
Medicines for pressure without side effects - list of names and features

Side effects of pressure pills

Any medicinal substance (synthetic or from natural raw materials), no matter how high-quality and expensive, in certain circumstances has a side effect (PD).

PD is any reaction to a drug that occurs during use that harms the body. Symptoms of intolerance develop with a therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood (taking a standard dose).

Some unwanted effects cannot be prevented (various allergies).

PD risk groups:

  • children, elderly patients, pregnant women;
  • patients with liver and kidney damage;
  • patients with a complicated medical history;
  • the use of three to four or more drugs;
  • people who use drugs for a long time;
  • alcoholic patients, drug users, smokers.

All types of PD are divided into seven groups:

  • Allergic reactions:
    • Immediate type - manifests itself when the medicine is first used.
    • Cumulative - gradual allergization of the body.
  1. Toxic:
    • An absolute overdose is the introduction of doses into the body that significantly exceed the therapeutic ones.
    • Relative - the accumulation of an active substance in the body, due to the failure of the metabolic and excretion systems.
  2. Weakening of immune responses.
  3. Genetically determined enzymatic pathology - the absence of an enzyme involved in the transformation of a drug. In such cases, the effectiveness of medicinal substances changes significantly.
  4. Withdrawal syndrome is a significant deterioration in the condition after an abrupt discontinuation of a drug.
  5. Change in the degree of effectiveness of the drug throughout the day, week, month, year.
  6. Complications arising from the interaction of several medicinal substances.

Any medicine can cause drug allergies!

Types of allergic reactions:

  • Mild: itching, urticaria, vasomotor rhinitis, Quincke's edema. Signs often go away after a few days of taking antiallergic medications.
  • Moderate severity: dermatitis (eczematous, exfoliative), serum sickness, arthritis, myocarditis.
  • Severe allergies: anaphylactic shock, Lyell's syndrome, acute hemolytic anemia, immune damage to internal organs, joints, muscles, skin.

To control blood pressure, the following groups of medicinal substances are used:

  • diuretics (loop, thiazide, potassium-preserving);
  • calcium antagonists (AA);
  • calcium channel blockers (CCBs);
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • β-blockers (BB);
  • angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs, sartans).

None of the drugs can be awarded the title of "pills for high blood pressure without side effects."

Each group of antihypertensive drugs has a list of contraindications and side effects.

According to the frequency of occurrence and danger, they are divided into:

  • PD type A - common (> 1: 100). The severity and likelihood of occurrence are dose dependent.
  • Type B PD - rare cases (<1: 1000) due to an immune or allergic response. There is no connection with the dose, the probability of death is high.
  • PD type C - rarely occur during long-term treatment (dependence, withdrawal syndrome, drug accumulation, tolerance).
  • PD type D - rare consequences delayed in time. Carcinogenic effect, effects on the fetus during pregnancy, problems with the reproductive system.
Group of antihypertensive drugsNameDoses most likely to cause PDFrequent types of PD
Diuretics"Hydrochlorothiazide"> 100 mg / dayDehydration, imbalance in water and electrolyte balance, lowering blood pressure, arrhythmias, photosensitivity, allergies
"Indapamide"> 5 mg / day
"Furosemide"> 120 mg / dayDehydration, electrolyte disturbances, arrhythmia, hypotension
"Torasemid"> 200 mg / dayElectrolyte imbalance, muscle cramps, frequent urination, allergic reactions
"Veroshpiron"> 200 mg / dayHyperkalemia, arrhythmias, decreased libido, impotence, gynecomastia
β-blockers"Bisoprolol"> 10 mg / dayBradycardia, vertigo, migraines, increased circulatory failure, decreased blood pressure, nausea, bronchospasm, heart block, sleep disorders, depression
"Atenolol"> 100 mg / day
Nebivolol> 5 mg / day
"Metoprolol"> 200 mg / day
"Carvedilol"> 50 mg / day
Calcium antagonists"Verapamil"> 360 mg / dayBradycardia, AV block, decreased blood pressure, angina pectoris, dizziness, hot flashes, tinnitus, runny nose, abdominal pain, nausea, edema, constipation
Diltiazem> 240 mg / day
Calcium channel blockers"Amlodipine"> 10 mg / dayHeadaches, drowsiness, vertigo, visual impairment, ringing in the ears, hot flashes, palpitations, angina pectoris, cough, rhinitis, abdominal pain, nausea, leg edema, muscle cramps, allergies, impotence
"Lerkamen"> 20 mg / day
"Nifedipine"> 40 mg / day
ACE inhibitorsEnalapril> 20 mg / dayDizziness, hypotension, weakness, tachycardia, dry cough, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rashes, angioedema, itching, asthenia, blurred vision, electrolyte imbalance, loss of appetite
"Captopril"> 100 mg / day
"Lisinopril"> 40 mg / day
"Perindopril"> 8 mg / day
Ramipril> 10 mg / day
"Trandolapril"> 8 mg / day
Angiotensin II blockers (sartans)Valsartan> 360 mg / dayVertigo, cough, hypotension, epigastric pain, asthenia, urticaria
Irbesartan> 300 mg / day
"Candesartan"> 32 mg / day
"Lozap"> 100 mg / day
Telmisartan> 80 mg / day

