
Monastic tea for hypertension

Nobody wants to take medicines for hypertension for life. Therefore, many took with interest the news about the miracle cure, which is widely advertised on the Internet and not only. "Monastic tea" from hypertension should, according to distributors, cure the insidious disease completely, and not only at its early stage, but even at the most severe - the third. Why is this drink so good, do the odes in his honor have real grounds for themselves?


"Monastic tea" is a herbal tea, allegedly made according to old recipes passed down by monks from generation to generation. The place where this tea was made for centuries, and continues to do this to this day, is the St. Elisabeth Monastery. It is located on the territory of Belarus.

The special secret of this tea is that it is collected and harvested on the holy land from environmentally friendly raw materials, and the components are selected taking into account ancient knowledge and traditions that have long been used for medicinal purposes.

Herbs are dried in a certain way and stored under special conditions. Then they are mixed in proportions corresponding to ancient recipes and packaged, waiting for their buyer. A considerable share of the success of the monastery herbal medicine belongs to the prayers that are recited at all stages of making miracle tea. Often it is the last argument that becomes decisive when buying advertised products.

Indeed, the monks have always been famous for their medical knowledge, they were close to nature and carefully studied all the plants growing around them, their healing properties. Experience has been accumulating over the centuries, traditions have been preserved and improved. Modern medicine has a lot to learn from ancient healers who really understood many diseases and methods of their treatment.

Many plants actually have powerful medicinal properties, and with proper use they can effectively treat a variety of diseases. Medicinal herbs often become the main components in the manufacture of modern medicines. Correctly collected and prepared according to technologies that do not violate their healing properties, stored in special conditions, herbal preparations are an excellent help in complex therapy for hypertension.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: monastery tea, made according to all the rules by real monks in the monastery, really should have a strong therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the fight against hypertension. But this is provided that the purchased product is not a fake. To insure yourself against such a purchase, you need to apply for a miracle drink right at the address, directly to the famous St. Elisabeth Convent itself.

But even the most real monastery tea is just a help, that is, a good, highly effective, but still an addition to the main treatment. Do not think that he will be able to completely cure such a serious illness, especially in the third stage of development.

Tea will significantly improve the patient's condition, enhance the effect of drug therapy, and may even reduce the dose of their use.

Perhaps the drink will allow hypertensive patients to completely abandon some additional medications. And if, at an early stage of the onset of pathology, a person begins to regularly take herbal infusion and adjust his lifestyle, there is a chance for a complete recovery without any pills.

Another question: if it will be possible to give up drugs altogether, will it really be possible to maintain the achieved effect for the rest of his life, or will he have to drink such tea constantly, instead of pills, for this? Of course, drinking it is much more pleasant, but does everyone have enough money to regularly purchase a drink that is not so cheap?


"Monastic tea" for hypertension, which is offered on Internet sites, was unlikely to have been made according to the old recipe of monks-doctors. Such tea can be made entirely from other ingredients, which are good if they are not harmful to health. Often, tea bags have only one name, no instructions, and even more so the composition is not indicated on it. The usefulness of such a collection is highly questionable. If it is not possible to conduct a special examination for the analysis of the plants contained in the package, is it worth risking your health and the health of your loved ones? Whether or not to buy this product is up to everyone to decide for himself.

There is no guarantee that the purchased tea is real, even if all the ingredients are indicated on it and there is a guide for use. The name "Monastyrsky" can be assigned to any herbal collection, which are sold in pharmacies in a large assortment for a symbolic price.

Is it possible to say goodbye to hypertension by drinking medicinal tea? It can have a tonic and some hypotensive effect, in the case of the actual presence of the declared components in it. Drinking it is healthy, like any other herbal drink.

The composition of the tea offered under the Monastyrsky brand varies depending on the purpose. There are many different types of it: for diabetics, for the treatment of vision and prostatitis, even for weight loss and against alcoholism. Teas from different manufacturers also differ in ingredients.

