
Chinese transdermal hypertension plaster

The number of hypertensive patients is growing every year. This is facilitated by the accelerated rhythm of modern life. Many are forced to be in constant stress, at the limit of their strength and capabilities. Problems at home, at work, chronic fatigue, fast food on the go, lack of time for sleep and good rest, while you have to sit at the computer for a long time. All these factors inevitably lead to the development of the disease. That is why the Chinese transdermal patch for hypertension has appeared on the drug market very well. They are interested in the novelty, and everyone is worried about the question: is this method of treatment so good, or is it just another attempt to cash in on other people's troubles?

Patch properties

Chinese medicine is a science with an ancient history. She inspires trust and respect all over the world. For the first time, a miracle remedy from a Chinese manufacturer announced itself not so long ago, in 2013. The patch has been tested by a large number of patients with varying degrees of hypertension, and the results have confirmed its ability to effectively influence the state of blood pressure. After completing the full course of treatment with the drug, many patients felt a significant improvement.

Chinese plaster for hypertension is impregnated with a unique plant-based composition. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the medicinal extracts are crushed to a microscopic state using special modern technologies, and due to this they are quickly absorbed through the skin into the blood. So the drug affects the entire circulatory system, normalizing blood pressure. There is no information about analogues of the Chinese transdermal patch for today.

The advantages of the method:

  • the medicine is administered subcutaneously. It does not enter the gastrointestinal tract directly and therefore does not harm the stomach lining. The kidneys and liver are also not stressed when treated in this way;
  • since the drug is made from natural ingredients, it is safe, without side effects, not addictive;
  • the specificity of drug administration does not lead to overdose;
  • the therapeutic effect is visible from the first minutes of use and lasts for a long time;
  • the plaster is held securely, even take a bath without removing it. There is no discomfort during use, it does not bother a person at all;
  • the application of the Chinese transdermal patch requires lower financial costs in comparison with other methods of treatment. Hypertensive patients do not have to buy many pills to drink constantly.

Among the disadvantages are allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug. When to use the patch is not recommended:

  • with a chronic form of cystitis;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • skin diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • carrying a child.

The approach to the treatment of hypertension is always versatile. And the use of a transdermal patch is no exception. Only by bringing the lifestyle in order in accordance with the rules recommended for hypertensive patients count on a positive result. If a person does not follow what he eats, how much he sleeps and works, devotes little time to physical activity, constantly exposes himself to stress, then no miracle cure will help him to defeat hypertension.

What is included in the healing patch:

  1. Sage (root part).

Chinese medicine widely uses this plant in the treatment of female diseases. The extract from sage roots normalizes the level of hormones in a woman's body, improves the regularity of menstrual cycles. They are also used to treat infertility. The plant is known for its ability to lower blood pressure, normalize blood flow, eliminate insomnia, headaches, and relieve anxiety syndrome. It is used for therapeutic effects in such pathologies: arthritis, liver dysfunction, thrombophlebitis, cardiac ischemia. Sage's range of action includes diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, extract from the roots of the plant, which helps to heal tumors.

  1. Safflower.

This plant is known both in China and outside the country. Thanks to its beneficial properties, venous and arterial vessels are strengthened, blood circulation is normalized. The medicinal substances in the composition of safflower are used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic agent. Purifies the blood, the oil extract from it helps to relieve pain in rheumatism.

  1. The mountaineer is peppery.

Used to bring blood pressure back to normal levels. Improves the structure of the vascular walls, strengthens the heart muscle, eliminates the inflammatory process, helps with headaches with hypertension.

  1. Mistletoe.

It is considered one of the main elements of the medicinal extract with which the patch is impregnated. The plant lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Relieves tension, relieves headaches.

  1. Gastrodia (rhizome).

The plant is indispensable for the nervous system. Eliminates neuroses, dizziness, headache in hypertension. Gastrodia effectively fights high blood pressure. Healing herb is highly valued in Chinese medicine for its ability to restore strength and vigor to the body.

  1. Eucommia (use bark).

A plant with a high therapeutic effect in the treatment of hypertension. It is very useful for the normal functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver, vascular and nervous systems. The medicinal extract relieves arrhythmia attacks. Used to strengthen the body.

  1. Ginkgo biloba (leaves).

Special substances are released from the leaves - ginkolides, which are very useful for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, restoring their elasticity, increasing tone, and normalizing the movement of blood inside the arteries. Leafy extracts of the plant activate the work of the brain, deliver oxygen to this important organ. They inhibit the aging of brain cells. As a result, memory improves, consciousness becomes clear, thinking is activated. Other beneficial effects of the herbal component: prevents blood thickening, restores potency, relieves headaches, helps relieve tension in the body, eliminates the symptoms of insomnia.

