
How to treat myocardial infarction at home with folk remedies?

Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the most severe types of coronary heart disease (CHD). The cause of this disease is the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary vessels and, as a result, blockage of the arteries and a sharp cessation of the blood supply to the myocardium. Approximately 7.5 million people in the world die every year from ischemic heart disease, including from a heart attack.

Can a heart attack be treated at home?

It so happened that patients often do not seek help from the hospital, but prefer home therapy. But it is strictly forbidden to treat myocardial infarction in such conditions. If there is a burning pain in the chest, radiating to the scapula, arm, lower jaw, increasing shortness of breath and severe weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor, since untimely treatment is fatal.

During a heart attack, several periods are distinguished, and each of them requires special treatment methods:

  1. Acute period (up to two weeks). At this time, there is a high likelihood of complications (myocarditis, heart failure, heart rupture) and death; necrotic tissue is replaced with granulation tissue. Therefore, the entire stage, the patient lies in intensive care and only after stabilization of the organ's work is transferred to the cardiology department.
  2. Subacute period (up to a month). There is a gradual replacement of the affected muscle tissue with connective tissue. Physical therapy is added to drug therapy. At the end of this stage, the patient is discharged, and he continues the course of treatment after a heart attack at home.
  3. Scarring period (up to six months). Healing of the focus of inflammation. A sanatorium-resort treatment was recommended to complete a full-fledged rehabilitation.

The duration of each stage varies depending on the extent of the process. The use of traditional medicine during the aforementioned periods is unacceptable, since the patient requires urgent thrombolytic therapy, emergency percutaneous intervention and medication support. Otherwise, the patient risks dying!

When are unconventional methods used?

In the acute period, there can be no talk of treating a heart attack with folk remedies. In the absence of contraindications, the patient undergoes thrombolysis (clot dissolution) or coronary intervention. The treatment regimen also includes anti-edema therapy, normalization and maintenance of blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and blood clotting indicators.

Traditional methods of treatment are actively used after the end of discharge from the hospital. They perfectly complement drug therapy, accelerate the recovery of the body, stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment with folk remedies after a heart attack

After being discharged from the hospital, the patient will have a long recovery period. They continue to take medications, some of them take years. Gradually increase physical activity through exercise therapy, short walks. After any exertion, the patient controls the pulse rate and blood pressure level. In addition, much attention is paid to diet: reducing the calorie content of food, limiting the consumption of salt to 5 g per day and water to 1.5 liters, giving up fatty and flour products, semi-finished products.

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal a huge number of recipes from natural ingredients that complement the therapy with traditional pharmaceuticals. If the work of the heart has stabilized and the stage of early complications has passed, the patient after a heart attack begins treatment at home.

To successfully improve coronary blood flow, the following traditional medicine tips are used:

  1. Garlic. Lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Recipe: grind the head of garlic in mashed potatoes and pour 200 ml of sunflower oil, add lemon juice a day later, leave for a week, drink in tsp. 3 rubles / day before meals. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  2. To improve the work of the myocardium, prevent arrhythmias, you need a sufficient amount of potassium and magnesium. Dried fruits rich in these trace elements. A mixture of dried apricots and walnuts seasoned with buckwheat honey is especially useful: a daily portion of 200 g is consumed in 3 doses.
  3. Motherwort calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, improves heart function. An infusion is prepared: one hour of dried raw materials is crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, half a glass is taken 4 times a day.
  4. Centaury with a diuretic, antioxidant and tonic effect. Recipe: Art. chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink 0.4 cups 4 times a day before meals.
  5. Parsnip eliminates vasospasm, lowers blood pressure. A teaspoon of crushed seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour, then taken in a tablespoon four times a day.
  6. Sprouted wheat grains are rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, fiber, strengthen the heart, normalize the work of the whole organism. Eat raw as an addition to salad, main dishes, or grind to make porridge.


Myocardial infarction is a serious, serious illness that requires long-term rehabilitation, which often forces a complete change in the way of life and diet. A cardiologist monitors the treatment and prescribes the necessary medications. The patient adds folk remedies to the main therapy, be sure to first consult with the doctor.