Here is an example of the components of one of them:

  • Oregano - has a sedative effect, has an effective effect on the nervous system, helps to normalize sleep and fights neuroses of various etiologies. Active ingredients contained in the herb: essential oils, vitamin C, tanning compounds.
  • Blackcurrant - This berry is a rich source of ascorbic acid, it also contains anthocyanins, phytoncides, antioxidants. The benefits of black currant leave no doubt, it is a real pantry of elements necessary for human health, including potassium and magnesium. These minerals improve metabolism, normalize blood flow, dilate the walls of blood vessels, and strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Rosehip fruits - make small vessels less permeable and fragile, eliminate cholesterol plaques, cleanse the body of toxic elements, and protect against free radicals. All this is due to the presence of substances such as flavonoids, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid.
  • St. John's wort is a plant that cannot be taken in large quantities under high pressure. Therefore, it is so important to observe the exact dosage when drawing up the collection. St. John's wort will stimulate the active work of the heart. The positive effect is possible thanks to saponins, coumarins, essential oils, ascorbic acid, hyperins.
  • Meadowsweet or meadowsweet grass is a good remedy for vasodilation. In addition, the components that make up the plant have soothing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant properties. Active ingredients: essential oils, salicylic acid, vitamin C, glycosides, phenolic compounds.
  • Pharmacy chamomile is a well-known and very useful herb. In the treatment of hypertension, its properties are used to influence the permeability of blood vessels, to make their walls less brittle. Chamomile also prevents blood clots, promotes active hematopoiesis, and acts as a stimulant for the heart muscle. The healing properties are due to flavonoids, essential oils, glycosides, as well as chamazulene and acids (nonyl, caprylic, isovaleric).
  • Eucalyptus perfectly eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, and disinfects.It is a natural antioxidant that prevents the buildup of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Thus, the risk of crises in hypertension is reduced, the risk of heart disorders is prevented.

As can be seen from the composition, this collection will have a very good effect on the state of blood pressure and, of course, is suitable for hypertensive patients.

And here is an example of another medicinal collection produced under the name "Monastery tea". Its producers also refer to St Elisabeth Convent. Compound:

  • rosehip berries;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • all the same oregano;
  • hawthorn fruit;
  • motherwort;
  • black tea leaf;
  • elecampane grass;
  • chokeberry.

Another collection of tea from the monastery includes herbs:

  • dryweed;
  • sweet clover;
  • motherwort;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • nettle;
  • chokeberry;
  • wormwood;
  • mistletoe;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile.

Also here you can find birch buds, Icelandic moss, immortelle inflorescences. Such a composition of "Monastic tea" for hypertension is produced on the territory of Belarus. What is the benefit of a collection based on ancient monastic recipes for hypertension?

  1. Will bring the pressure back to normal.
  2. Prevents the development of a hypertensive crisis or stroke.
  3. Relieve headache.
  4. Strengthens the vascular system, gives the walls of blood vessels flexibility.
  5. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Calms the nervous system.
  7. It will help eliminate inflammation.
  8. Normalizes metabolism.

Additional "bonuses" of the "Monastic tea" treatment: improvement of digestive processes, strengthening of immunity.


Making tea is easy. The herbal tea is brewed just like any other tea. A teaspoon of the mixture is poured with boiling water in the volume of one glass and insisted from several minutes (3 - 15) to several hours (in a thermos).

Another option can be suggested: cooking with a water bath. Experts say that this way plants retain more nutrients. Pour the required amount of herbs into a glass jar and add the required volume of warm boiled water. Put all this in a saucepan, where water is already boiling. After that, it should take from 10 to 15 minutes. Strain the finished drink and use it warm. You need to drink a healing drink at least twice a day, if you wish, you can do more. The advertisers claim that the excess of the dose does not threaten the body. They drink "Monastery tea" both on an empty stomach and on a full stomach. You can drink it with food or use it instead of any other liquid to quench your thirst.

In addition, tea is well combined with medicines used in the treatment of hypertension.

The effect begins to be felt after at least a month. Judging by some reviews, hypertensive patients felt the effect of the drink after a few days.

How long the treatment of hypertension with tea will take depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the degree of development of the disease. If, nevertheless, it was decided to treat hypertension with "Monastic tea", you need to carefully study the composition and consult a doctor, you should beware of fakes. It must be understood that even a high-quality product containing 14 components at the same time can conceal a latent danger.

There is such a thing as polypharmacy - unreasonable intake of numerous drugs at the same time. Combining with each other, the components can change their properties and unpredictably affect the human body. If at the same time the patient has, in addition to hypertension, a whole "bouquet" of diseases, and he also has an intolerance to at least one of the components of the collection, then the consequences of such "treatment" may be the most unexpected.