
Five tinctures for hypertension

Most of the adult population of the planet suffers from high blood pressure. There are a lot of medications prescribed by doctors for hypertension, but people are looking for alternative methods of therapy that would not have a negative effect on the body, as is the case with pills.


A patient with hypertension will have to drink almost all medications on an ongoing basis. Over time, because of this, a person develops problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver. That is why a remedy based on 5 tinctures for hypertension is considered the best medicine. It has practically no side effects, and its effectiveness has long been proven.

Among the wide variety of medicinal plants, there are especially significant ones. 5 tinctures have earned their fame due to the therapeutic effect of high blood pressure. Herbalists all over the world prefer these remedies, as they can improve a person's condition for many ailments, including those that have a negative effect on blood pressure levels.

What it consists of:

  1. Peppermint.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Valerian.
  4. Eucalyptus.
  5. Peony.

All plants are infused with alcohol and are sold in this form in pharmacies. Each medicinal herb individually represents a unique healing agent that helps with many diseases. A mixture of several tinctures has a pronounced therapeutic effect, since the properties of each plant complement each other.

People with hypertension experience a host of unpleasant additional symptoms.

Insomnia, depressive disorders, as well as other conditions give a person discomfort, they can aggravate the course of the underlying disease - hypertension.

Taking 5 tinctures constantly, you can achieve an improvement in general well-being, normalization of blood pressure, and get rid of pain in the head.

It should be borne in mind that all herbal preparations must be drunk for a long time in order to achieve a good therapeutic effect. If a person takes this remedy from time to time, then one should not expect a significant improvement in his health, the effect will be short-term and insignificant.

The effect of each tincture

There are many folk remedies for hypertension, but 5 tinctures are a drug that has several effects on the body at the same time, which together improves all vital processes that affect blood pressure.


This herb is able to have a healing effect on several parts of the body. With hypertension, it is also irreplaceable.

Peppermint Properties:

  1. Improves the digestive process, thanks to the essential oils that are part of the plant, as well as other useful substances.
  2. It has an analgesic effect for colds, eliminates an unpleasant sensation in the throat. Relieves cough, sputum discharge.
  3. Perfectly relieves insomnia.
  4. Improves heart rate, has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, which is necessary for hypertension.
  5. It is effective in treating painful sensations of a neurological nature, soothes nervous excitement, which negatively affects the level of blood pressure.

Also, this plant is used to treat skin diseases and many others. We must not forget that peppermint has a number of contraindications for taking.


This herb is used both in traditional medicine and in official medicine, due to its various properties:

  1. The content of a large amount of vitamins and other useful elements, which allows the plant to be used to improve the immune defense in many diseases.
  2. It is necessary for sleep disorders, as it has a sedative effect.
  3. Eliminates headaches.
  4. It is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, in combination with other drugs.
  5. Normalizes blood pressure.
  6. It has diuretic properties, which also reduces blood pressure.
  7. It is used for gynecological and dermatological diseases.

Despite the fact that this is a herbal remedy, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use, since the manifestation of side effects is possible. Motherwort tincture also has contraindications.


Valerian is known for its health benefits. The tincture of this plant is made from the root of the herb, as it has a large number of beneficial trace elements.

Valerian properties:

  1. It is effective in treating ailments of the nervous system, it has a significant calming effect on the body.
  2. It is considered a good antispasmodic, therefore it is prescribed for pains of various localization, neurological, with cardiovascular pathologies, as well as pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. A beneficial effect on the processes of a psychological nature.
  4. Restores the activity of the cardiovascular system, which improves blood pressure.
  5. It has a pronounced sedative effect, it helps to restore blood circulation, due to the removal of spasms from veins and arteries.
  6. Reduces blood pressure levels.

It is known that valerian has accumulative properties, so it must be taken for a long time. If a stressful or emergency situation has arisen, this tincture is useless, it will only help if you drink it for a long time, in courses.


The composition of the tincture is very rich, it contains a lot of useful trace elements, acids, and other substances. Eucalyptus is used to treat various diseases in children and adults.

Eucalyptus properties:

  1. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. It is used to treat colds, as it is able to numb the throat, helps in the discharge of phlegm.
  3. Restores sleep and psycho-emotional state of a person.
  4. Effective for pathologies of the nervous system, such as neurosis, neurasthenic disorders.
  5. It is used to treat skin diseases, due to its antiseptic effect and the ability to eliminate itching of the skin.
  6. It activates the body's defenses, which is necessary for any ailment.
  7. Helps to normalize blood pressure.

The essential oil of this plant has powerful properties that affect the body in different ways. Taking eucalyptus tincture, a person normalizes vital processes and protects himself from many diseases.


This plant has a rather powerful effect on the human nervous system. Also, peony contains substances necessary for the treatment of hypertension.


  1. It is used in the treatment of epilepsy due to its anticonvulsant properties.
  2. Improves blood circulation, which helps to normalize blood pressure.
  3. Relieves tension, restores sleep, as it has sedative properties.
  4. Eliminates problems with digestion and bile production.
  5. Eliminates drug and nicotine addiction.
  6. It has an analgesic effect on headaches.

Observing all the rules for taking a mixture of 5 tinctures, you can significantly ease the course of hypertension, provide a long remission period.

To prepare the medicine at home, you need to purchase one bottle of all tinctures at the pharmacy, pour them into one container and leave for 6 days without shaking. Some herbalists recommend adding 7-8 cloves to this mixture. You need to drink the product regularly for 2-3 months, drinking 1 dessert spoon of a mixture of tinctures diluted in a third of a glass of water 3 times a day. It is better to use the remedy 15-20 minutes before a meal.

Indications and contraindications

Prescribe 5 tinctures for many ailments. The properties of this drug in the complex are necessary for the treatment of diseases that provoke certain disorders in the body.


  • improves heart rate with tachycardia and arrhythmias;
  • restores blood circulation in the brain;
  • eliminates congestion in veins and arteries;
  • relieves convulsive manifestations;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a calming effect in neurosis.

As people age, they develop many health problems, the main ones being heart ailments and high blood pressure. A mixture of 5 tinctures is considered the best therapy option, since it has practically no contraindications and side effects.


  1. Childhood.
  2. The period of bearing a child.
  3. Alcoholism.
  4. Work in positions that require high concentration of attention and speed of reaction.
  5. Decreased heart rate.
  6. Low blood pressure.
  7. Allergic reactions to the components of the mixture.

We must not forget about the observance of dosages, since an increase in the dose can provoke negative reactions.

5 tinctures have good medicinal properties, their use is necessary for many disorders in the body. However, you should not start taking this drug on your own, you should definitely consult your doctor.