
Prevention of pressure rise

Primary and secondary prevention

Primary prevention implies the elimination of factors affecting intravascular pressure from a person's life. In simple terms - lifestyle correction.

This option can and should be used by every person, without exception. Children from early childhood need to be taught to respect their health. The use of medicines against high blood pressure is categorically unacceptable at this stage, because it is aimed at a person's work on himself and his destructive habits.

Above all, regular exercise will help. Everyone knows that physical activity has a positive effect on a person, especially when it comes to the cardiovascular system. For example: when running, blood begins to more actively flow to the vessels, which, in turn, train elasticity (at the same time, thrombosis is prevented). If a person does not have any harmful bad habits, regularly goes in for sports, then it is easier for trained vessels to overcome difficulties, and they cope with the task much better than a "lazy" person.

It is recommended to use a variety of physical activities that promote the use of all parts of the body. This will allow you to control each vessel and avoid adverse effects. This gymnastics should be given at least 30 minutes daily. If you forget that you need to do physical exercise, then you should put a reminder on the gadget (at a convenient time for you) or ask your family to remind you about the exercise.

Adequate sleep. Healthy sleep is an integral part of human health. It ensures the normal passage of processes inside the human body. Typically, a person should allow the entire body to rest for 8 full hours in order to stabilize the normal functionality of the cardiovascular, brain and other systems. However, people who already have high intravascular pressure need to expand these limits and sleep about 9-11 hours a day to prevent high blood pressure.

Obesity. Losing excess weight is also the prevention of hypertension. Excess weight disrupts the functionality of human systems, the balance of nutrients inside the body, clogging it with excess salt, cholesterol and other enzymes. Some people do not consider themselves fat enough to fall into this category, but there are special norms that must be adhered to: the ratio of height to weight. For example, tall people are allowed a little more weight than low ones.

To determine if your weight is normal, you need to calculate your body mass index. To do this, the number of weight must be divided by height, multiplied by 2. Indicators from 20 to 30 are considered normal.

A mandatory step in primary prevention is the rejection of bad habits. Everyone knows how they affect the body. Tobacco smoke contains enzymes that poison blood vessels. When they are damaged, atherosclerotic plaques begin to be deposited in these places, narrowing the intravascular lumen. Alcohol has the opposite effect, but this does not mean that drinking alcohol will prevent high blood pressure. With the regular use of alcohol, the liver, adrenal glands (provoking fluid retention and renal hypertension), the brain (cells gradually die off) suffer, and the body cannot understand what to do if one agent acts in a narrowing way, and the other expands.

A morning cigarette on an empty stomach is especially dangerous. So smoking poisons the body even more than all day long.

It's also important to avoid stressful situations. A calm state allows you to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, as a result of which the blood flow is not disturbed. It is recommended to start doing yoga, meditation, because such procedures soothe and strengthen the nervous system, help to forget about problems or not dwell on them.

You can also seek help from a psychologist with the whole family. Everyone will say: "I'm fine, why do I need a doctor?" However, regular streams of problems that disturb the nervous system do not always allow the brain to quickly find a solution to the problem, and a psychologist will help find a way to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, and prevent the appearance of hypertension and other pathologies that arise against the background of stress.

Compliance with the daily regimen is another component of primary prevention. The daily routine helps the body prepare in advance for the upcoming processes. It is important to go to bed and wake up on time, eat at the same time and do not forget about the change in activity in order to give the body a rest. This is the best prevention of arterial hypertension.

Supports optimal levels of vitamins in the body. This helps him to function normally, they are carried along with the blood and nourish the vascular walls. The person should take the supportive vitamins prescribed by the doctor, especially during the autumn and spring time.

Proper nutrition is also a necessary prevention of hypertension. The amount of nutrients entering the body will depend on it. Due to the imbalance in the menu, some foods appear in excess (salt). You should reduce the consumption of cholesterol-containing foods (butter), and also minimize the consumption of fried, fatty, and food containing synthetic flavor enhancers (drinks, chips).

