Throat ailments

Can there be a temperature with tonsillitis?

An increase in body temperature is a nonspecific symptom that accompanies many diseases of a viral or inflammatory nature. Increasing the temperature with tonsillitis slows down the growth of bacteria and eliminates all fungi. This is a sure sign of the active struggle of the body systems with pathogenic microflora. When is it not advisable to lower your fever? Can the acute form proceed without temperature? What do doctors advise? Relevant and verified information for readers.

General facts: why does the temperature rise with tonsillitis?

An increase in the temperature indicator indicates that protective functions are activated in the body and the process of elimination of the pathogen begins. The fever, discomfort and magnitude of the mark on the thermometer completely depends on the work and state of the immune system, the form of the pathology and the type of infectious agent.

The appearance of puffiness and local inflammation on the glands in most cases is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In the medical field, such a pathology is called angina or tonsillitis. The temperature with tonsillitis is normal from 36.6 to 37.3 degrees.

During the first few days after infection, slight differences may be observed, which depend on:

  • time;
  • the age of the patient;
  • environmental factors;
  • the presence of related and chronic diseases.

In addition to the symptom presented, the active phase of the development of tonsillitis may be accompanied by a sore throat, inability to swallow, aching muscles and joints, and the possible development of febrile chills. An indicator of 37-38 degrees can hold for several days (from 3 or more). The temperature drops with the formation of a purulent plaque.

Important to remember! In the chronic form of tonsillitis, the body temperature does not rise (or the changes are insignificant). The main symptom of an exacerbation is swelling of the tonsils.

Fever: classification of possible manifestations

The symptomatology and form of pathology has a direct impact on the duration of the high temperature retention period. Allocate primary tonsillitis (an independent disease, without the influence of related symptoms) and a secondary form - caused by another disease. There are several types of flow.

  1. Lacunar - the maximum rise in temperature. The tonsils increase in size, acquire a bright red hue and become covered with a whitish coating. Acute infection is accompanied by a fever of 39-40 degrees, followed by dehydration.
  2. The follicular type is a dangerous form for which characterized by a sharp increase in temperature from 37 to 40. Feature - neoplasms in the form of abscesses or vesicles with yellowish contents.
  3. Catarrhal type is an acute form that occurs in response to the penetration of infection. Outbreaks of infection are observed in autumn and winter (seasonal). The peculiarity of the species is that the body temperature remains the same.
  4. Necrotizing tonsillitis is a complex and long-lasting disease. In addition to the inherent typical symptoms, bleeding can also be observed.

The temperature indicator depends on the type of pathology. In medical practice, a classification has been adopted into subfebrile (on average 37 ° C), febrile (38-39), pyretic (up to 40) and hyperpyretic (over 40 ° C).

Primary tonsillitis without fever: case characteristics

Tonsillitis without fever (or catarrhal sore throat) has significant differences in the course of an adult and a child's body. The body of babies has a reserve of strength, actively fights against manifestations and excludes the development of complications. For adults, general intoxication, a lethargic state, profuse saliva and sweat, and periodic convulsions are characteristic. The mucous membrane of the mouth, throat and tonsils can be deformed and covered with a cloudy film.

The presented ailment is contagious to others. The form of transmission is household or airborne droplets. A slight rise or maintenance of normal temperature is due to the fact that purulent rashes do not form on the tonsils. This form of tonsillitis can occur as a complication of whooping cough, flu.

For reference! Treatment of the catarrhal type does not differ from the therapy of other forms. The only difference is a complete ban on the use of any antipyretic drugs.

Fever and features of the course

Fever is a prolonged increase in body temperature of more than 37 degrees. In this case, the clinical picture has the following symptoms:

  • pulling pains in the neck and back of the head;
  • profuse sweating;
  • feeling cold, chills;
  • aching is felt in the bones and joints;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • complete lack of appetite, decreased perception of taste buds.

High temperatures can proceed in several stages.

The first option (red fever) is characterized by the appearance of bright spots and rashes on the skin, the mucous membrane is covered with small dots. The skin all over the body loses moisture and becomes dry and hot.

The mechanism of development is the expansion of the diameter of the arteries, followed by an increase in pressure.

The second option is white fever, in which the skin turns pale, cyanosis appears. The limbs do not heat up, but get cold. Excess moisture is not removed. There may be a cold sweat sensation.

The patient is beaten by a strong chill, there is increased drowsiness, constant fatigue. At this stage, it is already advisable to bring down the temperature.

When and how to bring down the fever: useful tips

If the indicator on the mercury column of the thermometer has reached and exceeded 38 ° C, this is the first and main sign that urgent therapeutic measures need to be taken. It is necessary to reduce the temperature at this stage gradually, since a sharp drop can lead to disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Interesting to know! The generally accepted world standards allow taking antipyretics only at temperatures above 39 degrees. An urgent action of a quick effect is rubbing alcohol on the patient's back.

