
What if the upper pressure is high and the lower pressure is low?

Today many people suffer from hypertension, and there are frequent cases when the upper pressure is high and the lower one is low. Not everyone knows what to take in this case. Violations of this kind are quite common in medical practice. They are found mainly in older people, but they can also be diagnosed in young people.

Systolic and diastolic values ​​are blood pressure indicators. The first determines its degree of impact on the arterial walls in the process of heart contraction. Diastolic is an indicator of pressure between heartbeats. The values ​​of these data allow you to understand whether the heart is working normally.

Systolic hypertension is a disease in which it is very dangerous to self-medicate. It affects not only the work of the heart, but also the state of blood vessels, kidneys and other organs. That is why it is important to be very careful when choosing medications.

The main goal of treatment is to ensure that only the upper pressure is gradually reduced. In this case, therapy can consist of drugs of various pharmacokinetic groups.

  1. Beta blockers. Recommended for patients who have had a heart attack. They normalize blood pressure. Beta-blockers are contraindicated for diabetics, with diseases of the respiratory system.
  2. Diuretics The action of this group of drugs is aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They differ in a limited list of contraindications, so even diabetic patients can take them. Diuretics are rarely associated with side effects, but they prevent heart attacks or strokes.
  3. Calcium ion antagonists. This group of agents is indicated for patients with hypotension with impaired functioning of the respiratory system. These drugs can also be prescribed for diabetics.
  4. ACF inhibitors. They are used in situations where the upper pressure is high and the lower pressure is low. Such medications have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help restore brain function.

Why the upper pressure jumps, and what is right for you, your doctor will tell you. In order to detect the problem in time, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. This will reduce the high pressure readings and prevent the lower pressure from dropping even further.

In addition to medication, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Most often, high lower and upper pressure is a companion of overweight people.

When diagnosing hypertension, first of all, it is necessary:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • eliminate bad habits - smoking and alcohol affect blood vessels and pressure indicators;
  • remove fried, spicy and salty foods from the diet.

Light exercise and walks in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. It is important to measure the pressure periodically. Daily monitoring will allow you to stop the development of the disease in time and protect you from possible complications.

List of drugs

With systolic hypertension, drugs should be selected based on the following recommendations:

  • The funds are chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the state of health.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases is taken into account.
  • Preference should be given to those drugs that do not need to be taken more than once a day.
  • It is better to choose medicines with a minimum list of side effects.
  • It is necessary to start taking the medicine with a minimum dosage in order to ensure an easy and quick adaptation of the body to it.


The drug lowers blood pressure and is a diuretic. It belongs to the group of diuretics. Its reception promotes the excretion of fluids and salts from the body. Thus, blood pressure decreases and swelling decreases.

The drug is recommended to be prescribed in combination with other agents containing potassium and magnesium, in order to avoid their deficiency in the body. Hydrochlorothiazide is recommended for older people who are at risk of developing osteoporosis. When taking it, it is undesirable to strongly limit the consumption of kitchen salt.


Recommended for hypertensive patients and people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In cardiology, "Nifedipine" is considered one of the best remedies for the treatment of hypertension, coronary artery disease and angina pectoris. It is a calcium antagonist and is a derivative of dihydropyridine.


This drug is the most effective among the drugs for hypertension. It belongs to the group of new generation calcium antagonists. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it has a very small list of contraindications. Therefore, this remedy can be prescribed to almost all hypertensive patients.

One tablet a day is enough to stabilize the pressure. The absence of restrictions on the time of admission deserves special attention. You can take a pill before a meal, or after a meal. Amlodipine reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. This fact has been proven by the research of international laboratories.


Betaxolol belongs to beta-blockers, which are widely used for hypertension, heart failure, cardiac ischemia, arrhythmias and angina pectoris. The presented drug has a small list of side effects, which makes it one of the most popular. The medicine must be taken once a day, while this dosage is sufficient to normalize blood pressure for the whole day.

There are no restrictions and special rules for admission. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by international research.


"Enalapril" is an ACE inhibitor that has a long-term effect. Recommended for the treatment of heart failure and hypertension. To normalize pressure, one tablet per day is enough. With heart failure, the number of doses may increase. The dosage, duration and effectiveness of the drug should be strictly controlled by the doctor to avoid the development of hypotension and hyperkalemia.


This agent is an ACE inhibitor. It is possible to take these pills on their own or in combination with other drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure. Captopril can be combined with a diuretic or beta-blocker.

Long-term use of such a drug can reduce the hypertrophy of the heart ventricle, as well as stop the development of heart failure. Recommended for patients who have had myocardial infarction. Also "Captopril" protects the kidneys, reduces the level of protein excretion in the urine.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also has in its arsenal quite effective means for the treatment of hypertension. However, it is best to use them in combination with medical preparations.

For hypertension, tinctures of lemongrass, eleutherococcus and ginseng are advised. Decoctions of mulberry root, grapefruit, honey with nuts and strawberries are also effective.

In case of hypotension, when lower normal pressure is required, it is enough to drink a cup of black tea with lemon. It is not recommended to drink coffee, as this drink can provoke the occurrence of tachycardia.

Flax seeds also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure, normalizing it. They are taken three tablespoons each as an additive to salads, or in pure form.Flax seeds also normalize lipid metabolism and restore the digestive system. This plant well cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and prevents the development of the process of putrefaction in the intestines.

Garlic has proven itself well in the treatment of hypertension. With its help, it is possible to stabilize the pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots. This product does not affect the level of cholesterol in the body, but it is able to stop its oxidation from free radicals. Among the useful properties of garlic, its anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning effect should also be highlighted.

To normalize blood pressure, use the following remedy:

  • 2 cloves of garlic are chopped into thin slices;
  • then they are poured with a glass of water and insisted for about 12 hours;
  • take the remedy in the morning.

The duration of such treatment is 30 days. With regular consumption of garlic infusion, the pressure can drop by 8%, which confirms the high effectiveness of this remedy. Very often, jumps in blood pressure are a symptom of serious pathologies such as arteriosclerosis, a tumor in the brain, and inflammation of the kidneys. Therefore, in order to prevent dangerous consequences, you should seek medical help at the first warning signs.