Several recommendations for the prevention of hypertension:

  • In the morning, the first thing to do is drink 1-2 glasses of warm purified water to start metabolic processes that normalize intravascular pressure.
  • Fried, fatty, spicy - the main enemy of normal blood pressure.
  • You should switch to a predominantly plant-based diet. Every day a person should consume milk, vegetables and fruits containing useful vitamins and helping to eliminate arterial hypertension.
  • Memo for hypertension: bakery products do not increase intravascular pressure, but they contribute to active weight gain and obesity.

Using these simple guidelines, you can prevent hypertension. But if sometimes the pressure is still worrisome, you should seek help from a doctor. This will allow you to detect and eliminate the cause of the disease in time and cure it using medications.

Secondary prevention implies the prevention of complications against the background of hypertension that has already appeared. In this case, sanatorium treatment and medications can help: antispasmodics, ACE inhibitors, beta and alpha blockers, sedatives, diuretics and other drugs prescribed for adults and children to stabilize pressure.

The following are used as physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Balneotherapy.
  • Galvanization.
  • Laser puncture.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Halotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.

This complex of procedures and drugs helps prevent the development of complications against the background of hypertension: hypertensive crisis, stroke and myocardial infarction, which, in most cases, confine the patient to bed or lead to death.

In medical practice, many drugs are used to reduce hypertension. However, their combination is considered the most effective. These drug options are the most common in the treatment and prevention of hypertension:

  • Sedatives (motherwort, valerian, "Novopassit", "Corvalol") - drugs designed to calm the nervous system, which is actively involved in the problems of intravascular pressure.
  • Beta-blockers help a person by influencing the receptors of the vascular-cardiac system.
  • Diuretics (diuretics) - relieve stress on blood vessels, helping the liver and kidneys to cope with their task (remove excess salt and fluid from the body).
  • Thiazide drugs. They are included in the list of diuretics, but differ from them in that they prevent the excretion of calcium from the body.
  • Potassium-sparing medicines are used to supplement diuretics and tizaids. They also contribute to more effective renal and hepatic performance, but they have a lot of side effects, therefore, they are prescribed by a doctor in rare cases.
  • Alpha blockers are instant drugs. They act on the receptors of the nervous system and expand the vascular cavities, immediately lowering arterial parameters. This simplifies the excretion of urine from the body if the patient has problems with a disease of the prostate gland.
  • Beta blockers normalize the heart rate by acting on the sinus node. They have similarities with alpha-blockers, because they also act on the central nervous system, but with the help of other receptors. These tablets can reduce the patient's sexual activity, and have contraindications: asthma, heart failure, impaired intravascular blood flow.
  • Calcium channel blockers. With an excess of calcium in the body, muscle activity increases, causing a spasmodic state of the vessels. Correction of its level can bring blood pressure back to normal.

These medications are used to prevent complications - the treatment of hypertension in the initial stages. Based on this, you should not self-medicate, you need to immediately consult a doctor, because there are a lot of types of hypertension, and each type is treated individually.

Help of folk remedies

Before the advent of traditional medicine, people used the gifts of nature - plants that have a direct effect on the body, but, due to their natural origin, do not harm it. But these medications can also be harmful to health, especially if a person has an allergic reaction to herbs. Such people should take a responsible attitude to the use of medicines of folk origin, and at the slightest manifestation of allergies or other atypical reactions, consult a doctor. People who are taking medication should definitely tell a specialist about the use of additional traditional medicines.

These drugs should be given to children after consulting a pediatrician, because they, like pills, can unexpectedly damage the health of the baby.

It is recommended to consult a cardiologist before taking any of the herbal medicines. Herbs can affect the body differently in each case.

  • Tincture of calendula well relieves headaches, strengthens sleep and relieves dizziness. Suitable for the treatment of initial and moderate hypertension, if the patient does not have heart failure.
  • Freshly squeezed beet juice mixed with honey should be consumed three times a day, just before eating (1 tbsp. L.).
  • Recommended: Fresh onions, peeled baked potatoes, a few cloves of garlic (taken daily).
  • Take cranberries with sugar (or juice) half an hour before meals, three times a day (use for 20 days, then take a break - 7 days).
  • Persimmons, cranberries, beets and lingonberries are useful as a cocktail for hypertensive patients.
  • Rosehip or hawthorn for hypertension will be appropriate to replace tea.

