
How to treat tachycardia at home with folk remedies

Tachycardia is one of the types of abnormalities associated with the rhythm of the heart. Even if this phenomenon is not associated with other diseases, latent or explicitly present in the body, it cannot be overlooked. Seizures that occur frequently and last for a long time can cause significant damage to both the cardiovascular system and the entire body. Home treatment of tachycardia can be a good addition to the main drug therapy, and in some cases, completely replace it.

Basic information

Tachycardia is the accelerated work of the heart muscle, which manifests itself in frequent contractions (more than 90 per minute). This condition can be due to various reasons. Often, even healthy people feel their heart beats very often, and this is normal. The body cannot always work in one mode. He adapts, reacts to the situation, speeding up or slowing down his rhythm as needed.

For example, in a state of increased load, the body needs to get more nutrition and oxygen, frequent contractions of the main "pump" for pumping blood allows you to do this. When a person sleeps, he is healthy, all organs are resting and do not experience an acute need for large portions of oxygen and nutrients. At this time, the heart can also allow itself a little rest - it works in a calm, sometimes even slightly slowed down mode.

Natural causes are caused by a short-term slowdown and acceleration of the heart rate during breathing. In many people, at the time of inhalation, a decrease in heart rate is observed, and on exhalation, the heartbeats become frequent. A cup of strong coffee stimulates the nervous system and triggers an accelerated heart rate mechanism. Emotions, too, are often the catalyst for violent heart activity, be it intense anger or excessive delight.

In addition to natural physiological reasons, the accelerated heart rate is also caused by dangerous pathological conditions, among which not the last place belongs to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Treatment of tachycardia at home with folk remedies, along with a medication approach, in this situation will be very appropriate.

Cardiac tachycardia can be short-lived and mild. In this case, there is no need to treat it, usually the rhythm will normalize by itself.

But if the attack dragged on, and he brought with him other alarming symptoms, you will have to urgently take first aid measures. Constant monitoring and long-term, thorough treatment will be needed if cardiac excitement is repeated regularly and for no apparent reason.

It is worth considering in more detail a number of symptoms that signal the need to visit a doctor. Everyone should be aware of what to do if danger signs occur.

Symptoms and danger signs

Alarming symptoms arising from tachycardia:

  • strong, bordering on fainting, weakness;
  • dizziness, dark veil before the eyes;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • an attack of nausea or vomiting;
  • chest pain;
  • increased anxiety, fear of dying.

Before treating tachycardia at home, you need to understand that this condition can be very dangerous. Therefore, a visit to a doctor should precede any unconventional methods of exposure.

If the heart beats at a high speed for a long time, its chambers do not have time to fully pump blood, therefore, the body does not receive enough oxygen, which is necessary for normal life.

To replenish the lack of blood volume, the heart begins to work even faster, imposing an unreasonable burden on itself, but the situation is only getting worse. Hypoxia begins. Another danger in this condition is the increased risk of blood clots.

The heart and brain tissue are the first to suffer. In such cases, ischemic disease of these organs or other dangerous conditions develops. For example, the development of heart failure, stroke, heart attack is possible, a sharp cessation of cardiac activity and death also occur.

How to remove tachycardia at home if an acute attack occurs? Emergency measures come down to a few simple rules:

  • Provide a person with the opportunity to breathe fresh air by opening all the windows wide open.
  • Free him from embarrassing clothing.
  • Help him to take a comfortable and safe position for him (so that in case of loss of consciousness, the person does not fall).
  • Give sedatives to drink.
  • Moisten your face with a cold towel or drink gradually, in small portions, up to 4 glasses of cold water.
  • Induce a coughing fit or gag reflex in the patient.
  • Massage the area of ​​the neck in the area of ​​the carotid artery.
  • Massage the eyeballs by lightly pressing on them for a few seconds. At the same time, the eyes must be closed.
  • A point massage located on the palm between the thumb and forefinger will help.

Nutritional correction - initiation of therapy

Nutrition has been shown to have an effect on heart rate. By adding or removing foods from the menu, you can normalize your heart rate.

What should be excluded from the diet for people suffering from tachycardia attacks:

  • coffee and tea, especially strongly brewed;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • hot spices;
  • smoked and canned foods;
  • mushrooms;
  • foods high in fat, especially animal;
  • dishes prepared by the frying method;
  • salty foods;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate, cocoa.

What products to give preference to:

  • vegetables, fruits, dried fruits;
  • seafood;
  • honey;
  • fermented milk products;
  • cereal dishes;
  • nuts;
  • lean meat (not fried!).

An important rule of thumb for tachycardia is the frequent intake of food in small portions. It is forbidden to eat at night, especially fatty foods in large quantities are contraindicated. You need to steam food, by boiling, stewing or baking.

