
Pain in the heart from experiences and stress on nerves

When a patient's heart hurts from nerves, the doctor should suspect cardioneurosis. This syndrome is a combination of problems of the autonomic, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. A feature is a connection with strong anxiety while excluding other visible causes, in particular, diseases of an organic nature.

Why does my heart ache after excitement?

Psychoemotional disorder of any origin (failure at work, loss of loved ones or watching an exciting movie) is a significant burden on the body.

As a result of exposure to a stress factor, the brain sends a signal to the peripheral organs of the sympathoadrenal system - the adrenal glands. Their medulla releases adrenaline and norepinephrine into the bloodstream. Due to the hormonal surge, a number of changes occur:

  • vasoconstriction (narrowing of peripheral vessels), including coronary;
  • centralization of blood flow to vital organs (brain, heart, lungs);
  • excitation of special receptors in the heart, blood vessels, bronchioles and adipose tissue.

Such pathophysiological changes lead to increased blood pressure, tachycardia (heart palpitations), rapid breathing, pallor of the skin.

Pains appear with irradiation, shortness of breath, tremors, dizziness, up to loss of consciousness.

The breakdown of adipose tissue leads to an increase in heat production. The body tries to maintain a normal body temperature by giving off heat, so excessive sweating occurs.

Myocardial oxygen demand increases, but due to spasm of the coronary arteries (those that supply the heart with blood), not enough blood is supplied during diastole. Thus, the demand exceeds the possibilities, which provokes ischemia. Against this background, chest pain occurs with symptoms of angina pectoris.

What not to confuse

Neurosis is a common cause of heart pain, but not the only one. Many factors provoke this symptom:

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, adolescence. When estrogen levels change, the pain is stabbing, aching, bursting, pressing, or cutting.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Harmful production.
  • Sexual dysfunctions.
  • Increased activity of the thyroid gland (various heart pains, rapid heartbeat, irritability, the patient's hands are trembling).
  • Smoking because nicotine constricts blood vessels. Coffee has the same effect, so those who like to drink several cups of strong espresso should consider the consequences.
  • Climate change leads to vasospasm, which is manifested by chest pain, increased pressure, and dizziness.
  • Alcohol intake activates the sympathoadrenal system, increases heart rate and oxygen deprivation of the myocardium.
  • Spine pathology. Extracardiac causes of pain are pinching of the nerve root, the formation of hernias and trauma at the level of the cervical and thoracic regions.
  • Diseases of the breast are accompanied by aching chest pain.
  • Violations of the diaphragm, esophagus, bronchi and mediastinal organs cause pain in the region of the heart, not associated with stress.
  • Mitral valve prolapse is the cause of autonomic seizures.
  • Arterial hypertension with the development of a crisis is accompanied by the flickering of flies or a veil in front of the eyes, a headache. The person is very sick.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia (also referred to as neurocirculatory) has more than 100 symptoms, including asthenia, insomnia, anxiety, cardialgia, feeling short of breath, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system disorders.

Clinical manifestations alone are not enough to make a definitive diagnosis and clarify the true causes of heart pain. In this case, the survey, examination and necessary examinations are carefully carried out.

What to do

If the heart hurts after stress, it is necessary to exclude death-threatening conditions (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris). Whatever the cause of cardialgia, you should immediately stop physical activity, lie down, calm down, and provide an adequate supply of fresh air. The next step is taking "Nitroglycerin" under the tongue. When the heart hurts from experiences, nitro drugs will not give the desired effect. A quick result can be achieved by taking drops "Barboval", "Valocordin" or analog tablets: "Corvalment", "Corvaltab", "Validol" and others.

For the treatment of neurosis, traditional medicine offers a large number of herbal preparations, which are brewed in the form of tea. People often use herbal sedatives (extract of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort) in other dosage forms. But traditional (scientific) methods say about the need to consult a psychotherapist. Sometimes a nervous breakdown so lowers the quality of life and is so difficult to correct that you need to take antidepressants.

Panic attacks often occur at night. At such moments, the fear of death dominates in a person, it becomes difficult for him to breathe, and the body becomes covered with cold sweat. You can stop an attack with phenobarbital drugs (Corvalol and its analogues).

Understanding the "insides" of the problem is the key to treatment. A person needs to realize that there is no external harm factor, and the source of discomfort is the fruit of the work of his own brain. It is necessary to calm down and learn to control yourself, and, as international recommendations correctly note, it is difficult to do this without the help of a specialist. Regular observation by a psychotherapist, then by a psychologist allows the patient to understand their problems and be able to reflect on them, which prevents neurotic outbursts.

An important point in the management of chronic stress is lifestyle modification. Anyone who has a heartache from excitement is advised to adhere to the daily regimen, get enough sleep, and eat in a balanced way. A change of scenery helps a lot - travel, rest. If the work is a constant provocateur of emotions, it is worth thinking about changes.

How to reduce the number of seizures

If your heart often hurts from worries, first of all go cardiological check-up... This is a set of examinations that will allow you to exclude cardiovascular pathologies. Once you are convinced of satisfactory organ function, you can start looking for a psychotherapist.

But what if the emotional problem is clear? Experts advise to start leading an active and interesting daily life. Try to do what brings positive emotions, not forgetting about rest and good nutrition. It is useful to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts. It is necessary to replace sunflower oil with olive oil, exclude chips, soda and smoked meats.

It is recommended to increase the body's resistance by hardening. Patients whose heart hurts from excitement can take a contrast shower, pour cold water over them, and take walrus. Thus, resistance to stress hormones is developed and the reaction to what is happening around becomes calmer.

Sedentary behavior is worth fighting with daily walking, swimming, jogging, fitness, yoga, cycling and rollerblading. These activities will relieve not only anxiety, but also excess weight.

Spa centers also offer a wide range of relaxation treatments. Aromatherapy and massage are effective.


If your heart hurts from nerves, calm down, no matter how trite it may sound. This is helped by an active lifestyle, communication with interesting people, spa treatments, sports, balanced nutrition.Pharmacological drugs are used when absolutely necessary.

Learn to control your emotions and develop. Stress management is a modern science. Having mastered it (with the help of the necessary literature or a psychologist), you will get rid of one of the main causes of heart pain.