
Early pregnancy pressure

The expectant mother, while waiting for the baby, may face many troubles that she will have to fight in order to give birth to a healthy baby. One of these tests is pressure during early pregnancy, so doctors in antenatal clinics regularly monitor blood pressure readings.

Normal indicators

Given that the values ​​of intravascular pressure affect the health of the baby and the expectant mother, measurements are performed throughout pregnancy. Beginning at week 20, the numbers may increase (slightly), because the heart has to pump more blood and contract more often. However, if the pressure rises before this period, this indicates a woman's health problems.

It is believed that the optimal pressure for a pregnant woman does not exceed 140/90 mm. rt. pillar, and not less than 90/60 mm. Art. If the tonometer readings show deviations from these values ​​up or down, then this indicates hypotension (low blood pressure) or hypertension (high blood pressure).

However, these values ​​are not normal for every woman. There is a concept - adaptive hypertension. This means that if in ordinary life a girl had a pressure of 80/60 mm Hg. Art., but no deterioration in well-being was observed - these are normal indicators for her body, and if during pregnancy the values ​​rose to 120/90 - this will already be high blood pressure.

If in the second trimester of pregnancy the indicators have risen by 5-15 divisions of the tonometer, then this is quite normal, but such an increase in the early stages of pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The expectant mother must definitely find out the reason for the increase in indicators by seeking help from the attending physician.

Pressure in 1 trimester &

Sometimes, at a consultation with a doctor, pressure surges can be observed. If, after the control check, the condition of the pregnant woman returned to normal, then the doctors believe that the woman had “white coat syndrome” (fear of hearing something bad about her state of health, provoking an increase in the tonometer readings). However, if a woman regularly feels unwell, then, first of all, doctors pay attention to the tonometer readings. With regular fixation of high blood pressure, the hypertensive form is assigned to the pregnant woman, which can be:

  • Chronic - is a consequence of serious diseases: endocrine disorders, pathological processes inside the kidneys. It is worth noting that indicators exceeding the norm are 140/90 mm. pillars met even before pregnancy. However, the woman could not take her health seriously, so the hypertension was not established. In this case, it is required to find the organ that provokes hypertension and cure it.
  • Gestational. This form of the disease appears as a result of the impact of pregnancy itself on the female body. Most often it occurs in the second trimester, but such pressure in the early stages indicates a critical narrowing of the blood vessels. As a result, the embryo does not receive enough oxygen. This is fraught with serious consequences: a slowdown in the development of the embryo or the threat of miscarriage.

Most often, high blood pressure during pregnancy is recorded in the gestational form. Then an increase in intravascular pressure indicators is a symptom of diagnoses:

  • Gestosis.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Premature placental abruption.

Gestosis is a serious complication during pregnancy. At the same time, vital organs fail, as a result of which a failure occurs in the work of the body's systems. This primarily affects the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

Gestosis appears due to the production of special substances by the placenta that form microscopic intravascular holes. As a result, fluid and plasma protein seep through the holes in the tissue, provoking swelling of the limbs and the placenta itself. Such deviations deprive the embryo of oxygen, therefore, in the worst case, the woman can lose the child.

If the diagnosis of preeclampsia is not established, this does not give the right to let the disease take its course, because high blood pressure during pregnancy changes the placental vessels and the vascular system of the embryo.

Fetoplacental insufficiency is the result of poor blood circulation between the mother's body and the fetus. With a lack of beneficial enzymes and oxygen, the child begins to be delayed in development.

Premature placental detachment appears due to the frequent achievement of high values ​​of the tonometer. Such a deviation can lead to premature birth, a frozen pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

Therefore, an increase in intravascular indicators during early pregnancy does not bode well.

Every woman in a delicate position is advised to measure blood pressure not only in consultation with the attending physician, but also at home, at least once every 7 days. Timely detection of hypertension will allow you to heal on time and give birth to a healthy baby.

Hypertension during childbirth can provoke a convulsive syndrome that affects the future of the woman in labor and the baby.

