
Massage for hypertension

Hypertension is a periodic increase in blood pressure levels of 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. For the treatment of hypertension, there are many different methods: drug treatment, herbal medicine, diet therapy, organization of physical activity, methods of alternative and traditional medicine, and, of course, massage for hypertension, which has a beneficial effect on the level of blood pressure and the general condition of the patient.

Influence of massage on pressure indicators

Professional massage or self-massage for hypertension is indicated for the patient, it is able to have a strong healing effect on the body. The massage procedure can be used both in the mild stage of development and in severe hypertensive conditions.

An increase in blood pressure is caused by unfavorable malfunctions of the nervous system and other systems that are responsible for the normal state of vascular tone. Normalization of indicators in a hypertensive state is a complex mechanism. In the medulla oblongata (at the bottom of the 4th ventricle) there is a vasomotor center, to which impulses from peripheral receptors located on human skin are regularly received. Performing massage and influencing external receptors, a reaction enters the vasomotor center, namely, its pressor and depressor departments. Such an effect activates a change in the lumen of blood vessels, as a result of which the pressure rises or falls, which depends on the point of action.

Massage to lower blood pressure affects the nerve endings in the skin, from which an impulse is sent to the reflexogenic zones, as a result of which the tone of the vasoconstrictor center drops, and the tone of the vagus nerves rises, which lowers blood pressure.

A relaxing massage desensitizes the nervous system. This prevents the build-up of blood pressure due to stress or emotional stress.

Acupressure massage for hypertension (impact on certain areas of the body surface) can relieve unpleasant manifestations of pathology: pressing headaches, general weakness, dizziness, nausea. Massage with increased pressure is an effective method of therapeutic therapy and prevention of pathology, which is based on competent knowledge of the anatomical structure of a person and his physiology.

Massage therapy has a number of limitations, under which the course is strictly prohibited.

  1. The sudden development of a hypertensive crisis.
  2. The presence of frequent cerebral crises.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Severe stage of diabetes mellitus.
  5. Other indications identified during the examination, in which the procedure is not recommended.

Regular massage at elevated pressure will improve the functional functioning of the heart, dilate blood vessels and eliminate stagnant blood flow.

Basic techniques

For therapy, it is recommended to contact a professional massage therapist, but self-massage for hypertension will improve performance.

The general scheme consists of several basic techniques required for a particular technique with increased pressure. The therapy is divided into massage of large areas of the body, and acupressure for hypertension.

To carry out self-massage for hypertension, you need to warm up the back before starting. For this, the patient should be laid on his stomach and placed under his feet any elevation so that the angle of elevation is 45 °. The head can lie arbitrarily, hands are lowered along the body, palms up. The following techniques should be followed:

  • Stroking (hold with two hands) from the hip to the head, 5-7 times.
  • Do squeezing 4-6 times.
  • The usual kneading (carried out with the base of the palm, according to the principle of kneading the dough) on the long muscles of the back and circular on the latissimus muscles 4-5 times.
  • Perform gable kneading of the long back muscles 3-4 times.
  • Stroke 3-4 more times.
  • Do moderate squeezing 4-5 times.

Only after warming up the back can you start the main massage.

The impact on the upper back should be carried out in a sitting position. All movements should be particularly gentle and performed in a top-down direction. After the next dose, deep stroking should be performed twice.

  1. Perform a superficial stroking from the ears, along the back of the neck, to the shoulder blades. Then, without lifting your hands, lead to the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Rub from the shoulder girdle to the corners of the shoulder blades, alternately on both sides.
  3. Rubbing in a spiral, in the same direction.
  4. Sawing (carried out with the outer edge of the brush) of this area.
  5. Slight crossing (rhythmic movements of the arms from oneself and to oneself) of the shoulder girdle.

Finish the massage with light strokes along the entire back for complete relaxation and soothing.

Massage of the paravertebral zones is performed without changing the position.

  1. Fold two fingers together and rub in straight lines from the occipital bone to the corners of the shoulder blades.
  2. Rub in a spiral (in the same direction) and then alternately.
  3. Simultaneously with the previous point, a semicircular rubbing should be performed, extending to the area around the spinous processes.
  4. Perform rectilinear rubbing with pressure on the required areas.

You can finish the process with any stroking method.

With high blood pressure, after the paravertebral zones, you should go to the shoulder girdle massage.

  1. You should start by rubbing the shoulder joints in a spiral.
  2. Saw lightly and cross the shoulder girdle.

The procedure ends with continuous kneading of the shoulder girdle by pinching.

A positive effect can only be achieved with regular massage of the feet and hands. The ideal time to spend is in the evening. The best place to start is with a foot massage. This process will help relieve stress.

With such a complex disease as hypertension, self-massage becomes a necessity, which is quite easy to learn. You need to sit in a comfortable position. Start by stroking the outside of your foot from your toes to the bones near your heels. Then it will move to the inner part, perform light kneading, pinching and finish with stroking.

After the feet, you should proceed to the hands. You need to put the thumb and forefinger of both hands together and push hard. Then repeat the process with the rest of your fingers. When finished, press with your thumb on the base of the others. When diagnosing hypertension, self-massage of the hands is most effective if the process is repeated 15-20 times.

Then you should pay attention to the neck and shoulders, making self-massage of these zones with hypertension. It is recommended to put a special heating mat or heating pad at night.

Head massage for hypertension has an effective effect, which can only be performed with outside help. Since there are many different peripheral receptors on the head, the wrong effect on which can significantly worsen the condition, it is better to entrust them to a specialist to work them out.

Such an integrated approach helps relieve stress from the nervous system, vasodilation. As a result, hypertension recedes.

Acupressure massage for hypertension is quite common. Almost always, the pathology is accompanied by unpleasant and painful symptoms, which can be prevented by stabilizing the hypertensive parameters with regular acupressure.

It is carried out with one finger with closed eyes.Symmetrical points are massaged simultaneously, asymmetrical points are massaged separately. Beginning and ending acupressure for hypertension should be circular rubbing. The onslaught must be strengthened by the middle of the process, and again weakened by the end. For the most effective impact, the necessary points for massage should be discussed with the attending physician.

Means for the procedure

Self-massage for hypertension must be performed with additional rubbing of essential oils, talcum powder.

When diagnosed with hypertension, self-massage is best performed with essential oils, which help to normalize blood pressure and relieve the symptomatic picture of pathology. The most effective oils for high blood pressure are lavender, marjoram and ylang-ylang oils. They have a sedative effect on the nervous system, promote vasodilation, as well as relieve shortness of breath and tachycardia. Essential oils are actively used for massage and bathing.

With hypertension, self-massage is not recommended using talcum powder or petroleum jelly, since they do not have a healing effect on the body. The use of these funds is possible only in the presence of allergic reactions to essential oils.

Medical research has proven that the use of oils during massage enhances the impulse effect and contributes to complete calming and relaxation of the patient. Self-massage for hypertension affects the necessary points and helps relieve afterload from the myocardium, dilate blood vessels and improve the general condition of the body.