
Hypertension 1 degree: is it taken into the army?

Hypertension is considered the most common pathology of the cardiovascular system. It is divided into several stages and is expressed by certain symptoms, depending on the severity of the course. The initial degree is characterized by minor deviations in pressure and the appearance of signs, but requires careful attention from the doctor. Therefore, conscripts need to know: do they take into the army with 1 degree hypertension?

General information

Hypertension implies a violation of the function of the cardiovascular system, manifested by a significant increase in blood pressure indicators. People with this condition suffer from certain symptoms. They have to regularly monitor their health. The question "whether they are being recruited into the army with hypertension" does not have an unambiguous answer, it all depends on the capabilities of the organism and the stage of the disease.

First of all, the likelihood of service depends on physical activity, general health, endurance. For males, all the necessary medical examinations are carried out to reveal the presence of pathological processes, other deviations from the norm. A full conclusion about the service is made by a qualified doctor, based on the results of clinical studies, additional methods such as ECG, ultrasound, REG.

Hypertension and the army are complex concepts. A conscript can indeed receive a legal exemption from serving the motherland. This is due to the fact that the disease is quite serious, contributes to the deterioration of the functions of internal organs, which reduces performance, physical activity and the following symptoms appear:

  1. Headache.
  2. Violation of cardiac activity.
  3. Constant irritability, anxiety, nervousness.
  4. High sweating.
  5. Nosebleeds.
  6. Blurred vision (blurred, blackheads).
  7. Swelling of tissues.
  8. Numbness of the fingers of the upper, lower extremities.

Lack of treatment for hypertension leads to the manifestation of complications, a stroke may develop, which is especially life-threatening, it leads to disability or death.

Do they take into the army with hypertension? It all depends on the stage of the disease, medical indicators, well-being. Often, with stage 1 hypertension, young people are not exempted from this type of activity.

How to lower blood pressure before a medical examination

To serve, the stronger sex must successfully pass the medical examination. After it, everyone is issued a final conclusion on fitness for military service. Young people must meet certain requirements, be healthy and resilient.

With hypertension that progresses, males are less likely to serve. The disease is characterized by sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, accompanied by a general decrease in well-being, weakness, headache, and other disorders.

Minor increases in pressure can be reduced before commission. There are special methods for this. But you should not use medications, as conscripts must undergo blood and urine tests.

The following simple rules will help to normalize the level of blood pressure:

  1. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices are also helpful. Beetroot and everything that is prepared from it is especially beneficial. It helps to lower blood pressure.
  2. You must refrain from caffeine, smoking, alcoholic beverages. They negatively affect blood vessels, contributing to their constriction, and increase blood pressure in a short period of time.
  3. You need to drink the required amount of clean water per day. It will ensure the proper functioning of organs, reduce salt deposition, and stabilize the pressure indicator.
  4. Potassium-rich meals can also be eaten a few hours before the medical examination. These can be beans, dried apricots, banana, potatoes, or greens.

To take on the service, it is good to practice correct breathing. Such gymnastics allows you to normalize the psyche, restore the respiratory system, which has a beneficial effect on the level of blood pressure.

Invalid indicators

Young people who want to devote their lives to military activities, but have problems with pressure, should know what kind of hypertension they are taking to serve. After passing the commission, on the basis of the results of a medical examination, instrumental methods, recruits are told about the likelihood of service.

Those who have pronounced symptoms of the disease, feeling unwell, and reduced physical activity may become unsuitable. Hypertension of the 2nd degree is considered a serious pathological process, a conscript can be exempted. The presence of aggravating factors when diagnosed with "high blood pressure grade 2 risk 2" leads to exemption from military service. The disease can progress, turn into a complication threatening a stroke or other dangerous consequences. The same can happen with grade 2 hypertension, risk 3. This condition is characterized by the influence of additional factors - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, unhealthy diet. Therefore, grade 2 hypertension has a great health hazard and refers to a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

In the third degree of the disease, there are sharp fluctuations in pressure, reaching high values. Serious disorders of vascular activity occur. Systolic pressure varies from 180 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure starts from 110 mm Hg.

At the second stage, there is a partial suitability, based on the presence of aggravating factors, and at the 3rd stage of the disease, the army is unacceptable. The pressure in the arteries reaches its maximum value, there is a deterioration in health, the vascular system suffers greatly.

Valid values

Desire is not enough for service. Good health is essential, and hypertension can lead to rejection. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the degrees of the disease, as well as to know under which military activities are permitted.

Do they take into the army with 1 degree hypertension? This stage is considered the most frequent, characterized by minor changes in blood pressure.

Often, a person may not be aware of the existence of a disease. Therefore, at the medical board, young people are examined, where they can reveal deviations. With the initial development of hypertension, it is possible to serve if there are no aggravating factors and additional diseases. The pressure is characterized by a systolic value from 140 to 159, diastolic - from 90 to 99. If there is a 1st degree of hypertension, the release is about 50%.

Arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree is caused by limited suitability. Pressure has indicators: upper from 160, lower from 100 mm Hg. possible disorders of the cardiovascular system, manifested by a heart attack, myocardial stroke. If a conscript is diagnosed with the 3rd degree of hypertension, he is considered completely unfit for military service. This stage refers to the risk of severe complications, people are often given a disability group.

Hypertensive disease is one of the reasons why the stronger sex cannot serve the motherland. It is possible to draw a conclusion about whether they will be taken into the army or not only after a medical examination, the presence of a certain certificate that exempts the conscript from service.