Reasons for the increase

The causes of high blood pressure in the early stages may be associated with blockage of blood vessels or diseases of internal organs. Some of them can cause hypertensive surges not only in pregnant women, but also in those who are not carrying a fetus. Noting hypertension in a woman in position, doctors investigate the following sources of its occurrence:

  • Whether you are overweight.
  • Tobacco / alcohol addiction.
  • Diseases of organs or body systems that can increase blood pressure.
  • Increased blood sugar, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Heart defects.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Regular stressful situations, depression and other neurological disorders.
  • Hypertension that has arisen even before conception.
  • Inability of the heart to pump an increased amount of blood.
  • Hereditary predisposition to hypertension.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Hormonal abnormalities of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland.

Having found the cause of the disease, the doctor urgently hospitalizes the woman and, using drug therapy, will restore normal intravascular blood flow. In the future, the woman will be under special control, and if hypertensive surges reappear, urgent measures will be taken. This will preserve the health of the expectant mother and the life of the child.

Scientists noted that if a woman suffered from hypertension during pregnancy, then subsequent gestations will proceed in the same way.


Unfortunately, there are no harmless antihypertensive medications, therefore, with a slight increase in pressure inside the arteries during early pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), doctors try not to prescribe medication. Experts recommend drinking preparations containing magnesium. The lack of this element is capable of provoking the onset of hypertension.

It is also recommended to revise the nutritious diet: to reduce the consumption of animal fats and salt (up to 5 g per day). These recommendations should be used for any degree of hypertension, and magnesium-based medicine is allowed for pregnant women at any time.

Drug treatment for pregnant women is performed if the tonometer values ​​exceed 140/90 mm. pillar. For values ​​above 170/90 mm. Art., the woman is taken to the ambulance for inpatient treatment.

To urgently lower blood pressure, the following agents are used:

  • Beta-blockers ("Atenolol", "Metoprolol").
  • Thiazide drugs (Chlorthalidone). Designed to improve renal performance and excretion of accumulated urine.
  • Alpha agonists (Dopegit, Methyldopa).
  • Calcium antagonists ("Nifedipine"). They are used for hypertensive crisis in a pregnant woman.
  • Alpha-blocking beta-blockers (Labetalol).

Thiazide agents are not used in all cases, but only when concentrated sodium is detected in blood plasma.

The safest drug for hypertension during pregnancy among the above is "Methyldopa". It has blood pressure lowering properties, but is weak relative to beta blockers. If after the use of "Methyldopa" the patient's condition has not improved, then the doctor transfers the pregnant woman to stronger medications.

In rare cases, Nifedipine or Clonidine is used to relieve symptoms of hypertension in pregnant women. However, they can harm pregnancy, therefore, they are used if the woman does not feel relief after using other medications, or if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the child.

Folk ways to combat hypertension

If a woman has a predisposition to hypertension, which periodically manifests itself as a low increase in blood pressure, you can resort to alternative medicine.

It is important to inform your doctor about your intentions to lower blood pressure with medicinal herbs.

For a long time, pregnant women have used these recipes to get rid of the symptoms caused by high blood pressure:

  • It is necessary to mix the crushed ingredients in equal proportions: hawthorn, blueberry branches, rose hips and viburnum berries, calendula flowers, motherwort, heather. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the healing collection with 2 tbsp. boiled water, hold in a water bath for 15-20 minutes and let it brew. Strain the ready-made broth and drink three times a day (after eating food), 100 grams each, for 1.5 months.
  • Mix cranberry juice and honey (1 glass each) and use 1 tsp each. three times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Grind the grass crushed grass, valerian (rhizome), heather (branches), raspberries (flowers). Pour 2 large spoons of collection with 2 cups of boiling water, and leave to infuse in a thermos for 2-3 hours. It takes a quarter of a glass of 4 p. To consume a ready-made broth. per day, for 30-45 days.

The attending physician must be aware of the herbal infusions you are taking, otherwise he will not be able to timely pay attention to the behavior of your body and prevent the progression of hypertension before childbirth. This may result in a deterioration in the well-being of the woman in labor and her baby.

Untimely treatment of hypertension during pregnancy or refusal of treatment can lead to dire consequences, so the doctor should be aware of regular headaches and other unpleasant symptoms that occur from time to time. The use of the above folk remedies or medicines should be used exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, because even the most harmless herbs may have individual contraindications. Self-medication of hypertension during pregnancy can result in miscarriage or premature birth.