
Arrhythmia treatment with folk remedies

Increasingly, people are faced with impaired cardiac functionality. This is especially true for children born with heart defects and adults over 50 years of age. Many of them look for information on forums and ask completely incompetent people to advise them on treatment. But the discrepancy between the form of arrhythmia and therapy will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, each person should know what a heart arrhythmia is, about the reasons for its occurrence, as well as how to treat pathology with folk remedies.

Description of pathology

Arrhythmia of the heart is a failure in cardiac functionality, manifested in the form of changes in the frequency, rhythm and sequence of heart contractions. She occurs due to metabolic, vegetative, endocrine diseases, as well as disturbances in the functionality of the heart itself. If treatment is refused, serious complications may occur that worsen the general well-being of a person, up to a lethal outcome, so you should not expect that heart failure spontaneously disappear.

If such violations appear, you must immediately contact a cardiologist. Advice from friends, acquaintances or online consultants in this case will be useless or ineffective. If you refuse treatment due to the trust of the above persons, it is possible that there will be improvements on the part of well-being, but this will not reduce the risk of complications, because the best way to eliminate the disease is to get rid of its source. This factor, like the form of arrhythmia, is revealed with the help of a thorough instrumental study.

Cardiac arrhythmia is divided into the following types (forms):

  • Bradycardia - a decrease in the frequency of heart contractions. With arrhythmias in this form, the pulse is recorded, with a frequency of less than 60 beats per minute.
  • Tachycardia is the opposite of bradycardia. In this case, the human pulse exceeds 90 beats.
  • Heart block - the most serious condition with arrhythmia. The pulse of a person is weakly felt, or not felt at all.
  • Extrasystole characterized by the appearance of extraordinary heart contractions, as well as an increase in their number.
  • Atrial fibrillation is an equally dangerous type of disease. The patient feels a heart "flutter" and an uneven heart rate.

These factors can lead to cardiac arrest, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and determine the causes, treatment with folk remedies and the type of arrhythmia.

Causes of arrhythmias in women

The causes of cardiac arrhythmias in women are directly related to age-related changes in the body, stress, increased emotionality. Consequently, the older the woman, the more the risk of acquiring arrhythmia increases. Also, women can suffer from this ailment due to changes in hormonal levels. Most often this is observed during pregnancy and during the period of restructuring of the body (during menopause). A heart rhythm disorder occurs due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, forcing the heart to contract twice as fast.

The progressiveness of arrhythmia in women is due to the emotional response to the disease.

Causes of pathology in men

Men are twice as likely to be affected by the disease, because they are more prone to bad habits.

Arrhythmia in men occurs when:

  • Overeating.
  • With excessive body mass.
  • Malnutrition, especially if the man likes frequent snacks.
  • Alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking.
  • A sharp transition from active to passive life.

Men are more likely to experience an arrhythmia attack at night. This factor requires a more careful attitude to one's own health, because an unexpected night attack can end in fatal consequences.

Signs of arrhythmia in women

Signs of cardiac arrhythmias in women can be very diverse. This is due to the reasons leading the heart to malfunctioning. The individual characteristics of the organism are taken into account, therefore, in some cases, the symptoms of patients can be different, weak or strongly pronounced. At the moment, it is known that the female body is more sensitive to arrhythmia than the male.

Most often, the following symptoms of cardiac arrhythmias in women are recorded:

  • Aching pains in the chest space.
  • Regular dizziness and pain.
  • Violation of the heart rhythm and frequency of its contractions.
  • "Trembling" and discomfort in the region of the heart, right-sided heaviness under the rib.
  • Swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Fainting.
  • Depression, phobias, mood swings.

These symptoms of cardiac arrhythmias in women are most often recorded at the age of 50-55 years. If such deviations appear, it is recommended to urgently consult a specialist and choose an effective therapy. Timely referral to a cardiologist is the key to successful restoration of heart functionality.

Symptoms of pathology in men

The main signs of cardiac arrhythmia in men are fading or excessive flutter of the heart. For the most part, the symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia in men are the same. with female signs of illness. But they are less painful, as a result of which complications can be provoked and a period can be missed to completely cure the disease.

Men are advised to take a more responsible attitude to their health and not neglect preventive examinations by a cardiologist. If you feel any abnormalities, immediately contact a specialist and follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor exactly.

Arrhythmia treatment with alternative methods

When the doctor diagnosed "arrhythmia", treatment with folk remedies (in addition to medicines) will be highly effective. Alternative recipes can be used as independent drugs (with minor failures), and additional (in severe heart rhythm disturbances, alternative treatment should be combined with medication).

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to select folk remedies, starting from the form of the disease:

Atrial fibrillation is treated as follows: you need to prepare a decoction of viburnum, pouring a glass of hot water over its berries, and then boil them for 10 minutes. over low heat. The use of the cooled infusion must be performed in a strained form. The finished broth should be drunk 12 hours in advance.

Shows high efficiency against atrial fibrillation infusion of motherwort, hawthorn and rose hips. You will need to place the fruits of these plants in a thermos (1 tablespoon each) and pour a liter of boiling water, and then insist for 12 hours. The drug should be filtered on the eve of use, and then drink 50 ml three times a day (on the eve of a meal).

For the treatment of extrasystolic arrhythmia, it is recommended: 1 teaspoon of blue cornflower pour boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. After this period, it is required to thoroughly filter the finished tincture and drink every day (1/4 cup each) half an hour before meals.

