Throat ailments

Folk remedies for the treatment of laryngitis

Laryngitis is one of the most unpleasant respiratory diseases, accompanied by an excruciating cough, sore throat and hoarseness. How can you quickly eliminate symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery?

Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies allows you to enhance the effect of pharmacological drugs, but only as an adjunct. The advantage of alternative medicine is that the drugs used for treatment do not contain synthetic substances.

In other words, they do not create a great burden on the liver and kidneys, therefore they can be used to prevent colds. Moreover, many folk remedies have an immunostimulating effect, so they not only speed up recovery, but also prevent recurrence of colds.

General recommendations

How is laryngitis treated? It should be understood that laryngitis is an insidious disease that can lead to complete loss of voice, stenosis of the larynx and even malignant tumors in the throat. For this reason, the treatment of inflammatory processes in the larynx should be accompanied by appropriate medication. It is almost impossible to cure pathology with the help of folk remedies. As a rule, they are used as an adjunct to the main therapy of ENT disease.

In the absence of serious complications, treatment can take place at home. Along with anti-inflammatory drugs, it is recommended to use natural remedies that have decongestant, wound healing and immunostimulating effects. Traditional medicine offers a lot of useful recipes for the preparation of funds suitable for the treatment of the larynx.

In addition, the treatment of laryngitis will be most effective only if the following recommendations are followed:

  • refusal to use alcohol and cigarettes;
  • semi-bed rest for a week;
  • complete vocal rest for 5 days;
  • plentiful alkaline drink;
  • refusal to use spicy and hot dishes;
  • compliance with the normal temperature regime in the room (23-25 ​​° C).

With laryngitis, not only the larynx is affected, but also the vocal cords, therefore, untimely treatment of the disease can cause persistent voice disorders.

To achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of ENT disease is possible only if the above recommendations are followed. If the symptoms of inflammation in the larynx do not go away within 14 days, it is likely that chronic laryngitis will have to be treated. It should be understood that in the chronic course of the disease, it will be much more difficult to completely stop the inflammatory processes in the airways.


For the treatment of laryngitis, populists and many herbalists recommend rinsing. As a rule, inflammation of the larynx occurs against the background of colds, in which the mucous membrane of the laryngopharynx is affected. To quickly eliminate inflammation and increase local immunity, you need to regularly gargle a sore throat.

Solutions with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects help eliminate sore throat, sore throat and swelling of the mucous membranes. Moreover, thanks to rinsing, up to 70% of pathogens that triggered the development of laryngitis are washed out of the respiratory system. The procedure is carried out at least 4-5 times a day during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

What rinses can I use? To prepare effective solutions, you can use the following recipes:

  • heat 300 ml of water by adding 1 tbsp. l. honey and 50 ml of carrot juice;
  • pour 150 ml of turnip juice into 200 ml of boiled water, adding 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • in 200 ml of beetroot juice, add 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • mix 1 teaspoon of calamus root, chamomile, calendula and oregano, then pour 500 ml of boiled water over the raw material; gargle with this solution 4 times in knocks;
  • add 350 ml of chamomile decoction 4-5 drops of sea buckthorn essential oil.

The temperature of the gargle solution should vary between 35.5. up to 37 ° C.

It is necessary to treat laryngitis with folk remedies for at least 10-14 days. After rinsing, it is undesirable to take food or drink for 20-30 minutes. As practice shows, physiotherapy procedures help patients get rid of a burning sensation in the throat and discomfort when swallowing after 2-3 days of regular washing of the throat and palatine tonsils.


Steam inhalation is the most effective treatment for a hacking cough and sore throat. Treatment with inhalation is possible only if the inflammation in the throat was caused by viruses. The fact is that sufficiently hot steam slightly raises the temperature in the tissues and if laryngitis was provoked by bacteria, even a slight change in temperature can contribute to the reproduction of pathogens.

What folk remedies for laryngitis will be the most effective? To quickly eliminate foci of inflammation in the larynx, it is recommended to alternate herbal and soda inhalations. The first ones help to stop inflammatory processes, and the second ones - destroy the pathogenic flora in the respiratory tract.

As a basis for the preparation of a medicinal solution, you can use:

  • essential oils of lavender, sage, thyme, eucalyptus or anise;
  • decoctions of the bark of oak, calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort;
  • water infusions based on elderberry, linden and chamomile flowers;
  • alcohol tincture of propolis or calendula;
  • collecting herbs from viburnum bark, coltsfoot and birch leaves.

