
Effect of lemongrass on blood pressure

In search of new drugs that affect the level of blood pressure, people have always asked the question: does lemongrass increase or decrease blood pressure? In order to get a specific answer, you need to understand the properties of this plant.

All parts of the plant are useful in Schisandra. They can be used to prepare various forms of medicines, which is very convenient. This plant is considered a real source of nutrients, because in its composition it contains:

  • Various microelements and macronutrients, including many manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium and potassium.
  • A treasure trove of vitamins A, C, E, P and B1.
  • The substance pectin, which helps human digestion, and also helps to eliminate a large amount of toxins.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.
  • Acids of organic origin, among which the most are citric, grape and malic acids.
  • Antioxidant substances that protect the body from carcinogens and the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Essential and fatty oils.

Also, these substances can be found in the juice from the fruits of the plant. It is often extracted from lemongrass and stored after sterilization.

Of the useful substances of this plant, it is also worth highlighting ligans, which are used in medicine in severe cases. They help to strengthen the structures of the cell, especially its membrane.

This feature is used in the treatment of various hereditary diseases.

All parts of lemongrass retain their effect even after drying. But this process must be carried out under the right conditions and temperature, otherwise the loss of healing properties is possible.

For the manufacture of medicines, fruits, leaves, bark, root and stems of lemongrass are used. They help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. This is due to the large number of positive effects from the use of this plant. There are 6 main medicinal properties of lemongrass, including:

  1. Elimination of fatigue and feelings of heaviness. Lemongrass preparations help relieve stress, both physical and mental.
  2. Increases concentration, improves brain activity. Lemongrass tones nerve fibers, which is why the transmission of impulses is much faster.
  3. Improves vision. Lemongrass remedies also have a positive effect on the optic nerves.
  4. Decrease in blood sugar levels. Preparations from the bark of the plant are able to stimulate the elimination of glucose from the blood, which reduces its level. This effect is used in the treatment of both types of diabetes mellitus.
  5. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Schisandra reduces the risk of blood and vascular disease, and also relieves symptoms if present.
  6. Lemongrass increases blood pressure.

Also, do not forget that this plant is used to normalize sleep and treat insomnia. It should also be noted that lemongrass contains certain substances that promote active wound healing. All this makes one of the most important gifts of nature to man.

Effect of lemongrass on pressure

Nowadays, every second person on the planet has problems with pressure. Scientists are constantly looking for a solution to this problem. The lemongrass plant can help with this. Increases or decreases lemongrass pressure - this issue should be well understood.

Although it has many useful properties, its main ability is to increase the indicators of a person's blood pressure.

It goes like this:

  • First, lemongrass-based preparations help cleanse the blood vessels, especially their inner walls.
  • Then they constrict blood vessels and have an effect on strengthening their walls.
  • They make blood vessels more stable and elastic.

For the treatment of hypotension, you can use absolutely any part of the plant. Schisandra is especially good at raising blood pressure when using its berries as a therapy for hypertension.

This plant is characterized by a pronounced stimulating effect, since it increases blood pressure and the general tone of the body. In this regard, it has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use lemongrass preparations when:

  • increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • insomnia;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • age restriction.

Also, these drugs should not be taken by people who have vegetative dystonia. To identify restrictions and contraindications, you must consult a doctor.

Schisandra, like any other remedy, is not devoid of side effects. Excessive use of the drugs of this plant can provoke:

  • an increase in the number of heartbeats;
  • changes in heart rate;
  • the formation of headaches and dizziness;
  • an increase in pressure indicators above normal.

Although this plant is very useful, you should be careful in using it and not self-medicate, because this can lead to various complications and side effects.

Schisandra and hypertensive patients

Schizandra berries and leaves can be used as food. They will be most effective in the form of infusion and tincture. There are 2 main recipes that can fully unleash the action potential of lemongrass:

  1. Tincture from the fruits of the plant. Grind 20 g of berries well and pour in a quarter liter of cold water. Bring this mixture to a boil and continue boiling for another 15 minutes. Further, this solution should be infused for several hours. You need to take the tincture in 1 tbsp. spoon three times daily before meals.
  2. Infusion of fruits and leaves of the plant. You need to take one part of the fruit and one part of the leaves of lemongrass. They need to be poured with four parts of vodka. Next, you need to insist this mixture. Strain this solution thoroughly before use. Ready tincture should be taken only before meals, no more than fifty drops three times a day. The course needs to be taught for a month, then you need to take a break. If necessary, repeat the course.

Some people prefer lemongrass juice. To prepare it, you need a large number of berries of this plant. They grind and filter the juice. After that, it must be sterilized. It is advisable to use it with tea, in the calculation of one teaspoon per 250 ml.

Lemongrass tea also has a beneficial effect on human blood pressure. This drink is not only healthy, but also aromatic. To prepare it, you need to brew fresh or dried leaves of the plant at the rate of one teaspoon per 250 ml of water. It is recommended to often drink tea from fresh leaves with hypertension, because vitamins and active ingredients are still preserved in them.

People also brew tea from the stem of the plant. Cut the stem into many small pieces and add honey or jam to your taste.

There are other methods of making lemongrass tea. One of them is a recipe based on the bark and branches of the plant. To do this, grated bark and branches, you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and add honey or sugar to taste. This tea will be no less useful than the rest of the recipes, and simpler, because its preparation requires ingredients that are available all year round.

It cannot be said with certainty that these funds have any precise limitations. But they should not be consumed if the patient is over-excited, stressed, depressed, or panic attacks.You also need to consult with your doctor before taking them, because they cannot be taken if you have cardiovascular and kidney diseases. It is also strictly forbidden to use lemongrass during pregnancy and childhood.

Lemongrass is a very important remedy for low blood pressure and has many beneficial properties as well. Do not forget that it has some contraindications; before taking medications and remedies based on lemongrass, you must definitely consult a doctor.