
Potency and high blood pressure

Impotence is directly related to hypertension, because with increased pressure, the entire vascular system suffers. In this case, the vessels are clogged, the blood flow in the penis decreases, which leads to erectile dysfunction.

The relationship between hypertension and potency

Many men that with the appearance of hypertension, sexual disorders also occur, which reduce male activity to zero. In old age this is perceived as normal, but now hypertension is "getting younger", so many male patients aged 25-40 suffer from sexual dysfunction, which lowers self-esteem and interferes with normal life. Therefore, it is so important to know why hypertension and potency are interconnected with each other.

Increased pressure inside the arteries appears due to vascular narrowing or the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on its walls. As a result, vascular functionality changes, the arteries become not as elastic as before. However, why do people with hypertension additionally develop sexual dysfunction? Initially, it is worth understanding what an erection is. It occurs due to the flow of blood to the male genital organ. At this moment, blood enters through one vessel, and leaves through completely different ones, as a result of which an erection, an increase in sensations, culmination and ejaculation are normal.

Ideally, with an erection in a man, the cavernous bodies should be well filled with blood, as a result of which vascular elasticity will keep the penis in a tense state (from the moment of arousal until ejaculation is achieved). And only after that the blood leaves the organ. With hypertension, the vessels suffer, including those located inside the penis. At the same time, the cavernous bodies do not fill as expected, and the vessels are not able to expand / contract due to loss of elasticity, leading to sexual dysfunction or weak tension inside the phallus.

Based on statistics, about 45% of men (suffering from hypertension) feel arousal and strive to have intercourse, but a few minutes after the onset of proximity, the vessels are not sufficiently saturated with blood, as a result of which the penis does not have the required firmness.

In the second half of hypertensive men (about 55%), sexual activity remains at a normal level, despite the disease. This is due to their passivity during intimacy. However, this does not mean that the pathology will not lead to sexual dysfunction within the next 2-3 years. Therefore, you should pay attention to hypertension in a timely manner and start treating it in order to avoid complications in the form of hypertensive crisis, heart attack, stroke or absolute sexual dysfunction.

First of all, you should consult a doctor, and then increase physical activity and eliminate factors harmful to the body. This will simplify the work of the cardiovascular system and completely restore an erection.

Due to poor ecology, bad habits and irrational eating habits, hypertension regularly captures categories of the population around the age of 30. But given the existence of latent hypertension, most people simply do not know about their disease, so they perform prohibited physical exercises every day, abuse alcohol, and smoke.

Most often, men do not care about the state of their blood vessels and heart until problems with potency arise. Only then they turn to a specialist and detect hypertension. At the same time, for some people it is enough to change the city bustle to living in the countryside, correction of the nutritious diet and getting rid of bad habits will help, while others require drug treatment, which finally destroys sexual activity (in severe hypertension requiring drastic measures).

According to statistics, 4 out of 10 men suffering from hypertension, due to taking pressure-lowering drugs, are faced with a lack of potency.

Most of them stop using these drugs in order to restore sexual ability, but this increases the risk of complications, up to fatal consequences. Coming to the initial appointment with the doctor, where hypertension is detected, the specialist first of all recommends getting rid of the factors aimed at malfunctioning blood vessels and the heart. He advises to do morning and evening jogging, visit sports clubs, and in case of positive dynamics, the following happens:

  • The patient's weight is restored.
  • Salt and cholesterol levels in the body return to normal.
  • The arteries are cleared of atherosclerotic deposits.

But, if the patient is unable to abandon the harmful effects of the environment, smoking, drinking alcohol, and continues to eat poorly, then this is followed by drug treatment with side effects - impotence. But these funds also affect a person in different ways due to the working capacity of the immune system.

Scientists' opinions

Carrying out studies of patients of mature age, the researchers found that one of the factors provoking sexual failure in men is precisely high blood pressure.

  • Men over 40 years of age develop impotence against a background of hypertension.
  • It can also be caused by taking pressure pills.

A decrease in the tension of the male genital organ is caused by the deposition of plaque inside the blood vessels, from where the arteries depart, causing a weak erection. University professors believe that 45% of men cannot function normally during sexual intercourse due to plaque and salts inside the arteries, and the remaining 55% have acquired sexual dysfunction due to taking drugs for hypertension.

The effect of drugs against hypertension on potency

Today, many drugs have been developed for the treatment of hypertension, but only 5 groups of drugs for pressure are the main ones. In each case, the doctor chooses a specific type of them, starting from the patient's well-being, age category, concomitant diseases, existing complications and other factors.

Sometimes a specialist combines 2-3 groups in order to relieve symptoms and normalize intravascular pressure.

Beta blockers.Calms the heart by reducing the frequency of contractions and their strength. Reduces the tendency to arrhythmias. By doing this, the agent reduces the flow of blood entering the heart cavity and simplifies the work of the heart.
DiureticsContributes to the proper functioning of the kidneys, as a result of which the organ removes excess fluid from the body. From this, the volume of peripheral blood in the vessels returns to normal, and provides an acceptable intravascular pressure.
Calcium antagonists.Thanks to the drugs of this group, Ca receptors are blocked in vascular smooth muscle cells. In this case, the arteries relax, and the pressure returns to normal.
ACE inhibitors.With intravascular pressure, the body actively produces a substance - angiotensin. It spontaneously narrows the arteries, but when its production stops, the vessels acquire normal functioning.
Sartans.This group is similar to ACE inhibitors. It interferes with the performance of angiotensin receptors.
Centrally acting pressure lowering agents.This group is not used for treatment, but serves as an additional one. It is used in combination with other groups. These drugs act on the vessels through the brain.