It is worth noting that chronic laryngitis is caused by pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate the pathogenic flora in the larynx, it is advisable to use alkaline water for steam inhalation. The most effective remedy will be the Borjomi or Essentuki mineral water. As in the case of rinsing, inhalations must be performed regularly, at least 3-4 times a day for 7 days.

Honey therapy

Honey is a storehouse of organic acids, trace elements and vitamins. The natural product contains more than 200 useful substances that help to normalize the redox processes in the respiratory system. Honey is one of the most popular remedies used in the treatment of most respiratory ailments. Pleasant in taste, it helps to eliminate inflammation, increase immunity and heal the affected mucous membranes.

How to treat with folk remedies? As a rule, honey is used for oral administration, for inhalation, and for gargling a sore throat. The simplest but effective remedies for laryngitis include:

  • carrot-honey juice: Mix 250 ml of carrot juice with 1 tbsp. flower honey; take orally 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals;
  • plantain juice with honey: mix 30 ml of plantain juice and melted honey; insist in a dark and cool place for 5 days and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day with exacerbation of laryngitis;
  • lemon juice and honey: mix 150 ml of lemon juice with 100 ml of melted honey (preferably lime); take 1 hour 3 times daily before meals.

For the treatment of respiratory diseases, it is advisable to use lime, acacia and sweet clover honey, since it contains the greatest amount of flavonoids, organic acids and vitamins.

Use honey with laryngitis with caution. Despite its pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, the product can also cause allergic reactions.

Warm drink

For respiratory problems, many doctors advise consuming at least 2 liters of alkaline drink every day.Why? Drinking warm water helps to flush the waste products of pathogens from the body. Due to this, the severity of symptoms of intoxication decreases. Plus, drinking enough fluids can help keep you hydrated.

The five best drinks with anti-cough and anti-cold effects include:

  • tea with lemon: pour 1 teaspoon of black tea with 100 ml of water, adding a little honey and a season of lemon slices;
  • rosehip tea: 3 tbsp. pour crushed rose hips with ½ liter of boiling water; drink the infused strained drink at least 3 times a day, 100 ml per 1 dose;
  • cranberry juice: mash berries with sugar in a 3: 1 ratio; pour 2 tbsp. raw materials 300 ml of hot water;
  • mineral milk drink: mix milk and Borjomi in equal proportions; drink hot drink at least 4 times a day;
  • ginger drink: In 1 glass of hot water add 10 ml honey (2 tsp), 10 ml lemon juice and chopped ginger root.

Important! It is not recommended to consume a lot of alkaline drinks for people suffering from kidney failure.

Folk recipes for laryngitis and bronchitis have a pronounced anti-edema effect. With regular use of drinks, breathing is easier, the voice is restored and pain in the throat is eliminated.

Compresses for laryngitis

Wet semi-alcohol and alcohol compresses are the best method for relieving sore throat. Local heating of the mucous membrane helps to normalize blood circulation in the affected tissues, as well as accelerate the outflow of lymph. Due to this, the swelling of the larynx decreases, as a result of which the voice is restored and the likelihood of developing stenosis of the larynx decreases.

To prepare a warming compress, you need to moisten gauze in a solution that should stand out of water and:

  • red wine;
  • medical alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • camphor alcohol.

Mix water with alcoholic beverages in a 1: 1 ratio.

Apply a compress directly to the throat for at least 2-3 hours to deeply warm the tissues. To enhance the warming effect of the compress, cover the damp gauze with kraft paper, plastic wrap or cellophane, after which a woolen or flannel scarf is tied around the neck.

Foot bath

Foot baths are an effective procedure that improves the outflow of intercellular fluid from an inflamed larynx. During the steaming of the legs, the blood vessels dilate, due to which the blood circulation in the body is accelerated. With the blood flow, more nutrients enter the affected mucosa, as a result of which its regeneration is accelerated.

You need to soar your feet in hot water for at least 10-15 minutes three times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure, essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, cedar or calendula are added to the water. After steaming, the legs need to be insulated to prevent hypothermia.

Important! Foot baths are contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension and vascular diseases.

It should be understood that warming procedures have a number of limitations that must be taken into account. Do not use warming compresses, steam inhalation and foot baths at high temperatures. In addition, the means of distracting therapy are contraindicated in women during pregnancy. The intensification of blood circulation increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.