
Pressure measuring apparatus

Each person, coming to a therapist, is faced with a planned measurement of intravascular values. If, at the same time, hypertension or hypotension is detected, it will be necessary to regularly monitor the intravascular indicators, possibly hospitalized to find out all the features of the disease. It is also worth purchasing a device for measuring human pressure, which allows you to find out the state of blood vessels in a comfortable environment, and be able to prevent severe attacks.

At the initial appointment with a specialist, the patient is taken the first measurement of arterial parameters, using a mechanical, semi-automatic or automatic device for measuring blood pressure - a tonometer.

Given that the recovery of intravascular tension can take years, the patient will need to purchase their own blood pressure monitor in order to determine the cause of poor health in time and take medications.

A tonometer is a modern medical device used for non-invasive measurement of blood pressure (the device does not cause pain and does not violate the integrity of the skin during examination).

Thanks to this equipment, it is possible to control blood pressure painlessly, quickly and without the help of medical personnel, to avoid complications that can result from hypotension or hypertension.

Non-invasive blood pressure measuring devices are divided into several types, which greatly simplifies their operation. Today, a semi-automatic and automatic blood pressure monitor is in demand, but the mechanical one is also not inferior to its improved counterpart. Let's consider all the features and advantages of pressure measuring devices: which one is better? It is important to decide how to choose a device that performs high-performance blood pressure measurement.

Mechanical apparatus

A mechanical device for measuring blood pressure bears this name, because it allows you to measure pressure, regardless of external factors. The main thing is that the person is able to pump up the cuff and evaluate the result. This equipment consists of a blood pressure cuff, a manometer (to measure the air pressure inside the cuff) and a bulb.

A mechanical non-invasive blood pressure monitor (also referred to as a sphygmomanometer) is used as follows:

  1. Blood pressure cuffs are put on the arm, as high as possible to the shoulder and fixed with a special Velcro.
  2. A phonendoscope is put on the ears, similar to a therapy device designed to listen to the chest. Its other end is placed on the inside of the elbow bend and lightly pressed.
  3. Next, the arm cuff is inflated with a pear. Only after that are the results and the assessment of blood pressure summed up.

To obtain accurate intravascular results, you will need to put a pressure gauge in front of you and pump the bulb until the phonendoscope stops listening to the pulse. Then you should feel a small wheel on the pear and turn it. As a result, the measurement cuff will slowly deflate and the person will need to listen well to the phonendoscope.

At the moment when the device for measuring blood pressure begins to pulsate loudly in the ears - it will indicate the results of systolic readings, and at what values ​​it calms down - speaks of diastolic ones.

In general, this is a very popular pressure measuring device, but it requires special skills and knowledge that not every patient possesses. Such blood pressure monitors are regularly used in clinics.

At retirement age, it becomes more difficult to measure blood pressure with a mechanical device (without outside help). If a person has not previously encountered such equipment, does not understand the essence of its work, then it is unlikely that in old age he will be able to independently read information from a pressure gauge. Also, in old age, hearing begins to weaken - this is the second reason why this research methodology also becomes inaccessible to people of advanced age.

As a result, in order to regularly measure blood pressure with a mechanical tonometer in an elderly person, you will need the help of loved ones. In case the pensioner has no heirs or they rarely visit him, it is recommended to use improved alternative devices.

Mercury mechanical tonometer

There is also a tonometer that measures blood pressure using mercury. Instead of a manometer, it has a mercury screen, which is used to measure the pressure of a person (evaluate the results). Given the emergence of improved pressure devices, this meter is not very convenient to use, because it cannot be transported.

In fact, this arm pressure meter (mercury tonometer) also has cuffs. Works in a similar way to a modern mechanical sphygmomanometer, but requires a person to sit at a table and look at a mercury sensor to use it. During the assessment of the result, the mercury column will be in front of the eyes, so reading the information will not complicate the patient.

Semi-automatic devices

A semi-automatic blood pressure monitor is a simplified equipment that allows anyone to measure blood pressure, regardless of education and mental development. Semi-automatic devices are sold in pharmacies at a reasonable price. To use this machine you will need:

  1. Put on the measurement cuff, slightly above the elbow (closer to the shoulder), fix it.
  2. Then press the button on the equipment.
  3. Inflate the air pressure cuff manually using a bulb.

As a result, measuring blood pressure in a person becomes much easier, because a semi-automatic blood pressure meter itself lowers the cuffs and shows ready-made results.

The disadvantage of this blood pressure monitor lies in the need to use batteries or to be connected to the mains (depending on the manufacturer and model of the tonometer you choose). Batteries require constant financial costs, but otherwise the device will not function, then such control of intravascular tension becomes expensive to use. When buying a blood pressure monitor that requires a network connection, it will become impossible to measure pressure from a person outside the home.

However, some blood pressure monitors have a special adapter for the tonometer that allows you to switch power from the battery to the mains, and vice versa.

Thanks to this device, you can measure pressure anywhere.