Folk remedies

Many plants have mild medicinal properties, their strength brings tangible relief from a variety of ailments, without causing harm to healthy organs. Herbal medicine is a complementary treatment widely used in traditional medicine, which is why every city's pharmacy always has a rich assortment of medicinal plants and herbal preparations. You can collect herbs yourself, but it is better to rely on the choice of specialists - their raw materials pass radiological and other types of control. It is almost impossible to provide such security at home.

If there are problems with an irregular heart rhythm, as well as other unpleasant symptoms (shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, heart pain), natural remedies in this situation can provide real help. It is on herbal medicine, first of all, that the treatment of tachycardia at home is based.

  1. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants... Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies is the use of different decoctions, tinctures and medicinal mixtures. Here are examples of some common and proven recipes that can effectively treat heart palpitations, chest pains, and post-exercise fatigue.
  2. Hawthorn decoction... This plant has long been known as one of the best helpers for the heart and blood vessels. It soothes, lowers blood pressure, and normalizes the heart rate. Preparation: pour a liter of water over flowers or hawthorn berries (about a handful), let it boil, cook for 5-7 minutes. Then cool, strain and drink 3 times a day, half a glass.
  3. Motherwort infusion... You can use alcoholic infusion. Purchased from the pharmacy, it is ready to use. You can also make it yourself.To do this, grind the plant, take the right amount (at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per glass), pour hot boiled water and insist until it cools down. For aroma and greater effect, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of peppermint oil and a spoonful of honey. Drink the infusion three times daily.
  4. Laurel broth... Finely chopped leaves are poured with water (a tablespoon of leaves is taken in a glass), it should be just boiled. You can store the broth in a thermos. Drink warm for a while before each meal.

Treatment of tachycardia with folk remedies also involves the use of various teas.

Strong experiences are often the main reason for tachycardia. What should be done in this case? It is enough for a person to calm down, and all unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own. Ordinary black teas with the addition of a pinch of lemon balm, mint or linden flowers will perfectly help with this.

  1. Infusion based on adonis... Boil the required amount of water, add dried crushed adonis to it, boil over low heat for several minutes. Then leave for half an hour, covering with a towel on top. The filtered cooled infusion is taken up to three times a day, no earlier than 30 minutes before meals. Relief comes after three days. For a glass of infusion, you need a teaspoon of the herb.
  2. Cornflowers against tachycardia... Preparation of the infusion: take 5 g of flowers per 250 g of water, pour boiled water over the plant and leave for about an hour, pass through cheesecloth and take before each meal (half an hour should pass). Single dose - 100 g.
  3. Coriander treatment... Infusion from the plant will help not only with tachycardia, but also with indigestion. For cooking, use fruits that are brewed for 10-15 minutes. They drink this medicine half an hour before meals. Single dose - 15 ml, daily dose 45-50 ml. A glass of water will need 10 g of the ingredient.

Herbal preparations

Treatment of tachycardia of the heart with folk remedies cannot be complete without the use of herbal preparations. Here is a checklist of effective plant combinations that can help relieve the symptoms of heart rhythm disturbances.

Collection number 1... Ingredients: lemon balm, valerian root, yarrow (in a ratio of 3: 3: 2).

Preparation: the mixture is poured with water, insisted up to 3 hours (20 g of the mixture are taken per glass). After that, the water with herbs must be boiled. Let it simmer over low heat for a few minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and treatment is started.

A glass of the product should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. The course, if necessary, can be continued for up to 7 days.

Collection number 2... Ingredients: motherwort, calendula (flowers), viburnum (bark), valerian (root).

Preparation: chop and mix all the ingredients, taking each ingredient equally. For an infusion with a volume of 250 ml, you need to take 10 g of the mixture. Boil all this for 20 minutes over low heat. When cool, strain the broth.

Consume fresh, drinking a glass a day, taking one or two sips repeatedly. The acute condition is removed within two days. As a preventive measure, you need to drink a course of up to 10 days.

Collection number 3. Ingredients: lovage, motherwort, hawthorn, chicory, calendula. Take each plant in an amount of 5 g.

How to cook? Pour the mixture with boiling water in a volume of one liter. Then place it all in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink the broth several times during the day, in small sips.

Collection number 4... Ingredients: birch leaves (100 g), nettle leaves (100 g), mistletoe herb (15 g), lemongrass (50 g).

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients and brew like regular tea (a pinch of the mixture on a medium teapot). You can drink three glasses a day instead of tea, the benefits will be maximum if you consume the drink fresh. Such an elixir will help get rid of insomnia and calm the nerves.

Collection number 5... Ingredients: rosehip, hawthorn, motherwort, green tea. All this is taken in equal parts.

How to cook? Pour 6 teaspoons of the mixture with 2 liters of water. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes. Sued and drink. Take the remedy daily instead of tea. It relieves an acute attack of tachycardia well.

Collection number 6... Ingredients: sweet clover, chamomile, bearberry.

Preparation: all plants are taken in equal proportions, brewed for 5-10 minutes. Drink the drink freshly prepared. Single dose - 100 g, daily dose - 300 g. Full course - 6 months.

