
Why does a strong cough start at night?

Inhaling air, a person provides his body not only with useful substances. When an infection enters, there is a need to get rid of them. This happens reflexively, during coughing. And if in the daytime we are ready for his attacks, then a strong cough at night is simply physically deprived of strength. Consider the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom and the possibility of its elimination.

Why it happens

To begin with, at night, when a person lies in a relaxed state, it is more difficult to exhale harmful substances that are trapped in the respiratory tract. Their accumulation occurs at any time of the day. This can be due to too dry room air or allergens in bedding. Both factors are easy to eliminate. To do this, it is enough to use a humidifier, put a container filled with clean water in the room, or change the bedding.

But what if these factors are eliminated, and the attack recurs again? The reason may lie in the onset of a cold. You will be able to verify this as more symptoms appear.

It is possible that in the near future there will be a runny nose, body temperature will rise, weakness and general malaise will begin to be felt. In this case, the attacks will be repeated during the day, and the need to see a doctor and treatment will become obvious.

It is objectively impossible to independently establish why a nocturnal cough appeared, since there is a possibility of any of the possible causes. So, a dry cough is considered more problematic, since it is impossible to clear your throat. It often becomes a symptom of one of the following conditions:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis and pleural involvement;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • heart failure;
  • problems from gastroenterology;
  • respiratory chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.

Any of these diseases is determined only during the examination, and it is necessary to establish or refute the assumption as soon as possible. Delay often leads to poor health and even irreversible consequences.

In bronchial asthma, coughing can lead to loss of consciousness, since there is a lack of oxygen during an attack. This symptom may be accompanied by an attack that appears at night in an adult or a child. One of the characteristic symptoms is a feeling of suffocation. An attack is provoked by dust, fluff, pollen, insect bites.

Only a comprehensive examination makes it possible to identify, for example, respiratory chlamydia. With this disease, sleep and appetite are not disturbed, the body temperature remains normal, but there is additionally an increase in the lymph nodes located near the ears, as well as redness of the eyes and the appearance of pus. At the initial stage, the disease resembles bronchitis, conjunctivitis, pneumonia.

The need for examination

It is very important to correctly determine the nature of the cough. He might be:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • soundless;
  • accompanied by wheezing;
  • heavy;
  • painful;
  • hoarse;
  • with a feeling of shortness of breath.

In each case, the development of a certain disease can be assumed.

So, silent exhalations indicate serious damage to the vocal cords. Harsh may indicate the likelihood of a tumor in the larynx, neoplasms in the bronchi or trachea.

What to do to get answers to a possible illness and dispel worrying thoughts? First of all, get tested. And it begins with an analysis of blood, urine and, if the cough is wet, sputum. The doctor will send for an X-ray, this will help confirm or deny the assumption about the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, the presence of a fungal infection.

If lung disease is suspected, an ultrasound scan is performed, but in this case, ultrasound is considered an auxiliary method, and, for example, with a tumor or large formation of the pleura, one of the most important. If necessary, the doctor gives a referral for computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

In order to be able to make an accurate diagnosis, it is better to additionally consult with another specialist. You may need to consult an ENT specialist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, allergist, cardiologist, neuropathologist.

How can you relieve an attack

Note that taking antitussive drugs is not always advisable. After all, a cough clears the airways of accumulated phlegm, and in case of respiratory diseases it helps to recover faster. Antitussive drugs are prescribed for coughing, which has become a symptom of ARVI. They are also shown for neuropsychiatric and chronic coughs. In addition, in the case of diagnosing ARVI, influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

It is not recommended to use mustard plasters. Their effectiveness for nighttime coughs is highly questioned by many doctors. Practice has shown that with bronchial asthma, fever, excessive skin sensitivity, mustard plasters will be harmful. Better at the very beginning of the attack to drink herbal decoction, warm milk with honey, raspberry tea.

By the way, for almost any type of respiratory disease, raspberry tea (up to 5 servings during the day) helps to increase the intervals of coughing attacks at night. You can prevent an attack by consuming 1 teaspoon of honey before bed.

You can relieve an attack with steam inhalation. Any decoction of medicinal herbs is suitable for the procedure. Chamomile, thyme, sage, string, viburnum, as well as water with the addition of soda are taken as a basis.

In this case, it is imperative to take into account the age: steam inhalation is contraindicated for a child under 6 months old. You can not give the baby and antitussive drugs. A warm drink will help relieve an attack in a small child.

In addition, it is recommended to change the position of the baby's body more often, and during sleep it is better to use a high pillow - thanks to this, sputum will not accumulate, but will be excreted faster.

Folk ways to combat cough

Experts often recommend using black radish. According to one of the recipes, you will need a radish with a small tail: you need to cut off the upper part and take out the middle by a third, and put honey in the resulting hole. Now you need to put the radish tail down in a glass. When the juice is filled (1 teaspoon), it should be drunk, and the radish should be refilled with honey.

For those who are allergic to honey, doctors advise putting black radish cut into small pieces in a deep baking dish, sprinkle with sugar and send to the oven to bake for 2 hours. During this time, juice will stand out, it must be poured into a convenient container, and then take 2 teaspoons before meals and at night.

A decoction with the addition of burnt sugar helps to get rid of a strong and severe cough. You must first boil 3 liters of water, put 500 g of bran (wheat / rye) in it, stir and bring to a boil. Boil the bran for 10 minutes, and then strain them and add burnt sugar. All this amount of broth is drunk in small sips during the day, moreover, it should be consumed hot. According to doctors, this remedy has a really good expectorant properties.

Additional recommendations

It is important to consider the recommendations on what not to do when coughing at night.

  1. Children up to six months - rubbing and steam inhalation.
  2. Take antibacterial drugs without your doctor's permission.
  3. Use strong expectorants for dry coughs without your doctor's approval.
  4. Take antitussives for a wet cough.
  5. Drink anti-allergic antihistamines and drugs without consulting a specialist.

These contraindications are especially important to consider when it comes to the health of the child.

If coughing attacks occur at night in a child suddenly and do not disappear for a long time, a doctor's consultation is necessary in the near future.

An alarming symptom is a cough with green sputum, bloody and accompanied by wheezing. This indicates the presence of a bacterial infection in the respiratory tract, the development of pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Urgent medical attention is also required for a combination of cough, fever and shortness of breath.

The risk of severe coughing at night will be reduced by wet cleaning the bedroom before going to bed. It is also recommended to eat a small amount of honey or put a peppermint under the tongue before going to bed. It is better to exclude the use of cold liquid at any time of the day.