  1. Uncaria (or cat's claws).

A medicinal plant with many useful properties: strengthens the immune system, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, impotence, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, prostatitis. With the help of an extract from uncaria, they fight against malignant tumors, allergies, and varicose veins. Depression and loss of energy are also successfully treated with the participation of this beneficial herb.

Therapeutic effect

The medicinal properties of the Chinese transdermal patch are used both to combat the disease and as a prophylactic agent. The drug replaces a whole medicine cabinet. A hypertensive person carries a bunch of medicines with him, drinks them every day at a certain time. They are expensive and have a negative effect on other organs. All this creates inconvenience and health problems. With the Chinese novelty, things are different.

Natural ingredients are specially selected, one complements and enhances the other. All of them were collected in China and processed according to unique old recipes on modern equipment. The dosage of the drug was also carefully considered. The patch works for several days, absorbing slowly and gradually into the skin. It releases particles of the drug, heating up from the heat of the skin of the human body (hence the name - transdermal).

Apply a patch for any manifestation of hypertension, regardless of the form and stage. It is also effective in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Here is a list of indications for which this Chinese drug is prescribed:

  • persistent increase in pressure with hypertension of any degree;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • painful sensations in the heart;
  • hypertensive headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep problems;
  • anxiety, causeless anxiety, panic attacks;
  • increased weakness with any physical work;
  • constant feeling of tiredness, weakness;
  • pain in the cervical spine.

The Chinese transdermal patch is a remedy with a fortifying effect, a calming property, provides an inflow of vital energy, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, restores the ability to self-regulate blood vessels, relieves pain syndromes of various etiologies. Improves the promotion of blood flows, improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Using this healing agent, they increase the body's immunity in the fight against infectious diseases.

Application rules

The instructions for use are simple. At the first signs of hypertension (dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness, frequent heart attacks) and for prophylactic purposes, a patch is used, and relief comes very quickly. What steps are being taken for this:

  • rinse the area to which the product is applied;
  • wipe this place dry;
  • remove the patch from the protective packaging;
  • remove the paper base glued to it;
  • attach the adhesive part to the skin;
  • do not shoot for up to three days;
  • after removing the skin in this place, rinse and dry;
  • reuse the drug after five or eight hours;
  • the course takes at least three weeks;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with severe hypertension, it is advisable for him to repeat the therapy two or three times.

Place the patch on the umbilical foramen area. The recommendation is due to the fact that there are many branches of the vascular system in this area. Thus, the medicinal extract is absorbed into the blood faster and spreads throughout the body. It is not necessary to complete the full course if the patient's health deteriorates sporadically, in rare cases. A single application is sufficient at the time of an exacerbated manifestation of one or more symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the patch is removed on the second day of use.

The Chinese transdermal patch for hypertension not only removes the symptoms of the disease, but also affects the cause of the pathological condition.

Analog or fake?

The described drug is unmatched, there are no remedies similar to this. Therefore, if the patient is offered another plaster for hypertension, which supposedly with similar properties, it is probably a fake.

Buy a remedy ("Hypertension patch") only through the online store on the official website of the selling company. Otherwise (when buying from hands or even in a pharmacy), instead of a high-quality medicinal product, an equally high-quality counterfeit, but without medicinal properties, is obtained.

The Chinese plaster is completed with packages with different piece quantities of products: 10, 20, 30 or 40 units. Moreover, it is more profitable to buy a large one, in this case one pack (10 pcs.) Costs much less. So, the approximate price for 10 plasters is 1600 rubles, 40 pieces will cost about 5000 rubles.

In addition to transdermal patches for hypertension, similar Chinese remedies are used for other groups of diseases. Each separate category of pathologies is treated with a specially selected composition applied to the adhesive base of the patch. Known transdermal urological, orthopedic patches and similar drugs for hemorrhoids, contraceptives, and others.

According to numerous reviews on the Internet about the magical properties of the Chinese transdermal patch for hypertension, they judge the high effectiveness of the remedy. Perhaps this is really a panacea for the troubles associated with high blood pressure in the body. The main thing is not to get caught when buying a fake and buy a real healing product from Chinese specialists. Only then are they really convinced of the reality of his help. In any case, there will be no harm from the drug, which is made on the basis of natural ingredients. Therefore, whether or not to use the Chinese plaster for hypertension, everyone decides for himself.