The most effective recipes

High blood pressure is treated and controlled with the following recipes:

  • A handful of lingonberries (in a thermos) are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and kept for 60 minutes. It is consumed in the form of tea, but sugar is prohibited. You can only sweeten it with honey, which is thrown only into a chilled drink.
  • Mix a glass of water with 1 tbsp. l. honey, half a lemon (juice) and drink for 10 days.
  • Mix cranberry juice and honey (4 cups each) with marsh caddie (grass) - 100 gr. and 0.5 liters. alcohol. Let it brew for 14 days in the cellar, then use 2 tablespoons three times a day (half an hour before meals).
  • 0.5 kg. lemon mixed with juice 3 kg. onions and pour 0.5 l. Insist 14 days in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate and drink 1 tbsp. 3 p. in d.
  • Tincture of calendula is taken 3 r. per day, diluting 30 drops in 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Use a third of a glass of freshly squeezed chokeberry juice 3 r. per day.
  • Drink 0.5 cups of currant compote (without sugar) 60 minutes before meals.
  • Grind 4 large heads of garlic and 4 lemons in a meat grinder, then add one and a half liters of alcohol or moonshine to the finished mass, wrap in a blanket or blanket and leave warm for 24 hours. Then strain the finished tincture and drink 30 minutes before meals (1 tablespoon each).
  • For an attack of pressure, such a remedy was previously used: socks made of cotton fabric were moistened in ordinary 5% vinegar. Further, it was required to put them on clean and dry feet, sleep in them all night.
  • Flax seed can be used to strengthen blood vessels. Eat crushed seeds in 1 tbsp. three times a day with water. They can also be added to food for the prevention of blood vessels in the whole family.
  • A decoction of cones (pine) allows you to improve blood flow, restore blood pressure. They should be collected in hot weather. It is required to clean the raw materials from dust and dirt under warm water, pour vodka, insist and drink after 20 days. It takes 2 r. To take a ready-made tincture. a day for a teaspoon.
  • Garlic tincture. The chopped head of garlic is poured with moonshine and left to infuse for half a day. Drink 0.5 tbsp for a month. per day (arbitrary doses).
  • Mix lemon gruel with chopped rose hips and cranberries. Combine the finished mixture with 1 tbsp. honey. Consume no more than 3 months, 1 tablespoon per day.

Advice for the elderly

With age, the efficiency of the vascular system decreases due to changes taking place inside the vessels and a decrease in their elasticity. Then the elderly begin to suffer from increased intravascular pressure, they need to be regularly monitored by a cardiologist and take medications.

Simple therapeutic approaches in this case do not provide maximum efficiency, therefore, preventive measures in old age should be approached responsibly.

Over the age of 50, old people are faced with drug intolerance. This is due to the same changes in the body. The risk of an allergic reaction increases, therefore it is recommended to start treatment with any drug at half the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Having reached old age, there is little chance of completely defeating hypertension, however, it is possible to maintain a stable patient's condition, thanks to timely access to a doctor and adherence to the prescribed medication prescription, even if the symptoms of hypertension have completely disappeared. This will avoid complications, which will allow the patient to live for more than a dozen years.

Regular monitoring and prevention of blood pressure is required for people at risk: over 45 years of age, overweight, poor heredity. Initially, you should regularly and correctly measure the pressure, record its indicators. If values ​​appear that go beyond normal, consult a doctor, and also:

  • Relatively young old people are encouraged to do light jogging, and people over 60 are encouraged to actively walk.
  • Do gymnastics.
  • Give up alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  • Normalize the weight.
  • Eat right (control blood sugar, salt and cholesterol levels).
  • Alternate work with good rest.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours.
  • Avoid stressful situations.

It is important to take care of your health as much as possible. The activity of a person "aged" will allow you to regularly maintain vascular tone, as a result of which the pensioner will feel energized.

Therefore, prevention of hypertension is required for every person, regardless of age, because the primary preventive measures are aimed at improving well-being (without medical intervention). They will help every person to wake up vigorous and go to bed, feeling all the charm of life.