The rest of the recipes eliminate the cause of the disease, its symptoms, and the treatment becomes less protracted. It is very important to consult with a specialist, because some plants are not suitable for certain types of arrhythmia. In case of an atypical reaction of the body to the use of any prepared agent, you need to stop taking it and contact a cardiologist.

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated valerian root should be boiled for 5 minutes. and cool. The ready-made broth should be consumed in 1 day (5 receptions).
  • This broth should replace the use of tea. To prepare the infusion, you will need to pour boiling water over the mint leaves and wait a few minutes. Drinking mint with a lemon wedge is recommended.
  • Grate a lemon (200 gr.) And add to the resulting mass 10 apricots (ground), 200 gr. honey. The finished mass should be eaten in 1 teaspoon 3 r. per day (on the eve of food intake).
  • 1 tbsp.boil a spoonful of lemon balm in 400 ml. liquids for 2-3 hours. Then filter the resulting tincture and take half a glass, 3 r. in a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
  • For every 5 gr. hawthorn fruit will require 1 tbsp. purified water. Pour over the fruits and boil them for 10 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to remove the berries from the broth and cool. Drink the infusion every day (half a glass).
  • 10 gr. pour 100 ml of freshly harvested hawthorn fruits. l. alcohol. Place the infusion in a dark, cool room for 10 days and wait until it is ready. For the treatment of arrhythmias, you need to drink the ready-made tincture daily, 10 drops (before meals).
  • Place 4 finely chopped garlic heads and freshly squeezed juice of 4 lemons in a 3 liter bottle, and then fill the jar with 2 liters of purified drinking water. Cover the container with gauze and place in the refrigerator for several days. The purified infusion should be drunk in a heated form, 50 ml each. (Once a day).
  • Buy propolis and hawthorn tincture at the pharmacy, combine them in equal proportions. The resulting medicine (20 drops) must be diluted in 1 tbsp. water and take, no more than 3 times a day.
  • Chop a small onion with a meat grinder, and then mix with a freshly grated apple. The resulting mass must be eaten in 1 day (2 doses). The duration of treatment with this method is 1 month.
  • Peel the lemon and cut the bark into small pieces, then stir in the same amount of honey. Consume 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • Make a herbal collection: lemon balm (7 g.), Rose petals (3 g.), Agrimony and St. John's wort (13 g. Each), fruits and leaves of hawthorn (35 g.). Pour the resulting mixture with hot water, a volume of 100 ml., Let it brew in a thermos for about 2 hours. Take a ready-made infusion of 1/2 cup after eating.
  • You need: lemon, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts (200 g each) and honey (5 tsp). Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix him with honey. The rest of the ingredients must be chopped, added to the lemon-honey mass and mixed thoroughly. It takes 1 p to use this remedy. per day (on an empty stomach) 2 tbsp. spoons., for 30 days.
  • Mix radish juice with honey in equal proportions, take 1 tbsp. spoon, three times a day.
  • Mix yarrow, anise, grated valerian root and motherwort. Put in a container 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the finished collection, pouring boiling water. Then infuse the broth for 60 minutes, drain and drink 1/3 cup (three times a day).
  • 1 tbsp. Pour 400 ml of horsetail into a spoon. hot water and leave to infuse for 3 hours. After cooling, the infusion is required to drain and drink 0.5 cups.

Exercises for prevention

The essence of arrhythmia exercises is to train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which are closely related to each other. When performing aerobic gymnastics, it is important to follow the movement and breathing pattern exactly. It is recommended to perform it alternating the starting position.

From a standing position.

  • Raise the upper limbs up and lock the fingers into the lock. Pull the toe of the right leg back and bend (inhaling). Returning the leg to its original position and while leveling the torso, you need to exhale.
  • Raise your arms according to the above principle, pull the toe of your right leg to the right, tilt your torso there (inhaling). Returning to the starting position - exhale.
  • Cross your arms over your chest and throw them back (exhaling). Inhale, returning your hands to your chest.
  • Put your hands on your belt and perform circular movements with your torso.
  • Spread your arms in different directions (inhale), and leaning forward and touching your knees, exhale.
  • Squat, putting the upper limbs forward (exhaling), and inhale, returning to the starting position.
  • Walk in circles on your toes, raising your knee as high as possible.

From a supine position.

  • Inhaling, raise your arms up, and exhaling, spread them apart.
  • Bend the lower limbs, and, exhaling, raise them to the chest. Then you should straighten your legs (inhaling).
  • Train the abs without arms. Rising - exhale, and lying on your back - inhale the air through your nose.

For anaerobic exercise to be highly effective, you need to give them at least half an hour daily. Each movement should be performed at least 5 times. The frequency of strokes of each leg separately must be at least 10 times in total. In this case, it is required to increase the number of bends, swinging arms and legs by 1 time every day.

Arrhythmia refers to a number of serious diseases that, if not treated promptly, can negatively affect the patient's health. In some cases, traditional recipes will have the same effect as pharmacological drugs, so sometimes they are prescribed by a doctor instead of drugs. People who have not yet encountered this disease are advised not to treat arrhythmia, but to prevent it. You will need to drink tinctures according to the recipes described above and perform exercises that help train the muscle tissue of the heart. Thus, it is possible to prevent not only arrhythmias, but also other diseases of the cardiovascular and other systems.