If you need to consistently bring down the temperature with tonsillitis, consider the helpful tips provided.

  1. Calling an ambulance at home or examining a therapist - a specialist prescribes a treatment that is suitable for analyzes and individual characteristics.
  2. Reception of funds with antipyretic effect - ibuprofen, analgin with paracetamol, aspirin and others.
  3. The course of taking antibiotics. Sprays or injections guarantee a quick effect. Take no more than 7 days, exceeding the term is addictive. Injections are prescribed only at the initial stage.
  4. After completing the antibiotic intake, it is recommended to restore the intestinal microflora. To prevent the development of dysbiosis, special preparations and bifido yogurts are prescribed.
  5. Regular rinsing of the throat with special antiseptic agents and herbal decoctions.
  6. Drinking regularly. Every hour you need to drink warm raspberry or currant tea, rosehip decoction, warmed cranberry juice. Drinks, in addition to lowering the temperature, will contribute to the elimination of toxins and toxic toxins.
  7. Strict adherence to bed rest. Do not go outside or take a bath during an exacerbation.

If the temperature has reached a critical point or the effect of taking medications has not come, immediately call for medical help. The doctor can give an injection (the addition of diphenhydramine) and write a prescription for potent drugs.

Reducing the temperature: a list of auxiliary actions

In addition to medications, it is recommended to use a number of auxiliary methods. In the first place in terms of efficiency - methods of indirect physical cooling.Rubdown with a damp terry towel stimulates the protective function. The water should be warm (at least 37 degrees), with the correct procedure, there is no feeling of cold. The places where blood vessels pass (neck or wrists) should be especially carefully treated.

A popular folk remedy - rubbing with vinegar solution - has low efficiency and a number of side effects.

Failure to comply with the proportion and incorrect concentration can cause irritation and chemical burns.

All physical methods are permissible only for "red fever". An increase in the heat transfer of the body will help reduce the temperature - for this you need to cover yourself with a sheet or blanket. Wrapping it up in multiple blankets will not do the trick. Hot liquids will raise an already high temperature. Be sure to cool the drink down to low levels.

With white fever, the patient feels cold. The intensity of cutaneous blood flow decreases, the skin loses temperature under the influence of the external environment. In such a situation, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a blanket and drink warm drinks. White fever is dangerous with convulsions and fainting, so you need to bring down the temperature at any rate (even at 37 degrees).

Information to remember or when to bring down the temperature for different categories of people:

  • the optimal indicator for an adult is 38.5 ° C;
  • children, pregnant and lactating mothers, patients with epilepsy and chronic mental disorders - the indicator is 37.5-38 ° C.

Severe tonsillitis or improper treatment may be the reason for the development of a paratonsillar abscess. Complication occurs 2-3 days after the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. The body temperature can rise sharply up to 40 degrees, a sharp sore throat will make breathing difficult. The only method of struggle is an unscheduled operation.

After treating tonsillitis, you need to make sure that there are no dangerous hidden complications. Among them - rheumatism, heart problems, kidney failure. I never hoped for the help of magic, witchcraft and higher powers, preferring to solve all problems on my own. And it was always like this, until a black streak began in my life. During this period, everything fell out of hand. Personal relationships went downhill, health and well-being let down, mistakes and ridiculous mistakes began to occur at work. It was not possible to cope with failures on my own. They were like a snowball getting bigger. I stumbled upon the site and decided to use the help of magic. After reading about the spectrum of effects of witchcraft, I wrote an online message. I trusted a professional magician and do not regret To do this, you need to visit the hospital and do an X-ray, ECG or ultrasound.

Prognosis of subsequent history

If the body temperature (mark 37-37.5) does not disappear after treatment, this is the first sign of the overflow of the disease into a chronic form. Purulent abscesses and plugs form on the tonsils. The patient should visit the hospital regularly and do the washing procedure.

Correct treatment and adherence to the regimen guarantee complete relief from all symptoms in 5-7 days. By the end of the first week, the temperature returns to normal, the swelling decreases, the painful sensations completely disappear. The attending doctor can confirm the end of the disease on the basis of the test results obtained and a general examination of the appearance.

Self-medication and lowering high temperatures with untested folk remedies has a disastrous result. On the first day of deterioration, you need to register at the clinic. Fever with tonsillitis can have a beneficial effect (as a sign of infection fighting). Also, fever can be a dangerous factor - it can cause seizures or prolonged fainting. It is impossible to find out exactly the source of development and prescribe suitable medications at home.