When and what is the best replacement for the drug?

With the development of side effects during treatment with pressure pills, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. Only a specialist will assess the symptoms and select an adequate replacement for the drug, which is less likely to cause PD.

There is no cure for hypertension without side effects. In each specific case, the patient is more suitable for one or another drug group for blood pressure control.

For PD during diuretic treatment:

  • reduce the total dose of the medication;
  • correct electrolyte imbalance (diet, "Asparkam" or "Panangin");
  • replace with a diuretic of the neighboring subgroup (thiazide for loop or potassium-preserving).

With intolerance to β-blockers:

  • switch to highly selective representatives (Nebilet, Carvedilol);
  • replace with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin-II blockers.

One of the types of PD drugs is “withdrawal” syndrome. An abrupt discontinuation of non-selective β-blockers in a patient causes an increase in blood pressure, up to the development of a hypertensive crisis and the complications caused by it (encephalopathy, heart attack, intracerebral hemorrhage). If it is necessary to cancel BB, the optimal tactics is to stepwise decrease the dose or switch to a cardioselective β-AB.

Calcium channel blockers can be replaced with Ca antagonists2+.

While taking CCB and AK in patients with concomitant atherosclerosis and age-related lesions of the circulatory bed, the “steal” syndrome is observed. Medicines of this group, improving blood supply in areas with a well-developed vascular network, cause blood outflow from organs with sclerosed arteries, which do not respond well to vasodilation. Clinically, this is manifested by myocardial ischemia - attacks of angina pectoris.

If you are intolerant of ACE inhibitors, your doctor may prescribe a medication from the group of angiotensin-II blockers.

The main direction in the treatment of hypertension is a combined regimen of medications from different groups. This allows you to reduce the therapeutic dose of each of them, and hence the likelihood of overdose, to level side effects and increase the patient's adherence to the selected treatment.

Unfortunately, it is possible to control blood pressure with one drug only in a few cases:

  • in the early stages of the development of hypertension;
  • in young patients;
  • in the absence of concomitant pathology;
  • with "mild" hypertension, when blood pressure is increased slightly.

In all other cases, a combination of two to five drugs from different groups is required, with careful selection of the dose and constant monitoring of the functions of the internal organs.

Treatment with several drugs at once (separately or together in a tablet) provides a better antihypertensive effect, rapid achievement of the target blood pressure level, and prevention of cardiovascular complications.

