
Is it possible to have sex with angina

Angina pectoris is a form of coronary artery disease that is clinically manifested by attacks of chest pain when performing intense work. It develops as a result of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, including coronary vessels, and their spasm. Due to the narrowing of the arteries, the delivery of oxygenated blood is reduced. Against the background of angina pectoris, exercise tolerance decreases; Habitual activity, including intercourse, can trigger an attack. To establish an intimate life, cardiologists recommend following certain rules.

How sex affects the course of angina

Retrosternal pain with angina pectoris occurs with physical overwork. It provokes unnecessary experiences, psycho-emotional stress. Patients with this disease often experience a fear of repetitions of heart pain attacks, which further forces them to avoid additional stress, including leading to a decrease in sexual activity.

However, doctors do not prohibit having sex with angina pectoris, explaining this by the fact that:

  • Only excessive high-intensity exercise can provoke a heart attack or heart attack.
  • Moderate daily activity for no more than 30-50 minutes, on the contrary, is extremely useful, it allows you to normalize and redistribute blood flow to increase the delivery of oxygenated blood to organs and the brain, especially to the heart.
  • Saved sexual activity helps to prevent early psychogenic impotence, constant experiences and anxiety, which aggravates the course of cardiac pathology.
  • Positive emotions and hormonal surge when having sex with a loved one have an extremely beneficial effect on the psychoemotional state, reducing the level of stress.
  • Regular sparing exercise, including sexual intercourse, is a kind of training for the body, which is necessary for the prevention of angina pectoris and cardiac pathology.

Thus, angina pectoris and sex are quite compatible. However, cardiologists and therapists focus the attention of patients on observing certain rules that allow them to preserve the intimate sphere of life and avoid the development of coronary complications.

Restrictions in intimate life for patients

Contraindications to physical activity are different for each patient with cardiac pathology. With a stable form of angina pectoris, attacks of heart pain can only be provoked by excessive physical exertion in conditions of overwork, including psychoemotional. With an unstable or variant form, the risk of an attack is much higher; even low activity can cause cardiac pain. It is impossible to predict the occurrence of angina pectoris.

A good indicator of exercise tolerance is exercise tolerance. The cores, which are able to walk 300-500 meters or rise several floors without shortness of breath and chest pain, can be sure that sexual relations will not harm their health. When deciding on the limitation of the intimate sphere, doctors recommend that all patients follow these rules.

Below is a list of some tips for having sex with angina.

  • Having sex with sudden angina pectoris, during an attack or immediately after it is contraindicated.
  • Sexual intercourse should be avoided in a state of fatigue, at the end of a hard day's work or physical fatigue.
  • You should not have sex with emotional stress, anxiety, anxiety, or in a bad mood.
  • The conditions for the upcoming intimacy should be comfortable and calm.
  • Persons with cardiac pathology should avoid physically difficult sexual positions, in which it is necessary to rely on hands or hold the weight of the body: oneself or a partner.
  • It is unacceptable to stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor for angina pectoris before having sex.
  • Drugs based on "Sildenafil" ("Viagra") or analogs for the correction of erectile dysfunction are incompatible with nitrates.
  • Medicines from the group of stimulants that affect potency are contraindicated, since they have a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect and can cause an attack of angina pectoris or a heart attack.
  • In old age, it is important to weigh your desires against your physical abilities.
  • In patients with ischemic disease and angina pectoris, regular sex at the age of 60 and older is possible only if all the above recommendations are followed.


For patients with angina pectoris and concomitant coronary pathology, it is necessary to expand the mode of physical activity after consulting a cardiologist or therapist. Physical activity, including intercourse, should not lead to another attack of heart pain, severe shortness of breath and palpitations. Sexual activity is legal for most patients. It is enough to follow medical recommendations and monitor your own health. If the condition worsens, seek medical attention.