Automatic devices

An automatic device that measures blood pressure in a person is easy to use, so even a child can use it. This tonometer comes with an instruction explaining how to determine blood pressure. Also, some blood pressure monitors have an adapter for changing the power supply and a special table that tells you how to find out if the intravascular tension has left the normal range.

The measuring functions of such a device complement the capabilities of semi-automatic devices, therefore it is the most accurate and best among all similar devices.This machine has blood pressure cuffs and an electric monitor that measures blood pressure with just one button press.

This type of blood pressure monitors is divided into several varieties:

  • Brachial.
  • Finger.
  • Carpal

It doesn't matter what the pressure is measured by, namely by what automatic device. The goal of each of them sounds the same - to provide the most accurate results. Any automatic electronic device that measures pressure on its own will inflate the cuff to measure air pressure. It is located on the shoulder, finger or wrist (depending on the choice of medical equipment designed to record intravascular indicators). Next, the device lowers the cuff and shows the patient the finished result.

Each of these blood pressure monitors has an adapter for connecting to the mains, therefore, purchasing these pressure meters, you can use them both on a trip, at home, and at a resort.

Shoulder tonometer

In case of hypertension and hypotension, other diseases of the vascular-cardiac system, characterized by an increase in intravascular pressure, it is better to use apparatus for measuring pressure of the shoulder type. At the same time, large arteries are measured, which allows you to find out the most accurate result among all types of automatic meters.

Wrist tonometer

A wrist pressure monitor is most commonly used to monitor vascular function in athletes. Such a pressure device is called a bracelet for hypertension (or hypotension, depending on the patient's problems).

Also, the wrist pressure meter allows you to take a daily measurement to check how the vascular system behaves throughout the day (during physical activity and rest). It is recommended to additionally measure the pressure with a shoulder tonometer, because there may be a slight error in the study.

To use the bracelet for measuring pressure, you will need to put on a cuff on your wrist, select the desired mode and wait a little while the device measures intravascular values. Considering that the wrist pressure meter is compact and easy to use, it regularly measures blood pressure in people who have vigorous physical activity or high activity that provokes an increase in tension within the vessels.

Finger tonometer

Finger tonometers are in little demand, because even the first measurement with this device can show a large error. When a person's pressure is measured in this way, the thin vessels of the finger are examined. As a result, there may be insufficient blood flow in the area under study, and the results will be erroneous.

An automatic or semi-automatic wrist, finger, or shoulder pressure monitor has an adapter for connecting to electricity. Also, the patient can independently measure the pressure and wait for the determination of intravascular indicators, getting a ready-made result. This is the general advantage of using modern blood pressure monitors.

Intravascular Measurement Technology Recommendations

It is absolutely unimportant what your pressure is measured - with a mechanical or automatic tonometer, as the device for measuring human pressure is called: shoulder, finger or wrist. It will be necessary to measure intravascular tension correctly, otherwise even the best devices will show erroneous results.

  • The check is carried out for an empty bladder, because the desire to visit the bathroom provokes intravascular tension.
  • Whichever device you use, a sitting position is required. You need to lean on the back of the chair and not cross your legs, but put them firmly on the floor.
  • Devices for measuring human pressure, namely, cuffs, are worn on a bare arm so that clothes do not create additional squeezing.

To protect yourself from the progression of intravascular diseases, you should consult with a specialist and find out how the pressure is measured in your case.

This reduces the risk of complications such as heart attack, stroke and hypertensive crisis. The patient should regularly monitor his own intravascular state in order to ensure a competent approach to therapeutic therapy and the return of blood vessels to normal.

How to choose the right tonometer

Many people are interested in this topic, purchasing a tonometer for their relatives or their own use. The surest way to decide on a purchase is to contact your doctor. He will tell you how to choose a device with the required accuracy, or tell you how they measure pressure in their clinic, what is the name of a device for measuring human pressure used in examining patients.

This will allow you not to make a mistake with the choice, and get results similar to a medical examination.

But, if you do not want to resort to the help of medical personnel, you should start from the following nuances:

  • The model and popularity of the tonometer manufacturer speaks about the quality of the product. Purchase a wrist, shoulder, or finger pressure gauge from time-proven manufacturers.
  • Choose the correct size for the cuff. The dimensions of the shoulder device are: less than 22 cm, and reaching 45 cm in diameter. You will need to measure your biceps in advance, and ask the pharmacy for a blood pressure monitor with an appropriate cuff.
  • Before buying, you need to turn on the measuring devices, try to evaluate the current intravascular values. If the letters are too small or faint, this could indicate a malfunction of the device. After purchasing such a product, quality verification will be required. At the same time, devices for measuring a person's pressure will be taken for examination, and at this time you will not be able to control your health and you can tolerate a hypertensive / hypotonic attack.

Having bought a tonometer, a medical examination becomes available to a person at any time. However, you will need to look after it carefully so that it will last as long as possible.

Therefore, when faced with intravascular disorders, it is imperative to purchase a tonometer and use it at least 5 times a day (to avoid complications). Based on the above recommendations for choosing a device, you can buy a high-quality tonometer. It will help control vascular tension over the years.