Possible combinations of drugs to lower blood pressure:

  • The most rational:
    • Diuretic + ACE inhibitors - "Berlipril Plus", "Enap N, HL", "Tritace Plus", "Ko-Diroton", "Co-Prenessa", "Lizoretic", "Noliprel".
    • Diuretic + BB - "Combiso", "Nebilet", "Tenoric", "Eurobisoprolol".
    • Diuretic + ARA (sartan) - Vazar N, Valsakor N, Diocor, Difors, Co-Diovan, Lozap Plus.
    • BB + AK - Beta-Azomex, Tenochek, Logimax.
    • IAPF + BKK (or AK) - Bi-Prestarium, Amlessa, Equator, Lerkamen apf.

How to prevent side effects?

To date, drugs for pressure without side effects have not been invented. The newest antihypertensive drugs are generally better tolerated by patients. The original tablets use high quality raw materials and a minimum of additives. Only a small fraction of generics (cheaper "copies") have a therapeutic equivalent that is close to the original.

To prevent PD of drugs for hypertension, you must adhere to the rules:

  • the drug should be prescribed only for clear indications, in optimal doses;
  • give preference to enteral forms (tablets, drops);
  • do not use several medicines with the same mechanism of action at the same time;
  • warn the doctor about all medications the patient is taking;
  • determine the functional state of the liver, kidneys, blood system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • give preference to original medicines;
  • carefully study the instructions for the drug, strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the doctor, do not independently replace the tablets with others.
Group of drugsSide effectRisk groupSymptomsElimination and prevention methods
DiureticsDehydration (dehydration)Circulatory failure, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, old ageOrthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, dry mouthAdjust the dose, increase the amount of fluid you drink
Hypokalemia (↓ K)Women, elderly patients, hyperaldosteronismArrhythmia, extrasystole
  • Reception of "Asparkam" or "Panangin".
  • Potassium-sparing salt substitutes "Sanosol"
Hyperkalemia (↑ K) during treatment with "Veroshpiron"Elderly patients with kidney disease, diabetes mellitusTachycardia, decreased muscle tone, arrhythmiasTaking loop diuretics, avoiding K-rich foods
Hypomagnesemia (↓ Mg)Alcoholism, old ageRhythm disturbances"Panangin", "Asparkam"
Hyponatremia (↓ Na)Insufficient blood circulation, rapid elimination of edema, salt-free dietDecreased urine volumeReduce the dose of a diuretic, the amount of fluid you drink, "Panangin", "Asparkam"
Hypocalcemia (↓ Ca)Long-term loop diuretic therapyParesthesias, muscle cramps, caries, cataracts, dry skin, brittle hair and nailsDiet enriched with Ca and vitamin D, calcium salts
Zinc deficiencyLiver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitusDecreased scent, taste, erectionPreparations containing this trace element
An increase in the concentration of uric acid,GoutIncreased number of gout attacksDiet, "Allopurinol"
blood cholesterolElderly patients, women in menopauseMg and K preparations, a combination of a diuretic with CCB, ACE inhibitors
Impaired carbohydrate toleranceDiabetesHyperglycemiaPreparations K
AllergyIntolerance to sulfonamidesUrticaria, vasculitis, angioedemaWithdrawal of therapy, antihistamines
β-blockersExacerbation of heart failure, drop in blood pressure, AV blockAdvanced age, decreased heart functionWeakness, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, tachycardiaDose reduction, drug withdrawal
BronchospasmAsthma, COPDDyspneaCancellation of the drug
HyperlipidemiaDiabetesIncreased blood glucose
Individual intoleranceHeadaches, insomnia, nightmares, nausea, decreased libido, gynecomastia, urticaria, itching, blurred vision, insufficient tear production, dry mouth
Calcium antagonistsVasodilationPeripheral artery disease, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosisEdema of the lower extremities, vertigo, tinnitus, headaches, falling blood pressure, "hot flashes", angina attacks (up to a heart attack)Cancellation of the drug
Sinoatrial, AV blockadeDisorders in the conducting system of the myocardiumArrhythmias, interruptions in the work of the heart
Individual intoleranceNausea, epigastric discomfort, subcutaneous hemorrhage, myalgia, gingival hyperplasia
Allergic reactionsQuincke's edema, urticaria, anaphylaxisRash, itching, rhinitisCancellation of therapy, antihistamines
Calcium channel blockersVasodilationPeripheral artery disease, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, circulatory failureFalling blood pressure, angina attacks, increased heart rate, dizziness, edema, hot flashes, skin rednessCancellation of the drug
Individual intoleranceHepatitis, pancreatitis, anemia, gingival hypertrophyDecreased vision, ringing in the ears, epigastric pain, dry mouth, increased nighttime urination, weight gain, baldness, myalgia
Allergic reactionsFacial redness Quincke's edema, urticaria, anaphylaxis, dermatitisRash, itching, rhinitisCancellation of the drug, antihistamines
ACE inhibitorsHypotension, angina pectoris, arrhythmiaStage III heart failure, high doses of Furosemide (> 80 mg), hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, renal dysfunction, atherosclerosis, renal artery stenosis, cor pulmonaleChest pain, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia
CoughChronic respiratory disease, femaleDry hacking cough, throat irritationSelection of another antihypertensive medication
Individual intoleranceHepatitis, liver failure, pancreatitis, hypoglycemia, peptic ulcerMigraines, depression, dizziness, asthenia, nausea, jaundice, epigastric pain, hair lossCancellation of the drug
Allergic reactionsUrticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxisItching, rashes, redness of the skinCancellation of the drug, antihistamines
Angiotensin II blockers (sartans)Decreased function of metabolic organs and excretion of medicinal substancesDiabetes mellitus cirrhosis of the liver, renal failureEpigastric pain, jaundice, increased creatinineDose reduction, withdrawal of therapy
Individual intoleranceVertigo, cough, myalgia, astheniaCancellation of the drug
Allergic reactionsAngioedema, urticariaRash, itching

