
Supplements for hypertension

Hypertension can be treated in a variety of ways. Someone prefers traditional medicinal methods of official medicine, for someone more mile recipes from a folk pharmacy, there are other alternative methods of how to protect yourself from high blood pressure: leech therapy, magnetotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, diet, exercise therapy, breathing exercises, physiotherapy. For the successful treatment and prevention of many diseases, dietary supplements are used, hypertension is no exception to the rule. Supplements and vitamins: what is their role in counteracting high blood pressure?

The abbreviation of dietary supplements is very popular, drugs under this name are in demand. But what is it: a tribute to fashion or a real benefit for the body, is there any harm from them? There is a lot of talk around dietary supplements, but not everyone knows exactly what it is.

BAA stands for dietary supplement. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation: food additives are something completely different, and you should not confuse these two concepts. The additives that are added to food are needed to make it tastier and more attractive, but not healthy. Food additives are represented by preservatives, dyes, flavorings.

Dietary supplements are made from natural ingredients, they never include drugs. Such supplements consist of a complex of substances useful for the body, such as vitamins, minerals, plant and animal components.

This may also include plants with medicinal properties, but their range is quite narrow. Mainly, these are representatives of the plant world that are able to beneficially influence the state of the nervous system, as well as strengthen the circulatory system. These include valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, calamus.

There are two groups of biologically active additives: nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.

The first group includes supplements with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids (polyunsaturated) and dietary fiber.

The second is represented by plant and animal ingredients.

In order for the components of the dietary supplement to be better absorbed, they are crushed to a powdery state and placed in a capsule or pressed into a tablet, which is covered with a shell.

When using herbal medicine, decoctions, teas or alcoholic tinctures are used. Under the influence of high temperatures, some of the useful elements are destroyed, and the tinctures contain ethanol, which negatively affects the body.

A capsule with dietary supplements retains all the beneficial properties of its constituent components. One such capsule can contain up to 15 varieties of medicinal herbs, which have a complex effect on the cause of the disease.

When planning to use dietary supplements for hypertension, one must remember that these complexes are rather preventive, supportive measures. If the disease is diagnosed as severe, supplementation is unlikely to help. You need to consult a doctor in any case.

Supplements and high blood pressure

There are many reasons for regularly raising blood pressure levels.

Therefore, the composition of active additives includes elements that act simultaneously in different directions:

  • cleanse blood from cholesterol deposits,
  • normalize metabolic processes,
  • lower sugar levels,
  • remove fluid and salts from the body,
  • support the normal functioning of the kidneys or liver;
  • contribute to the burning of body fat.

Taking dietary supplements should be combined with different approaches to the treatment of hypertension.

They use dietary supplements for pressure during meals. At the same time, it is necessary to eat correctly, in accordance with the recommendations for hypertensive patients: there is less salt, fatty, smoked, flour products, sweets, more dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

  1. Cardiol.

The supplement is recommended for people suffering from heart pathologies. Can be used by athletes during vigorous physical training. BAA prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Contraindicated in pregnancy, in early childhood, during lactation. Take the supplement in the morning and in the evening during breakfast or dinner, one capsule. Ingredients: coenzyme Q10, vitamins A and E, beeswax, rice husk oil.

  1. Hypertol.

The benefits of this supplement in relieving hypertension attacks are very significant. Hypertol has a powerful diuretic effect, due to which the pressure quickly returns to normal. The ingredients of this preparation are specially selected medicinal plants. The optimal course of taking the drug is one month. Single dose - one capsule.

  1. Bethanine.

Dietary supplement for prophylactic purposes. The main active ingredient is beets. Such a tool is suitable for use in different age categories. It is necessary to consume dietary supplements for pressure with food, twice a day, one capsule.

  1. Extra 1000 Sediko.

An active supplement with a healing effect for the whole body. Differs in a high concentration of vitamin E. It is used as a preventive measure of heart disease, cancer. The drug serves as a strengthening agent for the immune system, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. It is made on the basis of wheat germ oil. Not everyone can take the supplement, there are contraindications for women in position and nursing mothers, for those who experience an acute shortage of vitamins of group K. It should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients that make up the capsule. Having exceeded the dose, the person will feel dizziness, bouts of nausea, and blurred vision. Disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Recommended dose: once a day, 1 capsule.

