
How to use Dibazol with Papaverine?

An increase in blood pressure is a normal reaction of the human body to stress factors. However, due to chronic diseases, metabolic disorders, the control of vascular muscle tone and the accumulation of fluid lead to a persistent increase in indicators. Arterial hypertension is one of the most common pathologies of our time, the main danger of which lies in possible complications during a crisis. The relief of a sharp increase in pressure is carried out with various combinations of drugs, the most used at the prehospital stage are Dibazol and Papaverine.

Can I take dibazol with papaverine with high blood pressure?

The main groups of drugs for lowering blood pressure include drugs that affect:

  • vascular tone due to the effect on the endothelial receptors of the vascular wall, or smooth muscle cells (myotropic antispasmodics, alpha-blockers);
  • strength and heart rate (beta-blockers, slow calcium channel blockers);
  • elimination of excess fluid by organisms (diuretics).

Bendazol (Dibazol) and Papaverine belong to the group of peripheral vasodilators - funds that expand the lumen of veins and arteries by relaxing the muscles of the vascular wall.

Isolated use of drugs is carried out in:

  • neurological practice - for Dibazol, since chronic hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain is eliminated, the transmission of impulses through neurons improves;
  • gastroenterological, urological, gynecological and surgical - for Papaverine. The drug is used to relieve pain caused by smooth muscle spasm in internal organs (uterus, stomach, urinary and gall bladder, and others).

Papaverine and Dibazol from pressure are used in the prescribed combination to relieve an acute significant increase in indicators with concomitant clinical signs. The joint use of drugs is allowed for emergency doctors as a prehospital stage in the relief of hypertensive crisis (not complicated).

The possibility of using the combination is due to the interaction of funds aimed at enhancing the effect of vasodilation.

The network of pharmacies presents an official complex drug - Papazol with an established dose of substances.

How does this combination work?

Papaverine is a myotropic (from myo - muscles, tropos - direction) antispasmodic, the main action of which is due to:

  • inhibiting (slowing down, suppressing) the activity of the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which promotes the release of energy molecules cAMP and muscle contraction. The accumulation of cAMP in muscle cells leads to fiber relaxation and decreased tone.
  • blockade of adenosine receptors (A1) located in the neuromuscular synapses between the neuron and the smooth muscle cell of the vascular wall. As a result of the activation of adenosine and the effect on A2 receptors - the lumen of the arteries expands.

The action of Bendazol (Dibazol) is due to the selective effect on phosphodiesterase with the accumulation of cGMP in the cell. The specified energy molecule causes not only a decrease in the tone of the vascular wall, but also has an immunostimulating effect.

The combination of drugs in one syringe is due to pharmacological interaction: Dibazol expands the spectrum of Papaverine's effects, mainly with an effect on vascular receptors.

The uncomplicated course of a hypertensive crisis is accompanied by pain in the heart, shortness of breath and decreased cerebral circulation. Systemic dilatation of the arteries (Dibazol affects mainly the vessels of the central nervous system) helps to minimize damage and faster relief of hypertension.

In practice, the established dosage of Papaverine with Dibazol at high pressure is used:

  • 2 ml of 2% papaverine hydrochloride solution (1 ampoule - 2 ml);
  • 4 ml of 1% Dibazol solution (available in 1 and 5 ml ampoules).

The drugs are drawn in one syringe (10 ml) for intramuscular injections. The effect develops within 20 minutes and lasts up to 3 hours.

The injection is recommended in the upper outer part of the buttock or shoulder, in the lower third of the thigh. The manipulation is performed only by medical personnel under the control of blood pressure.

Is there a risk of side effects and overdose?

Parenteral administration of drugs is always accompanied by the likelihood of side effects. Possible undesirable consequences of using the established combination of Dibazol with Papaverine:

  • drowsiness, weakness, severe headache, dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness (orthostatic collapse);
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure with a disorder of perfusion (blood supply) of internal organs occurs in case of an overdose. Symptoms: rapid breathing, blurred vision, weakness, dry mouth, tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions - redness, swelling, itchy rash at the injection site;
  • arrhythmias - tachycardia, atrioventricular block, extrasystole, ventricular flutter.

The occurrence of side effects is most often associated with a violation of the proportion of drugs, use in a dose higher than the maximum single dose, in the case of rapid intravenous administration.

Violations of the technique of intramuscular injection are accompanied by the risk of developing purulent complications - an abscess or phlegmon of the site.


Myotropic antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverin, Dibazol) are not the drugs of choice for the relief of hypertensive crisis. Treatment of an episode of high blood pressure without signs of complications from other organs and systems is the main indication for the combination. The widespread use of papaverine with Dibazol is due to the rapid response and high efficiency. The risk of developing undesirable consequences requires manipulation only by medical personnel, taking into account the patient's condition, the presence of contraindications under the control of the pressure level.