Throat ailments

How to cure tonsillitis with folk remedies

The palatine tonsils are a kind of barrier to the penetration of pathogens, which are spread by airborne droplets. Penetrating into their mucous membranes and into lacunae (a kind of gate through which a special secret is released that resists infections), pathogenic microorganisms activate a protective reaction that fights against them.

But there are situations when the palatine tonsils are not able to resist infection, as a result of which they become inflamed. This phenomenon in medical terminology is called tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies includes various methods, each of which allows you to stop inflammation, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and infection.

The effectiveness of propolis

Propolis is an effective herb for treatment, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to enumerate. It is often used in the treatment of tonsillitis at home. There are several proven recipes:

  1. Propolis and butter. Mix these two components, while the amount of oil should exceed 10 times. The resulting product is consumed 45 g in 3 doses for 14 days. The method can be used for pregnant women and children.
  2. Grind 50 g of propolis, pour 100 ml of vodka. The resulting product should be infused for 3 days. The daily rate will be 60 ml, consumed in 3 doses. Can be diluted with a little milk.
  3. Natural propolis. It can be used to treat tonsillitis at home for pregnant women. Just put a small piece of the product in your mouth to keep it there for as long as possible. This method of therapy is effective not only for angina, but also for laryngitis, inflammation of the oral cavity.


Combine 500 ml of water, 50 g of fenugreek seeds. Set the container on fire, cook for 30 minutes. Wait until the broth has cooled, filter and take for a gargle. Carry out medical procedures 2 times a day. It is an effective treatment for chronic tonsillitis. It cannot be used by women while carrying a child.


Speaking about the methods of treating tonsillitis at home, one cannot fail to note such a useful procedure as applying a paste to the affected tonsils. With the finished product, process a stick with a wound cotton wool at the end, open your mouth wide. Carefully apply the paste to the affected tonsils. You can use the paste during pregnancy.

But for the preparation of a medicinal paste, you must use the following recipes:

  1. Combine mustard, barley, flax, radish and finely chopped horseradish root in equal amounts. Grind everything with a coffee grinder. In order for the mass to get a thick consistency, it is necessary to put water in it. The duration of therapy will be a week.
  2. Burn a couple of hyacinth twigs. Place mustard oil ash to form a thick consistency. Process the resulting mixture of tonsils daily to eliminate the chronic form of the disease.

Delicious medicine

Treating tonsillitis at home is really such a pleasant remedy: boil a few berries of raw figs, chop them with a grater. When the figs are warm, take 10 ml, but do not swallow. Wait until the gruel slowly melts in your mouth. A similar method can be used by women while carrying a child, as well as to treat not only adults, but also children.

Healing drinks

You can cure the disease using medicinal decoctions at home.

Honey and lemon

Combine 200 ml of warm water, 50 g of honey, the juice of one lemon. Stir everything thoroughly, consume a vitamin drink in 2 doses. Even women who are in a position can treat the disease in this way.


To stop an exacerbation, you need to put a little pepper and turmeric in a glass of warm milk. Drink a drink before bed for 3 days. Using the drink, you can cure sore throat at home, even in young patients.

Carrot, beet and cucumber juice

The mixture of these ingredients is a powerful treatment for chronic tonsillitis. It is necessary to connect the following components:

  • carrot juice - 1/5 cup;
  • beet juice - 0.5 cups;
  • cucumber juice - 0.5 cups.

Use the prepared mixture at a time.

Milk and violet flowers

Combine 50 ml of milk and 12 g of violet inflorescences. Filter the resulting broth, cool, drink. You can treat chronic sore throat at home using dry violet flowers. To do this, it is necessary to fry the raw materials in combination with sunflower oil. Apply a poultice to your neck before going on a night's rest. But such compresses are contraindicated only for pregnant women.

Ginger tea

You can treat sore throat with ginger tea. It is an effective remedy with which it is possible to stop infection and inflammation. To prepare it, you need to grind a slice of ginger on a grater. Add to it finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic and 2 lemons. Put all the ingredients in a container, pour 500 ml of water and keep on the stove for 20 minutes.

You can add honey to the drink to improve its taste. In addition, honey has a bactericidal effect, but do not add it to hot tea, as this will destroy its properties.

The daily rate will be 60 ml, consumed in 3 doses. This method of therapy treats angina in children, adults and pregnant women.

Comfrey tea

You can treat exacerbated tonsillitis with a decoction of comfrey. To do this, take a couple of tablespoons of raw materials and pour a glass of hot water. When the drink is ready, filter it, add honey for flavor. Even pregnant women and children can drink tea for the treatment of angina at home.

Acacia gargles

Place some acacia bark in a pot of water. Set the container on fire. Boil for about 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, then filter it and use it to gargle. The prepared product acts as an adjunct in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis.


Place a few drops of tea tree oil solution in hot water. Pour the healing liquid into a wide container, bend over it and cover your head with a towel. Breathe in hot vapors as much as possible. One of the advantages of this method is that you can cleanse the pores of the skin. In addition, steam inhalation effectively treats chronic tonsillitis and dry cough. But it is not recommended to apply the procedure to pregnant women.


Although this technique is not pleasant, it is quite effective. For these purposes, you will have to use refined kerosene. Treat the affected tonsils with it throughout the day. It is necessary to treat with kerosene at home chronic tonsillitis, but it will not work to eliminate angina. To treat the tonsils, you need a long stick with a cotton swab wound at the end. Treatment should be done with extreme caution. This method of therapy is more suitable for adults, but is contraindicated in pregnancy.


Garlic is an effective remedy for fighting infection. If we consider the treatment of tonsillitis, then this product is the best fit.

You don't need to do anything complicated, just chew the garlic throughout the day.

It has an excellent disinfecting effect and eliminates all pathogenic microorganisms. Pregnant women should not use this method.

Onion syrup

Onion syrup comes in two forms - soft and spicy. The first is used to treat tonsillitis in adults, and the second is used in children.

For kids

Take a medium onion, remove the husk, chop finely, pour a glass of water. Set the mixture on fire and cook until the liquid takes the form of a syrup.

For children under 10 years of age, take the medicine in 10 ml, but for older patients - 20 ml.

The number of daily appointments will be 3 times. Continue therapy until symptoms have subsided completely.

For adults

Take a raw, unpeeled onion. Cover it with sugar. Cover with a lid, wait a couple of hours until syrup forms. Reception is 10 ml several times a day. You can take this syrup when treating an illness while carrying a child.

Treatment of tonsillitis can take place at home, using proven folk remedies, but only under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, home therapy should include a number of medications, which, in combination with folk remedies, will quickly stop inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.