoctions of herbs with an antiseptic effect.

A solution of furacilin can be purchased in the pharmacy network ready-made, or it can be prepared at home by dissolving two tablets in a glass of boiled water. Also, soda and saline solutions are prepared at home. Use regular baking soda or salt for this. The required concentration is 0.5-1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of water.

Among the herbs most commonly used for gargling are chamomile, sage, and calendula. Having prepared the necessary broth from them, it should be heated to 40-50 degrees. This temperature is the most suitable for this procedure, since it does not irritate the throat mucosa.

Rules for rinsing your throat:

  • the procedure should be carried out 5-6 times a day;
  • it is recommended to carry out this procedure after each meal;
  • the duration of the procedure should be 2-3 minutes;
  • the amount of rinse solution used is 1 cup.

In addition to such advantages of the procedure as safety and accessibility, it also has a negative side. Tonsil lavage is not accompanied by visual control. This reduces the effectiveness of the procedure. At the same time, carrying out such a manipulation a stream from a syringe or a rubber bulb will significantly speed up the process of flushing out pus from the tonsils.

The lacunae can also be washed in an ENT cabinet.For this, a special syringe is used, in which the needle has a rounded end. By making movements with the piston, the otolaryngologist washes out the existing accumulations of pus in the gaps. Compared to a similar procedure performed at home, it has a significant advantage as it is performed under visual observation by a physician.

This technique has negative points. They consist in the fact that it is impossible to wash out pus in this way in small lacunae, the size of which is less than the diameter of the needle. The antiseptic solution does not get into them. In addition, using this technique, it is not possible to achieve the desired result with a tight plug. At the same time, this procedure contributes to the compaction of the abscess, its deeper immersion.

Hardware technique

Modern medicine makes it possible to use a hardware technique using the Tonsillor ultrasonic device to wash the lacunae. The advantages of this method compared to flushing the lacunae with a syringe are as follows:

  • thanks to the available nozzles, it is possible to supply the antiseptic solution directly to the purulent focus without injuring the nearby tissues;
  • the used vacuum allows you to extract pus from deep-lying sections that are not accessible to washing by conventional methods;
  • the subsequent use of the appropriate nozzles allows you to bring the necessary antiseptic solutions directly to the site of the disease;
  • each procedure is carried out with the use of an anesthetic sprayed into the throat cavity, which reduces pain, allows the procedure to be carried out even in children;
  • the ultrasonic effect of the apparatus helps to accelerate the recovery processes.

Speaking about what methods can be used to remove pus from the tonsils, it is necessary to dwell on warming procedures. According to many patients, such procedures will be useful for accelerating cleansing. tonsils and convalescence. However, in this case, the use of dry heat is categorically contraindicated, since an increase in local temperature contributes to increased blood flow and further spread of pathogenic agents.

Treatment of acute bacterial tonsillitis must be carried out under the direct supervision of an otolaryngologist, who will clarify the diagnosis, determine the nature of the pathogenic agent and prescribe appropriate treatment. In those cases when it comes to the need for manipulations, they must also be carried out by a specialist.

Cleaning the tonsils at home is not only a painful and dangerous procedure, but also impractical.