All of these fees are excellent folk remedies for tachycardia and arrhythmia.

There is another effective medicine for tachycardia. Ingredients: 10 lemons, the same number of garlic heads, a liter of honey. Method of preparation: chop the garlic, release the juice from the lemons, mix everything with honey. The mixture is placed in a dark place in a tightly sealed container. Store there for 10 days.

Usage: for some time before eating, this mixture must be absorbed (in the amount of a teaspoon) for several minutes. Helps strengthen the heart muscle.

Delicious treatment

Treating tachycardia at home can be delicious. How to do it?

  1. Ingredients: three lemons, half a glass of dried apricots, the same amount of almonds and honey. Alcohol tincture of hawthorn and valerian. Method of preparation: chop nuts, dried apricots and lemons, pour over with honey. Add 15 drops of both tinctures. Usage: eat a tablespoon shortly before meals.
  2. Ingredients: walnuts, honey, raisins, taken in equal proportions. Cooking method: chop all ingredients and mix with honey. Usage: eat a tablespoon after waking up and before bedtime.
  3. Ingredients: cherries, carrots, oranges. Preparation: chop everything and make a fruit and vegetable salad. Use: you need to eat such a salad every day, the heart will work better, the frequency of its contractions will normalize.
  4. Ingredients: 4 lemons, 6 grains of camphor, 16 geranium leaves, a glass of honey, 18 almonds, valerian tincture 10 ml, take the same amount of hawthorn tincture. Method of preparation: squeeze juice from lemons, add two tinctures, honey, the rest of the chopped ingredients. Mix everything well. Usage: you need to eat a healthy composition once a day on an empty stomach in the morning. The dose is one tablespoon.

It is very useful for heart rhythm disturbances to eat a mixture of fresh elderberries and honeysuckle. You can make jam from them.

Alcohol tinctures

You can treat tachycardia with folk remedies using alcoholic tinctures.

A proven remedy - a mixture of 4 tinctures - gives a good effect. To do this, you need to take ready-made alcoholic tinctures in a pharmacy based on valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, add Corvalol to them. The proportions must be the same.

You need to drink the product before meals, 15-20 drops. Course - a week. The heart rate should be normalized.

Another variant of a mixture of alcohol tinctures: eucalyptus, mint, peony, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn. All these tinctures are mixed in such a proportional ratio: eucalyptus - 50 ml, mint - 25 ml, peony, motherwort, hawthorn and valerian - 100 ml each. This whole mixture is supplemented with 10 clove buds and infused for a week and a half.

Drink the medicine like this: a teaspoon is added to 100 ml of water, this dose is consumed three times a day.

The effectiveness of the juice tincture is noted. Lemon juice, half a glass of chokeberry juice, cranberry and carrot juice in the same volume, mix with 200 g of vodka. You need to use the tincture three times a day. After that, you can eat only after an hour. Single dose - 1 tablespoon.

Clover for alcohol: meadow clover is taken in the amount of several grains, poured with a liter of vodka or alcohol. The tincture is kept for a month. You need to drink the drug three times a day, 15-20 ml.

The tincture of elecampane is prepared as follows: half a glass of dry elecampane is mixed with alcohol (200 ml) and insisted for 14 days. When the tincture is ready, you need to drink it three times a day before meals. Single dose - 1 teaspoon.

For treatment with thorny gorse, its seeds are poured with vodka and insisted for about ten days. For half a glass of vodka, take 30 g of seeds.If you drink 30 drops three times a day, the heart will begin to work in a calm mode.

An alcoholic infusion is also made from gorse grass. It is prepared like this: dry grass (800 g) is poured with vodka (250 g). Extract of such a tincture should be about two weeks. When using a tablespoon of the medicine, dilute in a small amount of water. Drink in the same way as a seed-based product.

Lifestyle correction

The best way to beat tachycardia is to prevent it from developing. How to do it?

  1. You need to take care of your nerves. Peace of mind is the key to health.
  2. Overwork, both physical and mental, negatively affects the work of the heart, so it is important to ensure yourself adequate rest.
  3. A good night's sleep is the best way to relieve stress and restore strength. Taking long walks in the fresh air every day helps you sleep well.
  4. Everyone needs to go in for sports, but the load must be selected taking into account their capabilities. Tachycardia is not terrible for a trained heart.
  5. It is not necessary to provoke attacks by drinking coffee or other products that excite the nervous system.
  6. Good mood, positive emotions, the ability to abstract from problem situations - all this will help keep your heart healthy.

It is important to know how to deal with tachycardia and take preventive measures in a timely manner. Folk remedies, recipes, proven over the years, will always come to the rescue. Herbal medicine is the whole science of medicinal plants and how to use them for the benefit of health. But traditional medicine should remain the main method of dealing with the disease, and any other approaches should be applied only after discussing them with the attending physician - any self-medication is fraught with negative consequences.