  1. Astrolin.

Jerusalem artichoke served as the basis for the creation of this active supplement, and insulin is the main active ingredient here. Other components are no less important for health: protein, fiber, vegetable fat. Prescribing Astrolin: reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, lowers blood pressure. Taking pills with such a composition is both prevention and treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. The drug is suitable for everyone, with the exception of small children (under 12 years old) and people with an allergic reaction to the substances that make up the drug. Recommended dosage: 5 pieces in the morning (drink on an empty stomach), and the same amount in the evening. The minimum duration of treatment is a month. According to indications, the course is extended for another two months.

  1. Lecithin.

This substance is well used to prevent disorders of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The supplement lowers blood pressure, eliminates excess cholesterol. It should be taken three times a day, during meals. Single dose - 2 capsules. The minimum admission period is a month. The next course begins in a month.

  1. Milk thistle oil.

It is a natural product obtained from cold pressed plant materials. The value of this drug is explained by the presence in its composition of fatty acids, flavonoids, silymarin, fat-soluble vitamins, biogenic amines. The main purpose of this oil is to prevent atherosclerotic phenomena inside the vessels.

  1. Mega dietary supplement.

A medical complex is known under this name, which includes such components as: vitamin E, evening primrose oil extract, fish oil. A dietary supplement is needed to strengthen immunity, it protects against possible bouts of hypertension, heart disorders, atherosclerotic formations. The drug is suitable for general use by everyone, except for those people who do not tolerate its individual ingredients poorly.Take the remedy with meals at breakfast and during dinner, one-time intake - 1 capsule, which must be washed down with plenty of water.

  1. Nortia.

The composition of this dietary supplement for hypertension includes B vitamins, minerals magnesium and potassium, as well as medicinal plants: hawthorn, astragalus, St. John's wort. It acts as a sedative, normalizes metabolic processes, stops the aging of the body, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and replenishes the lack of vitamins. Reception: one capsule in the morning and one in the evening, drink on an empty stomach. It should not be used during lactation, during the period of gestation, and should not be given to young patients.

  1. Optinat.

A good supplement based on a natural component - onions, dried in a special way. It will come in handy when diagnosing atherosclerosis. The duration of therapy is one month, daily intake is 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. Not suitable for patients with an allergic reaction to onions, as well as those with liver or kidney problems.

Optinat Plus has the same medicinal properties and characteristics. The difference from the previous drug lies in the added ascorbic acid to its composition.

  1. Polysorbovit.

BAA for the prevention of cardiac pathologies, vascular disorders. The additive lowers blood cholesterol, cleans it of toxic elements, removes toxins. The main component is pectin. In addition to it, it also contains enterosorbent and dietary fiber. When combining the drug with other medicinal products, a doctor's consultation is needed to prevent negative consequences. For oral administration, the powder is diluted in a liter of water (10 g per 1 liter). The maximum dose is one glass of the prepared solution (for adults).

  1. Passilat.

The drug is taken for hypertension, when there are problems with sleep and to maintain the heart. It contains extracts of valerian, hawthorn, old flower, as well as thiamine nitrate, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin. Since this supplement is a powerful enough sedative, it should not be given to children. In addition, Passilat is contraindicated in the presence of gallstones, chronic pancreatitis, and enterocolitis. Take the product in the morning and evening in the amount of 1 pc. at one time.

  1. Selenium asset.

A dietary supplement for hypertension, the basis of which is chitosan (a substance isolated from the shell of a crab). These are dietary fibers that act as an antispasmodic and general tonic. The drug protects the immune system, lowers blood pressure, removes cholesterol, and resists atherosclerosis. Suitable for obesity and metabolic disorders. In addition to chitosan, the additive contains ascorbic acid, DNA taken from fish of the salmon family, as well as Eleutherococcus. The drug is taken twice a day, one dose - 2 capsules before meals (half an hour). The therapy should be continued for a month. Not recommended for breastfeeding, pregnant women, and allergic reactions. Side effects are possible in the form of disorders of the digestive system.

