
Exhalation cough - what to do

Exhalation cough is usually diagnosed in people with seasonal colds, in which the upper airways are narrowed. This symptom can signal a wide variety of diseases, from laryngitis or pharyngitis to chronic bronchitis. Treatment for cough during exhalation in each case will be radically different.

To find the optimal rehabilitation course, we recommend visiting a therapist. He will prescribe diagnostic measures, based on their results, he will compose an accurate clinical picture and, on the basis of all this, will select the appropriate treatment methods. It is quite difficult to independently establish the cause of the cough when exhaling. Therefore, the first step when such a symptom occurs is to see a specialist.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are the main culprits

In most cases, coughing attacks on inhalation or exhalation indicate pathologies in the upper as well as lower respiratory tract. In this case, edema and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, larynx and nasopharynx are often diagnosed. A dry cough during breathing begins due to muscle contraction in the diaphragm. This causes the glottis to close. In this case, the flow of fresh air is limited and, as a result, a cough begins.

If a cough attack bothers you when you exhale, and before that you have had acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu or seasonal colds, you need to think about it. It is quite possible that such a symptom indicates the appearance of complications due to improper or insufficient treatment of the disease. In our country, this happens all the time. After all, most of us are used to self-medication and at the same time steadfastly endure colds not in bed, but on our feet.

As a result of improper therapy, pneumonia or bronchitis appears, and they are far from always accompanied by a moist productive cough. Often they are accompanied by a dry type of cough on inhalation and exhalation, which manifests itself when it is difficult to pass sputum.

Pneumonia and bronchitis are treated with strong antibiotics.

Other possible causes

Exhalation cough is a common complaint of heavy and not so smokers. It occurs due to spasms of the lungs and bronchi, inflammation of the airways and the accumulation of difficult mucus inside the bronchi.

In addition, another possible cause of such a symptom in tobacco connoisseurs may be impaired blood circulation - a direct path to emphysema. At the same time, coughing at different times of the day can be both productive (wet) and unproductive (dry).

If this symptom constantly bothers the smoker, then the first priority is to completely quit smoking. In addition, the following may act as additional measures:

  • blood cleansing;
  • removal of sputum from the body;
  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • reduction of cardiac stress, and so on.

A strong cough on exhalation, the reasons for which must be established, is a lot of trouble not only for smokers. Often this symptom appears in people with heart disease. In particular, expiratory coughing attacks are often accompanied by:

  • heart failure;
  • malfunctioning of the heart valve;
  • ischemic disease.

In addition to a strong cough on inhalation or exhalation, the aforementioned ailments may be accompanied by general weakness, frequent fatigue, back pain, fainting, even with insignificant physical exertion. The cough mechanism in this case is quite simple. An attack occurs due to an increase in pressure on the heart muscle, which is then transmitted to the diaphragm. All this determines the closure of the glottis.

Cough treatment in this case is not a priority. It fades into the background, while efforts to combat the underlying heart disease come to the fore.

Only a cardiologist prescribes treatment. We are talking about medication and physiotherapy. After a course of rehabilitation, the cough disappears completely.

Treatment options

If the cough during exhalation is caused by viral diseases (and this is most often the case), as a rule, drug treatment is prescribed. It is designed to eliminate the main cause of this symptom and minimize coughing attacks. So, what medications and methods are effective for eliminating inhalation and exhalation coughing?

  1. Most often, the patient needs etiotropic therapy using sulfa, antiviral drugs and antibiotics. The treatment period ranges from 5 to 7 days. In most cases, doctors prescribe Azithromycin (taken twice a day for three days, 500 milligrams each), Ciprofloxacin (the dosage is the same, only taken for five days), Amoxiclav (taken seven days under similar conditions). Dosage for adults is indicated in parentheses.
  2. In addition, with a strong dry cough on inhalation and exhalation, expectorants are prescribed, as well as drugs to thin sputum. We are talking about the following drugs: "ACC", "Libeksin", "Bromhexin", "Ascoril". If the patient has shortness of breath, it is recommended to take "Euphyllin" (twice a day, 0.15 grams).
  3. If cough attacks are accompanied by fever, strict bed rest is necessary. You should not be heroic and suffer ailment on your feet. As mentioned above, in 90 percent of cases, this is the key cause of dangerous complications. If there is no temperature, walk more often in the fresh air, which will help to avoid excessive drying of the mucous membrane.
  4. In some cases, a cough during exhalation can be allergic and caused by an irritant (pollen, food, dust, and so on). For treatment, antihistamines are used: "Cetrin", "Tavegin", "Ketotifen", "Suprastin", "Diazolin" and others.
  5. With pronounced obstruction of the upper airways (obstruction of the respiratory tract), doctors advise not to forget about inhalation procedures. If possible, nebulizers or inhalers based on corticosteroid substances should be used. "Berodual", "Salbutamon" and some others have proven themselves well. Standard steam inhalations with the addition of essential oils, soda or medicinal herbs are great help.

Regardless of the method of treatment used, we advise you to completely stop smoking (or at least reduce it to a minimum), drinking excessively hot drinks and food. All this negatively affects the state of the mucous membrane and leads to its additional irritation and inflammation.

In this case, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room (at least twice a day) and carry out wet cleaning.

Lungs' cancer

I would like to say separately about lung cancer as a possible cause of coughing attacks on exhalation and inhalation. It is a dangerous disease with minimal chances of survival. A cough occurs when the tumor compresses the lungs. As a result, oxygen penetration is difficult. Asthma attacks appear.

With such a terrible diagnosis as lung cancer, the coughing mechanism manifests itself according to the following scheme: inhale-exhale-cough. No painful sensations arise, since the lungs do not have nerve endings. It is because of this that many patients do not go to specialists, which leads to the transformation of the disease into the final fourth stage.

All tobacco lovers need to be especially careful about their health and promptly respond to a symptom such as coughing when inhaling / exhaling. Do not delay your visit to the doctor.After all, your life may depend on it.

Make it a rule to regularly undergo such examinations:

  • Fluorography, and in some cases, radiography in different projections.
  • General detailed blood test (allows you to detect inflammatory processes inside the body and allergic reactions).
  • Bacterial as well as microscopic bacterial culture of sputum to rule out tuberculosis and determine the body's response to antibiotics.
  • Electrocardiography - it allows you to remove the suspicion from cardiovascular ailments or myocardial insufficiency.
  • Examination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy). With its help, material is taken for subsequent histological studies.

In any case, a consultation with a specialist is required before starting any treatment. Only a doctor is able to identify the key cause of the cough, take into account all the individual characteristics of the body and prescribe the optimal rehabilitation scheme.

You, too, should not stand aside. Lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and all diseases will bypass you.