
How does Aspirin affect hypertension?

When faced with arterial hypertension, a person has to take many medications, most of which are expensive. Many people know that ordinary "Aspirin" has many properties that can alleviate the condition of hypertensive patients, therefore they decide to replace the medications prescribed by the doctor with simple acetylsalicylic tablets. In order not to harm the body, you need to know for sure: "Aspirin" increases or decreases blood pressure, and can it be used with an increase in arterial parameters?

Aspirin is a non-steroidal and non-narcotic drug with various properties, including anti-inflammatory ones. The active ingredient of the tablets is acetylsalicylic acid. It is she who has a positive effect on the human body in difficult times.

In addition, Aspirin performs the following functions:

  • Pain relieves and inhibits inflammation, relieving fever.
  • Blocks the production of substances that provoke inflammation. Because of this, the inflammatory focus becomes insufficiently nourished, and it disappears.
  • It prevents platelets from sticking together, as a result of which the blood flows well through the vessels and does not form into blood clots.

In addition to all this, the tablets are quite cheap, therefore they are in demand.

They are used by many people not only for serious illnesses, but also for migraines, discomfort caused by menstruation and other ailments.

With intravascular disorders, people most often suffer from pain and need inexpensive antispasmodics, but first of all, you need to find out: "Aspirin" increases or decreases blood pressure, will it aggravate the current situation?

How "Aspirin" affects arterial parameters

The active ingredient of "Aspirin" is acetylsalicylic acid. It does not affect the state of blood vessels, therefore, it makes no sense to say that Aspirin lowers blood pressure. Also, it cannot be said that "Aspirin" increases intravascular indices, because after taking it, the blood becomes less frequent and better flows through the body. This medication is regularly used in cardiology to treat the cardiovascular system, but most often it is used with high blood pressure. It prevents the appearance of complications caused by hypertension, helps to stabilize the patient's condition after their manifestation.

Today, several drugs similar to Aspirin have been developed, and intended for hypertensive patients: Aspirin-Cardio and Cardiomagnil. The composition of these tablets contains the same acetylsalicylic acid, but in a lower dosage required to normalize blood flow in people with intravascular disorders.

Using these medicines at the initial stage of hypertension, they will prevent the development of stroke and myocardial infarction. However, at high pressure, they will not have the desired effect on arterial values.

It's another matter if a person suffers from intracranial tension. Then "Aspirin" reduces pressure, relieves pain in the occipital region and normalizes the patient's state of health.

Do you use "Aspirin" for hypertension

As mentioned earlier, the arterial index from the use of "Aspirin" does not change, but these pills are necessary for a person even during a hypertensive attack. Then they act on the body as follows:

  • Relieve head pain caused by vasoconstriction.
  • Normalizes body temperature.
  • Thinning the blood to bring about a stable blood flow inside the narrowed vessels.
  • Reduce the risk of blood clots leading to death.

It was the blood thinning that made Aspirin especially popular. The tablets affect the entire hematopoietic system and do not allow platelets to form into blood clots, as a result of which blood flow in the vessels of the head, arteries and veins is normalized.

After conducting numerous studies, doctors have proven that pills will not work on a healthy person, but completely on people with heart and vascular diseases. "Aspirin" with increased pressure will have a positive effect on the entire vascular system and facilitate the course of the disease, reducing the risk of instant death.

Instructions for the use of "Aspirin"

Having found out all the features of this drug, having figured out whether Aspirin lowers the pressure, whether additional antihypertensive therapy is required, you can start using it. In cardiology, it is used for the prevention or complex treatment of hypertensive attacks and complications: myocardial infarction, heart ischemia, stroke, hypertensive crisis. Also, due to the properties and availability of this medication, the risk of death of the patient is reduced.

To reduce pressure, "Aspirin" with increased pressure readings are taken as follows:

Hypertensive patients will need to drink Aspirin as first aid (during attacks). This will stabilize the patient's condition before the ambulance arrives, namely:

  • The medicine will dissolve the blood clots, preventing the risk of fatal consequences.
  • It will reduce blood clotting, so the resulting thrombus will not be able to enlarge and create an obstacle to intravascular blood flow.

Any hypertensive complication is accompanied by an increase in intravascular parameters, but acetylsalicylic acid affects the blood, and not the vessels. To alleviate the course of the disease and return the pressure to normal, the patient will need complex treatment that lowers arterial parameters. Suspecting a heart attack, a person needs to drink Aspirin (according to the instructions) according to the following scheme:

  • 1 tablet of "Aspirin" should be quickly chewed and swallowed.
  • Then you need to take 1 tablet of "Nitroglycerin". It is taken sublingually (placed under the tongue) and then absorbed. The dosage of this drug can be increased if it did not have the expected results, but the norm - 3 tablets must not be exceeded.

These measures are taken to maintain the body's functionality during an attack, but they are not a treatment. If your health has deteriorated sharply, you should immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in order to restore the functionality of internal organs or systems.

Side effects of "Aspirin"

Like any other drug, "Aspirin" with high blood pressure can negatively affect the body. Based on this, the medication should be taken as needed.

Under what circumstances can side effects occur:

  • For diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, colitis, gastritis, you should refuse to use these tablets. The use of this remedy can provoke internal bleeding from the damaged area of ​​the digestive tract. As a result of multiple doses of these tablets (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), other ulcerative lesions of the gastric or intestinal wall may appear.
  • In case of asthmatic diseases, it is strictly forbidden to take Aspirin. The medicine can cause spasm of the bronchopulmonary system.
  • With the regular use of tablets by children under 12 years old, Reye's syndrome may appear, characterized by a decrease in the performance of the liver and brain, up to premature wear of internal organs.
  • During pregnancy, pills can cause bleeding.

In the presence of such diseases, you should stop taking "Aspirin".So that the doctor does not make a mistake in prescribing medications, you need to tell him in a timely manner about the presence of associated diseases that can cause negative consequences. Then the specialist will select similar products that do not contain acetylsalicylic acid.


Any pharmacological preparations have contraindications, regardless of the cost of the tablets and the colorfulness of the packaging.

"Aspirin" can also negatively affect the human body, especially if the patient is taking pills, knowing about other associated diseases described above.

Additional contraindications

  • Breast-feeding.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid.

Each drug used by a hypertensive person must be approved by the attending physician (frequency of administration, dosage). This will reduce the risk of damage to healthy organs and side effects. "Aspirin" is not a universal drug, but acts exclusively on the hematopoietic system and inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, in case of violation of intravascular blood flow, you need to take "Aspirin" after revealing the clinical picture of the disease.