
A noise appeared in the heart: why and what to do

The word "noise" means something that is disturbing and unnecessary. And there is. Normally, in a healthy person with a heartbeat, only two tones are heard, and additional sound phenomena often indicate a disease. They are called heart murmurs.

The main diagnostic method in this case is auscultation. It is she who determines the further plan of examination and treatment. Using this method, the doctor detects the phase of contraction of the heart muscle, in which the noise is heard, its strength, the shape and place of the best listening, the connection with breathing and stress. The importance of such a technique is especially great when it is not possible to use other measures for detailing complaints. Then the diagnosis is made only on the basis of auscultation data.

Noise classification and main causes

  1. Functional - appear with anemia, high fever, pregnancy, thyroid diseases.
  2. Accidental (harmless).
  3. Organic - the consequences of anatomical changes in valves and septa.

By the nature of localization:

  • intracardiac;
  • extracardiac;
  • vascular.

Organic are divided into:

  • pleurocardiac - due to adhesions between the pericardium and pleura;
  • pericardial friction noise - Observe for pericardial effusion and dry pericarditis.


  • cardiopulmonary ("Systolic breathing") - occurs when, during systole, areas of the lung tissue that were previously compressed by the heart muscle are straightened;
  • chordal;
  • muscle;
  • valve.

In relation to the phase of the cardiac cycle:

  • systolic (often found in myocardial infarction, mitral valve insufficiency);
  • diastolic (with rheumatism).

Intensity (assessed on a six-point scale):

  • 1/6: listen with maximum concentration of attention;
  • 2/6: the noise is low, but sonorous enough to be caught immediately;
  • 3/6: loud and audible;
  • 4/6: loud and accompanied by trembling on palpation;
  • 5/6: heard when the edge of the phonendoscope is applied;
  • 6/6: auscultated when the phonendoscope membrane is only approaching the auscultation site.

What examinations to do

A therapist, having heard a heart murmur in an adult, preliminarily assumes a diagnosis, but always sends such a patient for consultation with a cardiologist. After the examination, depending on each specific case and the features heard during auscultation, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic methods to verify the diagnosis. Among them, a cardiogram is required, since this examination is carried out for all patients with cardiac pathology, and the "gold standard" in monitoring is an ultrasound of the heart.

Also appoint:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • rheumatological tests;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • phonocardiography;
  • X-ray OGK;
  • cardiac catheterization.


Having received the results of additional examination methods, the doctor conducts differential diagnostics and prescribes treatment. First of all, the elimination of the condition that led to the appearance of sound defects is performed, since the causes of heart murmurs in an adult are very diverse. So, with anemia, iron supplements are prescribed. As the level of hemoglobin recovers, the strength of the noise also decreases.

In case of endocrine system disorders, an endocrinologist's consultation is needed. By correcting the condition and prescribing drug therapy, surgical intervention (as in the case of the definition of pheochromacytoma), the noise caused by the diagnosed pathology is eliminated.

During pregnancy, unless, of course, it is accompanied by complications, the murmurs disappear immediately after childbirth.

There is also the option of determining the systolic murmur for minor anomalies of the heart muscle. Since they do not manifest clinically and do not interfere with the patient's life, treatment in such cases is not prescribed. This category of patients requires consultation with a cardiologist and ultrasound of the heart at least once a year. When dealing with organic damage to an organ, delay in starting therapy is unacceptable.

Drugs prescribed for the treatment of patients with abnormalities on auscultation:

  1. Anticoagulants. The mechanism of action is aimed at reducing blood viscosity and preventing the formation of blood clots ("Dikumarin", "Warfarin", "Heparin").
  2. Diuretic medicines remove fluid from the body, reduce swelling and stress on the heart ("Furosemide", "Veroshpiron", "Hydrochlorothiazide").
  3. Beta blockers reduce the number of heart contractions ("Anaprilin", "Bisoprolol").
  4. Statins reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, which improves its circulation through the vessels ("Atorvastatin", "Lovastatin").

Surgical options:

  1. Balloon valvuloplasty. The essence of the operation is to restore the normal valve diameter. A catheter with a small balloon is inserted into the heart through an access in the femoral artery. Its position is regulated by an X-ray machine. After reaching the problem area, the doctor inflates the balloon and the valve expands. The system is then deflated and the catheter removed. The success of the operation is monitored using fluoroscopic equipment.
  2. Annuloplasty. Intervention is referred to as valve-sparing. Its purpose is to create additional support for the fibrous valve ring using special implantable elements.
  3. Commissurotomy. Surgical manipulation, which consists in separating the adhesions of the valve. Indication for conducting - valve stenosis.
  4. Valve replacement. This operation is advisable when the surgeon cannot repair the damaged valve with more gentle methods. During the intervention, the worn valve is replaced with a mechanical or biological implant.


Heart murmurs always cause concern and apprehension in the doctor. With the help of detection, a serious illness is diagnosed in a timely manner. Then treatment is prescribed. Sometimes these same noises are due to functional changes, as a result of which you just need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and follow these rules:

  • monitor cholesterol levels;
  • control the amount of iron in the blood;
  • adhere to the principles of good nutrition;
  • perform regular exercise (if there are no contraindications).