
High blood pressure in the morning

High blood pressure in the morning can occur due to a variety of reasons. To understand why this is happening, you need to understand the main factors provoking such a state.

Why is the pressure higher in the morning?

High blood pressure in the morning is noted in 40% of hypertensive patients. To find out the cause of this condition, it is necessary to undergo an examination, on the basis of which the doctor will select an effective treatment.

Blood pressure readings can change as a result of various factors. During sleep, they are usually lowered, and by morning they can increase. A similar phenomenon is due to the fact that the body is completely relaxed at night. After waking up, all of its functions are activated. In addition, blood pressure can increase for the following reasons:

  • hereditary factor;
  • gender (this condition is often noted among men);
  • abuse of salty foods and coffee;
  • obesity;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • deviations in the work of the nervous system;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • pathology of the kidneys or heart.

The risk group includes people who are constantly in psycho-emotional stress. Learning to rest is important to stay healthy. Pressure can rise in the morning due to emotional disturbance. Patients suffering from neuroses and neurasthenia have an unstable psyche and pressure drops are inevitable for them.

Abdominal obesity is also a risk factor. In this case, fatty deposits are noted in the abdomen, which differ significantly from subcutaneous fat. They are quite aggressive, because they secrete a large amount of hormonal substances. To normalize weight and put yourself in order, you need to adjust your diet. It is very important for hypertensive patients to minimize the intake of salty foods. Its excessive amount in the body leads to fluid retention, which is why blood pressure increases. If the diet is dominated by food with animal fats, this threatens the accumulation of cholesterol. This condition does not in the best way affect the state of blood vessels.

The reason for the increase in pressure in the morning can be an evening meal. If a fatty, high-calorie meal was eaten in the evening, then you should expect an increase in cholesterol levels, and this, in turn, will affect the pressure surge.

People with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis or renal failure are most susceptible to hypertension. Treatment in this case requires not only the use of antihypertensive drugs, but also drugs with a diuretic effect.

The morning pressure surge may be related to weather conditions. In the course of research, scientists have confirmed the fact that the cyclone and anticyclone has a strong effect on weather-sensitive people. Against the background of changes in atmospheric pressure, their health worsens.

The increase in pressure may be associated with hormonal imbalances in the body. If we talk about the fair sex, then it can be menopause or menstrual cycles. Hormonal disruption is common in pregnant women, so they are often diagnosed with high blood pressure. To exclude the presence of serious health problems, it is required to undergo a complete examination of the body, be sure to check the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands. The drops can also be the result of some pathological process.

The position of the body during sleep can also affect the well-being of a person upon waking. If the posture is uncomfortable, then blood circulation deteriorates, which contributes to an increase in morning pressure. Its stabilization occurs independently after a certain period of time, and no measures are required.

Other reasons

Mostly elderly people suffer from high blood pressure. This is due to the age-related changes that the body undergoes. By the age of 50, many people have a deteriorating state of blood vessels: they become overgrown with cholesterol plaques, lose elasticity. All this leads to their blockage and the development of atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure in the morning can be associated with hormonal changes. This applies to women who have started their menopause.

Men are also susceptible to an imbalance in the hormonal background, which can also manifest itself in the form of morning pressure surges. A similar condition is also observed with the formation of blood clots.

If we talk about high morning pressure in the fair half of humanity, then the following reasons contribute to this:

  • emotional overexcitement;
  • taking a number of oral contraceptives;
  • pathology of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • the presence of hypertension.

When the work of the organs of the genitourinary system is disrupted in the body, fluid stagnation occurs. This is what often leads to pressure surges after lifting. As the body is freed from excess fluid, the indicators normalize. To prevent the development of such a scenario, you should not drink water, tea, coffee and other drinks later than 8 pm. In addition, hypertensive patients must necessarily monitor their emotional state, avoid strong expressions of feelings and conflict situations.

As for men, the reasons for the increase in pressure may lie in the abuse of processed foods, as well as foods high in cholesterol. The result is clogged blood vessels that are unable to properly handle blood flow. This is how deviations in the work of the heart and pressure drops appear.

Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits have a negative effect on the state of the whole body. And if in youth this does not manifest itself in any way, then by the age of 45 there is rapid fatigue, lethargy after sleep, high morning pressure, which can drop in the evening.

An important fact is that the emotional background of men is more stable than that of women. They often keep feelings inside, afraid to show them. It only seems that men are more collected and calmer than women. They just skillfully hide emotions and do not allow them to come out. This is why men are more likely to experience cardiovascular disease. In order to prevent the development of serious consequences against this background, it is necessary from time to time to throw out the accumulated feelings.

For older people, high blood pressure after waking up in the morning shouldn't be a major concern, and here's why:

  • an elderly person is not always able to correctly measure blood pressure, therefore, outside help is imperative to make sure of the correct values;
  • for them, the upper pressure with a value of 150 mm Hg can be considered the norm;
  • the body of an elderly person experiences difficulties in the transition from the sleep phase to the awakening phase. In most cases, the pressure will return to normal within a few hours after lifting.

Doctors recommend that older people regulate blood pressure with prolonged-release drugs. Their effect lasts for a day. Medicines of this type help to quickly restore normal pressure indicators in a weakened body.

Pressure increasing mechanism

In healthy people, at the time of sleep, the pressure decreases, and in the morning, due to physical activity, it increases. With normal household loads, the indicators in the morning should not be higher than 20% of the night level. In hypertensive patients, in the morning, the pressure can rise up, and remain at the achieved levels for a long time.This is associated with a threefold risk of heart rhythm disturbances, heart attack and sudden death due to cardiovascular disease in the first few hours after waking up in the morning.

A jump in pressure in the morning is due to a neuro-humoral imbalance, including a malfunction of the wound-angiotensin system. To address this issue and effectively reduce high blood pressure in the morning, it is recommended to use ACE inhibitors.

To prevent a spike in blood pressure after sleep, try to follow these tips:

  1. Gradually get out of bed and slowly take an upright position.
  2. Set aside time for a walk before bed. This will saturate the blood with oxygen, which will make the vessels more malleable for morning awakening.
  3. Place a few dry orange peels and mint leaves on the bedside table.
  4. Exclude coffee from the diet. You can leave only one dose of this drink. But it is highly undesirable to start the morning with its use.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, but your last meal should be before 8 p.m.

The rise in pressure is often asymptomatic. A person may not even be aware of the possible danger.

Headaches, tinnitus, glare in front of the eyes, and dizziness should definitely be cause for concern.

It is extremely important for hypertensive patients to control blood pressure several times a day by measuring it with a special device - a tonometer. Its indicators should not go beyond 140/90 mm Hg. Measurements must be taken on one and the other hand. If the values ​​obtained do not match, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The norm is considered to be a gap of 10 mm. mercury column.

The increase in pressure occurs due to a combination of reasons. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to health and promptly respond to any deviations from the norm. Ignoring the problem can lead to irreversible consequences. Prevention of all diseases is a healthy diet, a correct lifestyle, and the absence of intense emotional and physical stress.