
Cough with a deep breath - reasons and what to do

A cough can occur for a variety of reasons. It is not always associated with some serious illness, so many treat it rather frivolously, waiting months for it to disappear by itself. Sometimes this happens, but not in the case when a cough begins with a deep breath. This is already a very alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by chest pains.

Main reasons

There are various reasons for an attack of a strong cough when inhaling. But all of them, in one way or another, are associated with diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, self-treatment is inappropriate here and the first thing to do is to seek medical help. The most likely reasons for starting a cough while inhaling are:

  1. Allergy. Dry suffocating cough when inhaling provokes exposure to the allergen, which in this way the body tries to "push" out. A few minutes after the onset of the attack, profuse mucus and swelling of the larynx begins, which makes it difficult to take a deep breath.
  2. Neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia is often disguised as heart attacks and other medical conditions. After a deep breath, the ribs expand and pinch the roots of the inflamed nerves. This causes a reflex dry cough without sputum production, which is often confused with a heart cough.
  3. Broken ribs. It's hard to breathe and with broken ribs. Especially if their sharp edges or debris scratch the lungs. As you inhale, the lungs expand, and a broken rib can irritate them, provoking a dry cough. Sometimes a small amount of sputum with traces of blood is cough up.
  4. ARI and their complications: tracheitis, bronchitis. Inhalation cough is usually observed in the acute period of these diseases: paroxysmal, barking, obsessive, the cause of which is severe irritation of the larynx.
  5. Bronchial asthma. This is a severe spasm of the bronchi, which makes it impossible to take a normal breath. A panic arises in the brain: "I am suffocating!" The person begins to cough violently, trying to provide oxygen access.
  6. Flu. A cough with a deep breath occurs due to the fact that the virus enters the lungs and bronchi, to which the mucous membranes react with instant irritation. The body begins to vigorously produce mucus, which clogs the airways when inhaled, causing a wet cough.
  7. Viral croup. A very dangerous infectious disease in which there is a severe laryngeal edema that blocks breathing. The patient begins to choke and cough violently, reflexively trying to expand the lumen.

As you can see, each of these reasons is quite serious and requires professional diagnosis and treatment. It is impossible to try to solve the problem on your own using traditional methods of treatment, since some of them can only worsen the situation. It is necessary to go to the doctor immediately if the cough when inhaling causes pain.

Cancer symptoms

The most terrible diagnosis that can be revealed according to the results of a comprehensive examination is lung cancer. It comes in many different forms, some of which respond well to early treatment.

The first symptoms of cancer are:

  • persistent cough, dry or with little phlegm;
  • traces or streaks of blood, pink coloration of sputum;
  • general weakness, dizziness, constant ailments;
  • loss of appetite, frequent nausea, vomiting;
  • clearly localized pain in the chest area.

Conventional cough suppressants do not work in this case, as well as pain relievers, which only bring short-term minor relief.

If you find similar symptoms in yourself, you should not panic ahead of time. Other diseases, such as tuberculosis, manifest themselves in a similar way.

That is why complex, professionally performed diagnostics is so important. To conclude that a malignant neoplasm can only be performed by an oncologist after a biopsy (examination of the tumor tissue).

Diagnostics and treatment

It is up to the doctor to decide what to do in each case. Usually, he does not prescribe treatment until laboratory tests (blood, urine, sputum) are passed and other necessary tests and studies have been passed:

  • X-ray of the lungs - allows you to identify pathologies not only in this organ, but also cardiac abnormalities or pre-diagnose bronchitis;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the inner lining of the bronchi using a miniature camera that displays an image on a monitor, allows you to measure the diameter of the lumen, determine the presence of neoplasms, take tissue or sputum samples for analysis;
  • spirometry - determines the vital indicators of lung function, allows you to diagnose the degree of development of pulmonary diseases;
  • computed tomography - allows you to carefully, layer by layer, examine the state of internal organs, it is prescribed when difficulties arise in establishing an accurate diagnosis;
  • electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart - are needed in order to exclude a heart cough, and sometimes coughing up blood and the inability to take a deep breath speak of a heart attack, which studies will show.

Based on the results of the examination, intensive complex therapy is prescribed, which includes drugs (usually several groups), physiotherapy procedures, breathing exercises, massage.

Only the attending physician should choose drugs and determine their dosage, since he takes into account the peculiarities of the interaction of various means. Alternative methods are sometimes recommended as auxiliary, in order to quickly eliminate a dry cough or relieve the bronchial spasm that causes it.

Many people ask what to do if they have a severe cough, and there is no way to immediately consult a doctor. The safest way to stop it is to drink warm water or herbal tea. It is good if there are antihistamines in the first-aid kit - they relieve swelling and spasms, making breathing much easier. Support service Slot In casino can deservedly be considered one of the best in the niche. The fact is that it is here that the player can get instant advice and assistance if he has any difficulties, and completely free of charge. On the mirror of Slot V casino, round-the-clock online chat provides an opportunity to contact the operator from any page or section of the site, in full and mobile versions. Briefly describe your problem or ask a question so that the consultant can help you.

You can take antitussives on your own only if you are sure that there are no large accumulations of mucus. Otherwise, they can provoke bronchostasis and cause an attack of suffocation. Expectorant syrups sometimes aggravate the cough, and if it is accompanied by pain, it will be extremely unpleasant.

Warm milk is a universal way to combat dry, painful coughs of any nature. You can add a little honey and ghee to it. A mixture of honey and butter placed under the tongue during an attack will also help.

It is better not to use preparations with aloe before a preliminary diagnosis is made - they thin the blood and accelerate the growth of cells, including tumors.

That is why self-medication in this situation can lead to the opposite result. Therefore, if a coughing attack caught you at night, you need to open the window, put a pillow higher, drink warm milk or tea with honey and be patient until morning. And with the onset of the day, actively take care of your health, going first of all for a diagnostic examination.