
Hypertension causes

Hypertension is one of the most common pathologies, so everyone should know the possible causes of the onset of the disease, as well as how to eliminate them. So you can protect yourself from serious consequences leading to premature death. Accordingly, it will be necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures on the basis of what can cause human hypertension.

Disease development

Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease caused by an increase in intravascular blood pressure, which entails a number of negative processes and disruptions throughout the body. The pathogenesis of the disease is a violation of the blood circulation, which is directed by the brain. This is due to the activity of blood circulation, accompanied by vasoconstriction.

The disease is diagnosed by a general practitioner who measures the pressure with a tomograph. At the same time, he fixes indicators that exceed the norm. However, the diagnosis of hypertension does not end with one blood pressure measurement. To do this, it is required to fix increased indicators in a calm and active state for several days.

Many people believe that hypertension occurs exclusively in old age, but this is a misconception. Today, experts more and more often record juvenile arterial hypertension caused by a bad environment, inappropriate nutrition and other factors. This is what can really cause human hypertension.

The development of hypertension in men can begin in their youth, at a time when women are still quite healthy. The female body is less susceptible to disease due to the hormone that supports it. However, with menopause, it ceases to be produced and provide protection, leading to the development of increased intravascular pressure. That is why, only by old age, the percentage of morbidity among men and women is leveled.

Initially, GF Lang began to talk about the development of hypertension, back in 1948, after which his theory was supported by A. L. Myasnikov, together with a team of medical workers who continued Lang's beginnings.

Then it turned out that the true cause of the development of hypertension is a failure in the performance of the higher uneven system located in the medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex. These systems of the brain contribute to the regulation of vascular tone, which leads to an increase in tonic contractions of arterioles.

Failures of the functionality of the nervous system can change the order of biochemical processes taking place inside the body. This causes an increased activity of the hypothalamic centers of the sympathetic part of the central nervous system, affecting the vascular system. At the same time, an increase in the tone of the sympathoadrenal system was also recorded.

External hypertension is a nervous tension that includes negative emotions and other factors that irritate the nervous system (including psychological trauma). They cause stagnation of the centers of excitation in the central nervous system, and also contribute to the violation of intravascular tone and regulation.

Internal hypertension is a deviation of the nervous system caused by its characteristics and reaction to stimuli that have accumulated throughout human life (including infections that affect the activity of the central nervous system). It also includes congenital, hereditary characteristics, endocrine-nervous deviations / changes similar to neurotic failures during the female menopause.

Professor Myasnikov believes that hypertension is a hypersthenic disease caused by nervous tension. At the same time, hypertensive patients observe not weak, but enhanced processes taking place inside the central nervous system. Therefore, in people with increased neuro-physical activity, the disease is extremely rare. When examining a patient, doctors do not exclusively use an external or internal factor, but consider a combination of both. So they can find out the most accurate information about the causes of hypertension, prescribe the most effective therapy.


In medicine, it is customary to conditionally break down the causes of hypertension into external and internal.

External factors provoking hypertension include an irrational lifestyle, which includes poor nutrition, abuse of fatty, salty, sweet foods, and:

  • Regular use of alcoholic beverages, drugs.
  • Smoking.
  • Frequent contact with stressful situations. In this case, you should change your nervous workplace, improve relations with your family.
  • Regular emotional outbursts (of a negative nature).
  • Inactive vital activity. If the work of a patient with hypertension implies a constant stay in the office, then you need to go to sports complexes, do morning jogging.
  • Misuse of medications. You should know all the side effects of the medications used, use them strictly according to the doctor's prescription and exclude those that contribute to an increase in intravascular pressure.

Every human action affects health in a good or bad sense, and given the current pollution of the environment, the peak in the use of harmful substances, a person exposes himself twice in danger.

Wrong diet

Bad habits / unhealthy diet contribute to metabolic disorders and poison the body day after day. The result is a narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels, preventing blood from flowing through the body normally and causing impaired blood flow.

Overweight is the main reason for the development of arterial hypertension. Many organs and systems of the body suffer from this. Most often, excess weight occurs in old age, causing various deviations in the performance of the heart and blood vessels.

Problems associated with being overweight arise from a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, containing an excess of fatty, salty and sweet foods that increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The first signs of obesity-related hypertension are body fat thickness and waist diameter. If for men it exceeds 94 cm, then it is time to take radical measures that contribute to weight loss, and for women this figure is 80 cm.

Based on statistics, obesity is experienced by about 30% of males after 35 years, and 50% of women. However, it is impossible for all people to define the same diet. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and vital activity, because people who lead a sedentary lifestyle require fewer calories (as well as low ones), and tall and active people need more. Therefore, in order to normalize weight, you need to consult a dietitian and exercise.

