
How does chocolate affect blood pressure?

Chocolate is one of the most popular sweet treats. But enjoying it is hindered by many myths about its harm to human health. In addition to excess weight and tooth decay, it is especially common to hear about its effect on blood pressure. So how does chocolate work, raise or lower blood pressure? Do hypertensive patients need to give it up? Scientists, based on research data, draw different conclusions.

Chocolate, in its properties and effect on the human body, differs from other sweets. Now we are talking about black, bitter chocolate. When consumed in moderation, it not only does not harm health, but also has a beneficial effect. Thanks to the unsaturated acids it contains, it lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Its regular consumption reduces the risk of heart disease, blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

There are other positive aspects:

  • Bitter chocolate does not spoil the figure by the appearance of excess weight (of course, if you do not eat it in kilograms). A few wedges of dark chocolate will not be deposited as fat. Carbohydrates will be quickly broken down and also quickly excreted from the body.
  • Cocoa, the main component of the product, has a strengthening effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, small quantities of chocolate and chocolates are not the cause of tooth decay. Subject to the rules of hygiene, when favorable conditions are not created for the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria, a small amount of chocolate will not lead to dental diseases.
  • The influence of chocolate on the general condition of the body is known: increased efficiency, attentiveness, improved mood.

How does chocolate affect a person's blood pressure?

At the end of the last century, American scientists discovered the polyphenols contained in cocoa beans in chocolate. These plant-based substances work in the human body as anti-aging protectors. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

A whole group of substances belongs to polyphenols. The most valuable polyphenol found in chocolate for human health is flavonoids. They work in the blood vessels to prevent blood clots from forming in them. Under their action, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. The occurring chemical interactions in the body do not allow substances that form atherosclerotic plaques to linger in the veins. The blood does not thicken, the heart easily pumps it through organs and tissues, and blood pressure is normalized.

The long held belief that chocolate increases blood pressure turned out to be erroneous, it was refuted by scientists and doctors. In addition to flavonoids, chocolate contains a huge amount of catechins - equally useful polyphenols that reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer. Earlier, tea was considered the leader in terms of the content of these substances. It turns out that the combination of these products is an extremely healthy treat.

Let's take a closer look at how the process of lowering blood pressure under the influence of dark chocolate polyphenols occurs:

  1. When flavonoids enter the body, they increase the production of nitric oxide, which acts on the cells of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. These cells secrete special substances that have the ability to reduce the pressure in the vessels.
  3. The process of production of this substance is accelerated if at the moment a person has high blood pressure.
  4. As a result, due to this, blood pressure is normalized.

Eating chocolate for hypertension

Having disputed the fact that chocolate increases blood pressure, you need to pay attention that we are talking only about dark chocolate. Neither milk nor white has such an effect on the body.

This is due to the lack of polyphenols in these types of chocolate. How to choose the right product in the store? On the packaging of chocolate, useful for hypertensive patients, there is a mark "bitter" or "cocoa 70%".

Its regular use (every day, with an interval of 2 days) in an amount of no more than 20 g, can reduce the pressure by 10 mm. mercury column. Hence, it follows that it is impossible to treat a hypertensive crisis with the help of chocolate, it is ineffective and dangerous. But if you want to answer the question of whether chocolate can be consumed with increased pressure, then the answer will be unequivocally positive. In the treatment of hypertension, dark chocolate may not be the main, but an auxiliary agent, which also improves mood and gives vigor.

The use of chocolate as a complementary therapy (or simply as a delicacy) should be accompanied by a sense of proportion. Excessive consumption of this product has several consequences:

  • The appearance of hypersensitivity to the components, the manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Overweight, obesity, and subsequently all related diseases.
  • Disruption of the pancreas due to an increase in blood sugar levels.

Based on this, it is possible to formulate the main rules for the use of chocolate so that it is beneficial. This also applies to people with hypertension and everyone else:

  1. Everything is good in moderation. Don't eat a whole tile at a time. Two slices will be enough to improve your well-being and not harm your health.
  2. Eat only a healthy, natural product rich in flavonoids. No other type of chocolate has the same effect as black. Scientists conducted research, arranged experiments to reveal this fact. Chocolate with various additives such as milk, cream, biscuits, etc. - this is just a sweet treat with a high content of sugar, fat, carbohydrates. Such a product cannot be called useful.
  3. Bitter chocolate is consumed not only in solid form. Prepare a drink, because this is how the Indians used cocoa beans in ancient times. To do this, melt a chocolate bar in a water bath, add chopped cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg. You can add a little milk or butter to liquid chocolate.

To the question, which primarily interests hypertensive patients, "does chocolate increase blood pressure?" it is safe to answer in the negative. Chocolate lowers blood pressure, this is a proven fact.

Not essential, but still lowers. Therefore, it can and should be used for hypertension. Of course, not instead of drugs, but as a pleasant addition to them.