
Iodine for hypertension: an Indian method of treatment

About a third of the world's population is faced with an increase in intravascular pressure, this is commonly called hypertension. Thanks to the development of pharmacology, it has become possible to treat almost every disease, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, some people still prefer to use non-traditional therapies.

The use of iodine

Iodine is a substance obtained from research on seaweed in 1811. In medical practice, it is used for the production of pharmacological preparations that determine the good biological activity and versatile action of drugs. Due to the properties of this component, medicines made with iodine have antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. After its use, the amount of cholesterol in the blood plasma is reduced.

The Indian method of treating pressure with iodine has contraindications, but causes fewer side effects compared to some medicines. Therefore, we will consider the essence of therapy in this way, we will learn the features of the use of iodine therapy with increased blood pressure.

Iodine tincture (5% iodine) is kept in every first-aid kit due to its harmlessness, cheapness, wide range of applications:

  • iodine is indispensable for the slightest skin damage - wounds, scratches. The medication helps to avoid infection and accelerates the healing of epithelial tissue in adults and children;
  • during operations, the operated area is treated with iodine in order to destroy microscopic bacteria on the human skin;
  • for the treatment of certain diseases of the female genitourinary system - fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroma. In this case, the drug is used as part of pharmacological medicines;
  • in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, iodine is used for inhalation. In this case, it is characterized by an expectorant mucolytic effect that clears the bronchi from phlegm;
  • helps the thyroid gland to perform its functions correctly, therefore, the external use of iodine tincture stimulates the replenishment of the balance of substances in the body;
  • in folk medicine, the medication is used to treat diseases of the endocrine system, lead, mercury poisoning, respiratory diseases;
  • cleans drinking water from harmful bacteria.

Scheme efficiency

Considering that a person can face hypertension at any age, many medications and folk antihypertensive drugs have been developed. Naturally, the former are highly effective in combating high blood pressure, but they also cause a number of side effects, so not every pharmaceutical preparation is suitable for a person. Medicines are not entirely appropriate for therapy with increased intravascular rates at the initial stage. With a mild course of hypertension, the influence of the chemical effects of drugs on the body is avoided using the Indian method of treating hypertension with iodine.

Having discovered intravascular hypertension in oneself, they consult with a doctor about the use of iodine therapy against hypertension, so as not to cause complications in the form of stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, or simply not to overdo it with treatment.

Iodine from arterial hypertension helps to get rid of without side effects on the body, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood plasma (which also affects arterial parameters). This method has been tested by many generations of people, therefore it is considered one of the highly effective antihypertensive methods of pressure stabilization.

Iodine action

Iodine is an essential ingredient in helping organs function properly. It is produced in the body of every person, but with a deficiency of this enzyme (due to poor nutrition, frequent respiratory diseases), it is more difficult for the immune system to maintain health.

Violation of the iodine balance provokes such deviations in health:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • arrhythmia, bradycardia, hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

Iodized substance is present in almost all organs, systems and tissues of the body: in the heart, lungs, adrenal glands, fat, muscles, thyroid gland. Due to the small amount of iodine enzyme in the latter, there is a violation of the functionality of the organ and intravascular hypertension appears. If the reason for the increase in intravascular indicators is precisely its lack, then the treatment of hypertension with iodine will replenish the required level of the element, restoring the functionality of the thyroid gland, removing the source of malaise.


The Indian method of treating hypertension with iodine is to replenish the iodine level in humans.

For therapeutic therapy in this way, it will be necessary to draw certain figures on the human body with iodine according to the following scheme and at the appointed time. In this case, ordinary ear sticks and a bottle of pharmaceutical iodine are used.

The scheme of Indian therapy involves drawing conditionally straight and dotted lines on the limbs and back according to the plan described below. The lines on the arms and legs must be closed in a ring.

A similar therapy is carried out in the autumn and spring: from September 1-30 and March. In other months, iodine treatment does not show the expected results. The lines are applied in this order:

Date in September / MarchWhere to draw the line
21/1Slightly above the wrist (left hand)
22/2Just above the ankle (right leg)
23/3Above the wrist (right hand)
24/4Above the ankle (left leg)
25/5Above the elbow bend on the left shoulder
26/6Above knee (right leg)
27/7Above the elbow bend (right arm)
28/8Over the knee (left leg)
29/9Draw not a straight line, but a dotted line across the entire back (diagonally) from the shoulder on the left side to the thigh on the right side
30/10Perform manipulations of the previous paragraph, only from the shoulder on the right side - to the left thigh
From 10 to 20 the number (months intended for treatment) take a short break in application so as not to provoke an iodine overdose

The above scheme is solely the sequence of drawing lines with iodine. In order for such therapy to please with the result, it will be necessary to carry out external treatment of the skin only before bedtime.

With the correct implementation of the instructions of Indian iodine therapy, the vascular walls are strengthened, their elasticity improves, and the body restores the optimal amount of iodine for further work.

You should not expect that after a single course of treatment, hypertension will be completely cured, because given the person's nutrition and other factors that provoke an increase in intravascular pressure, the tonometer's readings will increase again and again. It is recommended to undergo an Indian therapy annually, intended for the treatment of blood pressure with iodine, in the spring and autumn with the aim of general maintenance of the body.


It is believed that this technique has no contraindications for use, but sometimes iodine is harmful to a person. Do not perform iodine therapy in such cases:

  • with individual intolerance to an iodized substance;
  • lactation and carrying a child;
  • the use of other pharmacological preparations containing iodine;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • acne breakouts;
  • jade;
  • furunculosis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

An important factor prohibiting the use of an iodized substance is an overdose of this component. The normal amount is determined based on the person's age:

  • for children under 12 months, the norm is 50 mcg of iodine;
  • babies up to six years of age - 90 mcg;
  • children 7-12 years of age - 120 mcg;
  • adolescents and adults - 150 mcg;
  • women during pregnancy or breastfeeding to maintain iodine levels in the body - at least 200 mcg.

To find out how much iodine is in your body, you need to see a doctor and pass special tests. Iodine therapy is appropriate if a substance deficiency is identified.

Test for the amount of iodine in this way. An arbitrary shape is applied with iodine (on any part of the body, except for the thyroid gland) - a 10 * 10 square or a circle (the size of an egg) and observe how quickly the substance absorbs the epidermis:

  • after 8 hours or less - a critical lack of iodine;
  • 24 hours - replenishment of the iodine balance is necessary;
  • is not absorbed for 24 hours or the brightness of the pattern fades - there is enough iodine in the body, and iodine therapy is contraindicated.

If redness, rash or other signs of an allergic reaction appear at the site of iodine application, this means: iodine therapy should be abandoned so as not to damage the body.

Treating hypertension with iodine in the early stages is a reasonable decision, but in the middle and severe stages of the disease, such therapy will only work superficially. In severe hypertensive manifestations, iodine therapy will have a supportive effect on the body and reduce the severity of pathologies in order to simplify the process of controlling hypertension. You should not rely only on this method of treatment and get into situations that provoke an increase in intravascular parameters. You need to take care of yourself and take medications prescribed by your doctor.