An increased content of cholesterol in blood plasma is observed with an unbalanced diet, because this enzyme enters the body together with food (it is also produced by the body itself). As a result, excess cholesterol contributes to the destruction and decrease in the efficiency of the liver, the appearance of hypertension and obesity.

A qualified nutritionist, examining a patient, will conduct a study, and then exclude such food products: fatty fish and meat, animal fats, liver products, prescribe meals containing vegetable oils that lower cholesterol levels in blood plasma.

A large amount of salt and salty foods consumed are the most common causes of hypertension, negatively affecting the body in general, because they contribute to fluid retention in it.

It has been proven that sodium chloride in excess causes saline hypertension, edema, difficulty breathing, pain in the heart. During the research, it was noted that the condition of people who refused to consume abundant salt, for the most part, returned to normal, because, according to statistics, 1 g of sodium chloride increases blood pressure by 1 mm. rt. Art.

Lack of activity and stress

During sedentary work and an inactive way of life, the blood stagnates in the vessels, as a result of which they narrow, reducing cardiac performance. If you do not attend sports clubs, then it is impossible to resume the normal state of the cardiovascular system, and in the future this will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Stressful situations and emotional outbursts are a negative factor for the body, because at these moments the activity of the heart's working capacity changes, the pulse quickens. Against the background of constricted blood vessels, the heart does not have enough blood for nutrition, and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the whole organism occurs. If stressful situations at work or in the family occur regularly, then urgent measures should be taken to resume normal cardiac functionality, to prevent serious consequences.


It was also noted that the causes of hypertension come from the age category.

Conducting numerous studies of people of different ages, experts have established the following pattern: approximately every 10-20 years, a person's normal indicators of intravascular pressure increase by itself, and the diagnosis is assigned when the danger zone is regularly reached.

The age of the person.The pressure is systolic.Diastolic.
Bottom line.Upper.Dangerous zone.Bottom line.Upper.Dangerous zone.

The development of hypertension at a young age is possible when the upper limit of normal values ​​is exceeded, and the reason for this deviation may lie in the following failures in the body: when the functionality of the endocrine system or hormonal levels caused by puberty changes (during which the relationship between endocrine and nervous regulation of arterial pressure).

With a sharp decline in the performance of the gonads in mature women and men, hypertension begins to actively develop due to the instability of intravascular pressure.

However, this hypertensive manifestation may normalize over time.

Internal reasons

Internal causes of arterial hypertension arise from the patient's existing diseases that provoke an increase in blood pressure. These include:

  • Excessive amount of calcium in blood plasma.
  • Failure of renal function.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic diseases of infectious origin.
  • Genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.

Insulin is a hormone responsible for the amount of glucose in the blood, which directs it to the cells of the body. It also dilates blood vessels. Under normal conditions, it does not harm, but when it is in excess (with diabetes mellitus), it provokes an increase in blood pressure and a predisposition to the development of arteriosclerosis, indirectly affects the state of blood vessels, the thickness of the vascular lumen and walls.

Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis - these diseases are caused by narrowing of the renal arteries, leading to renal hypertension. At the same time, blood circulation inside the organ is disturbed, and an increased amount of angiotensin and renin is produced, leading to resistance inside the vessels and an increase in the tonometer readings. In a chronic course, hormonal changes are possible, provoked by increased intravascular pressure.

In addition, not only kidney diseases can cause hypertension, but on the contrary, periodically pathology causes kidney disease.

The causes of hypertension arising from adrenal tumors are pheochromocytoma and aldosteroma. These diseases affect the paired endocrine glands, which produce hormones that affect intravascular pressure, and are located at the top of the kidney. With a tumor - aldosteroma, the amount of aldosterone in the blood plasma increases. However, this does not end with increased pressure, because the ailment provokes the loss of potassium, which is excreted through the urethra.

With pheochromocytoma, a large amount of the hormone adrenaline is produced, as a result of which an increase in blood pressure occurs. The disease causes many symptoms, characterized by fever, pressure surges, reddening of the skin, increased sweating and increased heart rate.

Aortic cortex is a rare congenital disease. This narrows the area of ​​the aorta, which impedes renal blood flow and leads to the active production of renin in the body. Diseases of the thyroid gland. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are able to regulate the entire metabolism in the body, however, when a diffuse or nodular goiter is found in a patient, the amount of thyroid hormones increases, leading to frequent heartbeat and hypertension.

