Runny nose

Oil for instillation into the nose for rhinorrhea

Medicines based on natural oils have gained wide popularity and are often used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, one of which is rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The main manifestation of rhinitis - a runny nose - is characterized by congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing and the presence of pathological secretions, crusts. Oil medicine can help cope with excruciating symptoms, but you need to know the rules for use, depending on the type of inflammatory process. How to choose a nasal oil to treat a runny nose?

Basic information

A runny nose, which is often considered a simplified synonym for rhinitis, an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa, is perhaps the most common disease on the planet. When symptoms appear, treatment should be started - can a nasal oil be helpful?

First, you should find out how the oil remedy works on the nasal mucosa. Among the beneficial effects:

  • prevention of drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • simplification of the removal of dried mucus in the form of crusts (for example, when cleaning a baby's nose);
  • relief of breathing (when using some types of funds).

An oily medicine that is injected into the nasal cavity forms a thin film on the surface of the mucous membrane.

This allows you to temporarily get rid of the unpleasant sensation of dryness that occurs at the initial stage of a cold. Some oil preparations also have a bactericidal effect. At the same time, they create an obstacle for the oscillation of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium lining the nose, therefore they are used only when indicated.

It is not always possible to treat a runny nose with oil. For example, oil-based medications are generally contraindicated in allergic rhinitis and are not needed in non-allergic vasomotor rhinitis. At the same time, they are useful in subatrophic and atrophic processes, when the mucous membrane is not sufficiently hydrated, and the patient constantly suffers from excruciating dryness and the accumulation of dense, painful crusts.

Oil for the common cold as a drug can be:

  • mono-component (that is, the main active ingredient is a specific oil);
  • combined (the presence in the composition of several oils, vitamins and other active substances).

Most oils are purchased at the pharmacy (for example, sea buckthorn, petroleum jelly). Olive oil is also useful and is used for cooking.

Application methods

How to use oil to help a patient with a cold? Use only clean, properly prepared product with a good shelf life. Check the instructions - there should be no foreign impurities, odors, and even more solid granules. The oil should heat up easily and have a uniform color.

For acute infectious rhinitis (ARVI, colds), olive oil, vaseline oil in the nose can help. It is also worth paying attention to oil solutions of tocopherol and retinol, combined agents - Pinosol, Neonox Cyclamen. These drugs are administered in the form of drops, as well as with the help of cotton swabs.

Pinosol and Neonox Cyclamen contain components with antiseptic properties. They are also useful in combating swelling and difficulty in nasal breathing, and help to restore the nasal mucosa. Avoid contact with eyes.

Rosehip oil in the nose is recommended to be administered for simple atrophic rhinitis. They soak cotton swabs, which are then inserted into the nostrils. You can prepare a mixture in a 1: 4 ratio with sea buckthorn, olive or peach oil, retinol (vitamin A) oil solution. It is advisable to combine no more than two components.

You need to carefully choose an oil medicine - for example, in no case should you use petroleum jelly. This is an ointment that is designed to protect the skin and is not suitable for application to mucous membranes.

Any oily drugs are injected 3-4 times a day, it is advisable to cleanse the mucous membrane by washing with saline before lubrication.

A sufficient amount of the product - no more than 2-3 drops in each nostril. You need to drip the medicine warm, so it is worthwhile to slightly warm the bottle in advance (for example, holding it in your hands, leaving it in a warm room for several hours). Drops can also be used to lubricate the nasal mucosa, this method is quite convenient - soak a cotton swab with the product. In this case, care must be taken, especially if the patient is a child.


Oil treatment requires knowledge of contraindications, which include:

  1. Pregnancy (only some oils are excluded, for example, vaseline).
  2. Individual sensitivity to a specific agent.
  3. Propensity to allergic reactions, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma.
  4. Early childhood (use is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor).

With care and only after consulting a doctor, oil is used for a cold if the patient also suffers from eustachitis, otitis media, sinusitis. It is worth paying attention not only to respiratory, but also to food allergies - for example, if the patient noted signs of an allergic reaction when he consumed olive oil, the introduction of this agent into the nose is categorically contraindicated. An oil-based remedy can be helpful in treating the common cold, but treatment should be done as directed and under the supervision of a physician.