Throat medications

Varieties of throat pills

You can use throat pills for various ailments. Most often they are prescribed for viral or bacterial lesions of the mucous membranes. There are also drugs that can eliminate the manifestations of allergies and other disorders. The composition of drugs may include various active substances that are active against pathogenic microflora. You can choose the most suitable pills for sore throat for any lesions, since their range is quite wide.

Properties of tablets

The tablets help relieve sore throat, but they also have other benefits. Some contain components that adversely affect the pathogenic microflora, eliminating not only the causes, but also the symptoms of diseases. There are also agents with additional analgesic, deodorizing and other properties.

Throat pills can be divided into the following types:

  • Antiseptic - disinfect the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, eliminating bacteria from it, show high activity in viral tissue lesions.
  • Antibacterial - contain antibiotics in their composition, which are active against various kinds of pathogenic microflora, in case of viral lesions, their use is impractical. Only a doctor prescribes drugs.
  • Antihistamines - contain components that inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators, are prescribed for the allergic nature of laryngeal edema.
  • Immunomodulatory - enhance the protective functions of the body, can have both local and general effects, most often they are included in a set of therapeutic measures to eliminate sore throat.
  • Combined - they contain several active components, therefore they have a complex effect on the affected mucous membranes, can simultaneously relieve pain, eliminate edema, promote coughing and perform other functions.

Difficulty of choice

You will not be able to choose an effective drug for the treatment of the throat on your own, since there are quite a few varieties of them. What means are suitable in a particular case to alleviate the condition, only the doctor can decide. Effective medications must deal not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also with its cause. If the throat hurts, the tablets are prescribed after a detailed examination of the patient. The decisive factors for the choice of therapy are:

  • the type of disorder that caused the pain;
  • the nature of the infection;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • neglect of the patient's condition;
  • the presence of allergies;
  • the age of the patient;
  • medical history;
  • laboratory test results.

Only by carefully analyzing all these indicators, you can choose good and safe products for health. They can be used as an independent therapy if the disease is just beginning to develop or is proceeding easily. Most often, drugs of this type are included in the complex of systemic therapy.

With a severe course of the disease, pills for a sore throat can only relieve symptoms and prevent the development of pathology, but not eliminate it completely.

Types of drugs

Many remedies can be used for sore throat. They have different properties and are suitable for specific symptoms. Depending on what exactly provoked the discomfort, tablets with different active ingredients can be selected.

Preparations are for oral administration and for resorption. Let's get acquainted with the most popular types of drugs of this form.

Name of tabletsActive substanceIndicationsProperties
Grammidin.Gramicidin S.Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis.Fights microbes and bacteria, disinfects mucous membranes by removing pathogenic microflora during resorption, enhances salivation.
Grammidin Neo, Grammidin for Children, Grammidin with anesthetic.Gramicidin C and cetylpyridinium chloride, oxybuprocaine is additionally used in the anesthetic preparation.Infectious ENT diseases.Fights microbes, removes them from mucous membranes, disinfects mucous membranes, quickly relieves pain, tickling and coughing, facilitates swallowing.
Stopangin 2A, Stopangin Forte.Tyrothricin and benzocaine.Symptomatic drug for the treatment of pharyngitis and other infectious lesions of the oropharynx and nasopharynx.Actively fights microbes and bacteria of various origins, disinfects mucous membranes, relieves swelling and inflammation.
Septolet.Cetylpyridinium chloride.The initial stage of sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the gums and oral cavity.An effective antiseptic, cleanses mucous membranes from microbes, disinfects and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora.
"Hexoral".Hexetidine.ENT disorders and dental diseases of varying severity, thrush in the oral cavity.It is active against bacterial and fungal microflora, actively fights against pathogenic microorganisms, relieves local symptoms, and accelerates recovery.
Stopangin.Hexetidine.ENT diseases of various nature and severity, infectious lesions of the oral cavity.Kills bacteria and fungi of various types, quickly eliminates discomfort in the oropharyngeal area.
Strepsils.Amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol, natural ingredients.ENT disorders caused by infections and colds.It has a powerful antiseptic effect, eliminates pathogens from the mucous membrane, moisturizes it and improves blood circulation in the treated area.
"Faringosept"Ambazona monohydrateBacterial lesions of the oropharynx.The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of the drug make it popular in the practice of treating ENT diseases, the drug improves saliva secretion, relieves pain and eliminates perspiration, there are sweet tablets with vanilla, lemon and cocoa flavors.
"Falimint"Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the oropharynx, accompanied by a sore throat.A powerful disinfectant that removes germs and bacteria from mucous membranes, eliminates pain, perspiration and unproductive cough. After application, there is a slight sensation of coolness in the oropharynx, while its membranes do not dry out.
"Lizobakt"Lysozyme.Viral, infectious and fungal infections of the oropharynx.It is active against fungal, bacterial and viral microflora, is often prescribed in combination with antibiotics, so it increases their effectiveness, helps to improve the protective functions of the body.
Laripront.Dequalinium chloride and lysozyme hydrochloride.ENT disorders, dental diseases, cough with thick sputum.Kills viruses, microbes and fungi, relieves inflammation and edema from the mucous membrane, dilutes the mucus secreted by the respiratory tract and promotes its excretion.
Tantum Verde.Benzydamine.Infectious ENT disorders, accompanied by discomfort in the oropharynx.The medicine relieves inflammation, eliminates bacteria from the mucous membrane, and has a local analgesic effect.

Application features

A sore throat pill can have different properties; before using it, you should definitely consult a doctor and read the instructions. The drugs are taken strictly in dosage - no less and no more than recommended.

It is advisable to take medications after meals, and after them refrain from snacking and drinking.The intervals between doses should be equal in time, this will help to get the maximum benefit from the medications.

You can give tablets to children only from 3 years old, and lozenges and lozenges for sucking - from 5 years old and only under the supervision of adults. In extreme cases, you can crush the product to a powdery state and sprinkle it on the baby's mouth, but care must be taken that he does not have a negative reaction.

Each drug should be taken exactly as long as indicated in the instructions. It is especially dangerous to unauthorizedly extend the course of treatment with antibacterial pills, this can cause a number of side effects.

How not to hurt yourself

Pills that relieve pain and other symptoms are best taken in conjunction with a doctor. All of them have their own contraindications and restrictions in use, therefore self-medication even with the most harmless drugs can negatively affect health.

If antibiotics are included in the funds, they are used with extreme caution and strictly according to the prescribed instructions. These drugs have a number of contraindications and can cause side effects.

For children, diabetics and patients with other serious illnesses, the tablets are selected especially carefully. Chemicals, sugars, glucose, and other ingredients can exacerbate health problems.

You should also be wary of completely natural products. Extracts and extracts of medicinal plants can cause allergies. The same applies to bee products, on the basis of which medicines can be made.

To avoid any complications, you need to consult with a specialist about the choice of therapy.

Let's summarize

The tablets effectively eliminate pain syndrome and other signs of disease. They can have different properties, contain different active and auxiliary components in the composition. Only a doctor should choose the appropriate drugs, since self-medication has a negative effect on health.

All drugs must be taken strictly according to the prescribed scheme in order to achieve the desired result. In advanced cases, tablets alone cannot be dispensed with, you need to look for an integrated approach to eliminating the problem. Only a qualified ENT can help in this.