  1. Magnesium.

This element is indispensable in the treatment of hypertension. It is his lack in the body that often provokes the development of the disease. It lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart, and improves metabolism. In addition, magnesium can eliminate constipation, which contributes to edema, and also normalizes the nervous system and eliminates convulsive syndrome. Magnesium can be taken in tablets or in foods. A lot of magnesium is found in sesame, flaxseed, cashews, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, cocoa powder, halibut, greens, bananas, beans, buckwheat.

  1. Potassium.

This mineral is very important for the treatment and prevention of hypertension. It protects tissue and organ cells from the inside. If a person does not lack this microelement, then hypertension does not threaten him. It is important that the cells maintain a balance between sodium and potassium, if there is a lot of sodium, the risk of high blood pressure will increase. You can eat potassium with nuts, dried apricots, beans, potatoes.

  1. Taurine amino acid.

It is an excellent natural diuretic. It relieves spasm, normalizes blood circulation in the vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the heart, prevents the development of heart failure, lowers the level of pressure. Taurine is used as a dietary supplement or with food. The following foods are rich in amino acid:

  • fish, oysters, starfish, mussels, squid and other seafood;
  • milk products;
  • meat products (beef, rabbit, pork); poultry (chicken, turkey meat);
  • offal (liver, heart).
  1. Omega - 3.

This component is present in large quantities in fish oil. Its benefits for hypertension are invaluable: the pressure decreases, the vessels become more elastic, the heart muscle strengthens, the attacks of angina pectoris will go away, the heart rate is normalized. The drug has a positive effect on people who are depressed. A lot of fat is found in sea fish.

The role of vitamins in hypertension

Vitamins for hypertensive patients are no less important than biologically active complexes. Here is a list of the most important ones used in the treatment of the disease.

  1. Vitamin C.

Known as ascorbic acid. Protects against stress, strengthens the immune system, maintains elasticity of the arteries, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol deposits. Lack of vitamin leads to chronic fatigue, weakens the body. Foods that are rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes, black currants, pineapple, dried rose hips.

  1. Rutin (vitamin P).

Prevents fragility of capillaries and makes them less permeable. The effectiveness of the vitamin increases with the concurrent intake of ascorbic acid. Foods containing rutin: different types of berries and all types of tea.

  1. Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).

With increased pressure, the vitamin contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen, relieves the stress of the heart muscle, and improves the functioning of the blood vessels. A lot of vitamin is found in nuts, vegetables, legumes, rice, wheat, fish oil.

The most important vitamins for hypertension are B vitamins.

  1. Riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Enriches the blood with oxygen, eliminates the loss of strength, improves vision, makes a person more active. It is found in large quantities in foods such as: green vegetables, eggs, dairy products, offal, apples, rice groats.

  1. Thiamin (vitamin B1).

Strengthens the muscular system (including the heart muscle), normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. To replenish it in the body, you need to eat such products: nuts, honey, brewer's yeast, cereals, legumes.

  1. Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid).

Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes lipid metabolism. Vitamin effectively dilates blood vessels. It is recommended for people with heart disease and hypertensive patients. Where is there a lot of niacin? In legumes, as well as in cereals.

  1. Cobalamin (vitamin B12).

It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, on the process of hematopoiesis, contributes to the enrichment of blood cells with oxygen, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. You can find a vitamin in blueberries, grapes, dates, prunes, parsley, apricots.

  1. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6).

Recommended for people who are diagnosed with atherosclerosis, heart disorders, vascular pathologies. Effective for frequent depression, irritability, anxiety. Pyridoxine contains the following foods: cabbage, fish, cereals, meat, some vegetables and fruits, corn, brewer's yeast.

Treating hypertension is not an easy task. To implement it, all possible reserves must be used.

Vitamins for hypertension must be taken, they take on an important role in resisting the disease, as well as complexes of dietary supplements. But they must be taken deliberately, only after consulting a doctor.

When dietary supplements for hypertension are used, it is important to exclude risk factors from the patient's life, and also not to neglect drug treatment and diet. But the best remedy for hypertension is still the prevention of high blood pressure: it is easier to prevent the disease than to adapt to it all your life later.