The opinions of doctors differ regarding the use of drugs.Some believe that drugs for hypertension should be regularly changed so as not to addictiveness to the body, while others argue that this is not necessary, because the regular change of medications leads to the appearance of resistant hypertension that cannot be combined.

The selection of drugs should be dealt with exclusively by a cardiologist, based on the results of the study. If the indicators of intravascular pressure in men are less than 139/89 mm. rt. pillar, then the drugs used by the patient are effective and remain unchanged. However, if values ​​are higher than this norm, you should replace them, adjust the dosage, or add new funds.

Before establishing impotence against a background of hypertension, you need to find out if it is a consequence of depression. To do this, you should pay attention to the circumstances that distinguish them:

Impotence with hypertensionImpotence against the background of depression
It starts gradually.There is a sharp lack of erection.
No erections at night.There is an erection at night.
Attraction to the opposite sex is relatively normal. Ejaculation is present.There is no sex drive for women.
Problems arise when circumstances change (weather, health).An erection does not occur under certain circumstances.

Having established the final cause of impotence and making sure that it was hypertension that became the source of its occurrence, measures should be taken.

Professors have devoted a lot of time to this issue, conducting various kinds of research, and have found that common groups of drugs can reduce the sexual function of men, as well as increase or not affect it at all.

A group of medications affecting sexual activityResearch results and interesting facts
Beta blockers

Even before the research, experts believed that it was this group that led to the deprivation of male strength, but over time, doctors discovered the peculiarities of the substance - propranolol. It turned out that it makes it difficult to arouse, but allows you to increase the duration of intimacy.

Also, this substance increases the amount of estrogen and reduces the level of hormones (male). This is a side effect of propranolol, but after the end of treatment, this effect stops.

In the study of lisinopril and atenolol, a decrease in sexual function was noted at the initial stage of admission, but within six months, male activity was not only restored, but also increased.

It has been proven that the selective beta-blocker does not affect potency at all, and bisopolol promotes its increase due to an increase in intravascular blood flow.

In experimental studies, men were prescribed Nebivol, which, due to the intake, not only reduced blood pressure, but also increased male activity by 20%.


Investigating this group, scientists were interested in whether these drugs affect the potency of men, and how exactly. Then they found out that "Chlorthalidone" slowly leads to impotence, but not in all cases.

Hypertensive drugs that increase sexual functionality

Medicines: "Losartan" and "Valsartan" can increase sexual activity. However, those people who had good erections before taking these medications did not notice anything. These agents, designed to stabilize intravascular pressure, have helped those patients who previously had sexual problems.

If you find problems with sexual activity against the background of hypertension, you should consult your doctor for correction of therapeutic therapy. With hypertension, not every remedy can harm a man's sexual abilities.

Safe medicines

For every man, sexual activity is important, and in its absence, an inferiority complex develops (especially in young people). Most marriages are destroyed precisely because of the lack of intimacy, therefore, with impotence caused by hypertension, one should carefully approach the choice of medications.

For the treatment of hypertension and impotence, agents from the group of ACE inhibitors should be used, because they are responsible for hormonal levels. In the process, these tablets normalize salt and fluid balance, including hormones responsible for the functionality of germ cells.

ACE inhibitors are good means to normalize blood pressure, and they are absolutely safe for potency. After taking medications from this group, the patient feels an effect that affects intravascular pressure. This does not affect sexual activity.

The pills recommended by doctors for hypertension, useful for potency:

  • "Gopten".
  • Captopril.
  • Fozicard.
  • Enalapril.
  • "Zokardis".
  • "Lisinopril".
  • "Temocapril".
  • "Lotenzin".

Alpha blockers are the second option for medications that do not negatively affect potency. However, they do not eliminate the cause of hypertension, but simply relax the vascular walls, from which the pressure returns to normal. Tablets from the alpha-blocker group are prescribed for the temporary maintenance of the patient:

  • Tamsulosin.
  • Prazosin.
  • Alfuzosin.
  • "Silodosin".

Before purchasing any of the above medicines, consult your doctor (to avoid complications).

Beta-blockers are intended specifically for the treatment of hypertension, but they are also safe for potency. As mentioned earlier, when properly administered, they only slow down the rate of arousal, but prolong the process of sexual intercourse itself. Doctors recommend such means: "Metoprolol", "Carvedilol", "Labetalol", "Nebivolol".

Consequently, hypertension and potency are strongly interconnected, because proper blood circulation during intercourse is the key to successful intimacy.

Previously, scientists did not know what exactly causes male sexual dysfunction, what drugs affect it, but now everything has changed, and anyone can combine the treatment of hypertension with an active sex life. But in order to reproduce this combination of actions, hypertension should be identified as early as possible.