The likelihood of PD also increases with the combination of pressure pills with other drugs.

Antihypertensive drugAnother medicineClinical effect
Any pressure medicineNon-steroidal anti-inflammatoryWeakening of the hypotensive effect
BBAKMyocardial ischemia
Carvedilol, Labetalol"Cimetidine", "Quinidine"Bradycardia, conduction disorder
Verapamil, DiltiazemDigitalis preparations ("Digoxin")Bradycardia, arrhythmia, glycosidic intoxication
"Nifedipine"A-blockersOrthostatic hypotension
IAPF, ARB (sartans)Potassium-sparing diureticsHyperkalemia
IAPF, BRAHigh doses of diureticsHypotension, renal failure

Dangerous combinations of antihypertensive drugs:

  • any two drugs from the same group (for example, an ACE inhibitor - "Enalapril" with "Perindopril");
  • β-blockers with AK;
  • β-blockers with CCB.

Unwanted drug combinations (high risk of side effects):

  • β-blockers with ARBs (sartans);
  • β-blockers with ACE inhibitors;
  • potassium-sparing diuretics with ACE inhibitors.

Long-term treatment with drugs for high blood pressure in some patients is addictive (tolerance):

  • relative - a decrease in absorption, acceleration of metabolism and excretion reduce the plasma concentration of the drug;
  • absolute - tissues and organs become less sensitive to the effects of tablets.

In the case of relative tolerance, the effectiveness of treatment can be restored by increasing the daily dose, the absolute one requires discontinuation of the drug with the appointment of a drug with a different mechanism of action.


A lot of research is aimed at developing a pill for hypertension without side effects.

But even with a modern pharmacological assortment, the doctor can choose the combination and dosage of drugs that will ensure a stable decrease in blood pressure and the absence of side effects.

For better control of blood pressure and the use of lower doses of antihypertensive drugs, it is recommended to combine taking pills with non-drug methods of lowering blood pressure (normalization of weight, physical activity, balanced nutrition, minimizing stress, avoiding alcohol and smoking).