Also, this can include the causes of pulmonary hypertension (internal), while there is a narrowing of the pulmonary arteries, which do not perform their functions correctly, can provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition. With pulmonary hypertension, the structure of the organ is disrupted, leading to alveolar hypoxia. This ailment can develop against the background of the following pulmonary diseases:

  • Bronchiectasis. With a disease, suppuration and cavities form in the lower zone of the lungs.
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis changes the lung structure by blocking the pathways for air passage.
  • Fibrosis of the lung tissue is characterized by a change in the tissue itself, where normal cells are replaced by connective cells.

However, in addition to pulmonary diseases that cause hypertension of this type, heart diseases can also occur, which negatively affect the performance of the vascular lungs. These include: congenital defects (defects of the septa, open oval window), as well as other diseases that reduce the functionality of the heart muscle, and contribute to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation.

In addition to the above reasons for the appearance of hypertension, there are additional factors, which include the state of the central nervous system, its performance, balance, (affecting the nuances that a person usually does not notice), namely: a change in the color of the wall surfaces, surrounding gas pollution and the appearance of odors. Researchers have shown that bright orange and red colors promote arousal, and the smell of rose oil increases skin temperature, dilates blood vessels, slows down the pulse, and lowers blood pressure when the smell of ammonia triggers opposite reactions in the body.

People living in cities regularly suffer from exhaust fumes containing high levels of lead, carbon monoxide and other heavy metals, which cause cardiovascular and nervous system malfunction.

Hidden Factors

Based on medical practice, many people live in their usual way, and do not feel any hypertensive symptoms, and temporary malaise and weakness are attributed to fatigue from a hard working day. Most often, hypertension with latent symptoms is detected during an accidental therapeutic examination (when a doctor measures blood pressure with a tonometer), and at home (by the hypertensive person himself).Then it becomes clear that the constant negative impact on the body cannot pass without leaving a trace. The patient has a question about how to identify hidden cardiovascular problems and how to eliminate them.

Both women and men can not feel attacks of high blood pressure. However, the stronger sex is more prone to death due to asymptomatic hypertension.

Having studied more than a dozen patients with asymptomatic hypertension, scientists have not yet been able to find the answer why there is no pain from the disease, but the effect is the same? They are prone to the fact that the main causes of latent hypertension lie in the use of alcoholic beverages and regular exposure to stressful situations (accompanied by unfavorable emotions).

As a result, if the patient periodically develops headaches, numbness of the left arm, vascular pulsation in the temporal zone, light pressing or painful sensations in the chest, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, then hypertension shows minimal signs.

Having found deviations in the performance of the vascular-cardiac system, you should regularly measure the pressure level at home using a tonometer (at least 5 rubles per day, even at night). If the device shows a pressure level of 140/90 or more, you should immediately call an ambulance, because the asymptomatic form is especially dangerous. Without causing severe pain, a person may not notice a significant excess of pressure (or be calm about the deviation), which will lead to unforeseen consequences, and even death.

If chronic hypertension is detected, you should regularly take medications strictly according to the doctor's prescription, do not skip appointments and do not change dosages without his knowledge. At least once every 6 months, undergo an examination by a cardiologist in order to clarify the prescription and avoid complications (myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and hypertensive crisis).

How do I get accurate results?

  1. Measure blood pressure only in a calm environment, sitting with a straight back, leaning on the back of a chair (in a relaxed state).
  2. Wear loose clothing.
  3. Take the measurement no earlier than one hour after eating. You should also give up smoking and coffee drinks for 60 minutes.
  4. Don't talk.
  5. Before the procedure, you should lie down for at least 5 minutes.
  6. Measure the pressure on both hands 2-3 times.

Given these recommendations, you can get truthful data at home, without outside help. It is recommended to measure the pressure level for the slightest headaches, chest pressure and other symptoms, and if elevated indicators are found, immediately go to the doctor, because hypertension detected in the early stages allows you to eliminate the disease in full.

This approach to the diagnosis of latent hypertension will allow you to identify the disease yourself. Often, the disease does not manifest itself at a medical examination, but at home it begins to actively progress, therefore, a home check of the pressure level will allow you to notice the malaise in time, and if abnormal indicators are found that are much higher than the norm, call hide help.

Consequently, hypertension, like any disease, has symptoms and causes, however, one should not wait for major failures in the performance of the cardiovascular system, or for a serious urge for treatment (pain). This is fraught with the transition of the disease into complicated forms, leading to death. To protect yourself, it is recommended to purchase a tonometer and regularly measure pressure readings, and in case of frequent deviations, consult a doctor for emergency treatment.