Runny nose

Symptoms and treatments for subatrophic rhinitis

Subatrophic rhinitis is a multifactorial disease, the pathogenesis of which is based on chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by excessive dryness, crusting and constant itching in the nose. At the same time, the patient's quality of life suffers significantly, since his normal breathing is impaired, and his sense of smell worsens. It is not uncommon for crusts to form in the nose, which have a pungent unpleasant odor. Attempts to remove accumulated crusts sometimes result in nosebleeds. What are the causes of this condition, and how to get rid of it?

In this article, we will talk about how to identify subatrophic rhinitis in the early stages, and how to treat it, in particular, with the help of local therapy - ointments, creams and sprays.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of subatrophic rhinitis is a malfunction of the mucosal goblet cells, which play a central role in sputum production. In some cases, the goblet cells become weakly active, and in others, they die off altogether. This disorder can be caused by many reasons - impaired blood circulation, hormonal imbalance, genetic characteristics. External factors can also play the role of a provocateur of the disease, in particular, living in dry or polluted air, abuse of vasoconstrictor drops, transfer of operations on the nasopharynx. Recently, scientists have paid attention to the role in the pathogenesis of subatrophic rhinitis deficiency of macro- and microelements necessary to prevent stagnant processes in the mucous membrane.

Clinical picture

Dysfunction of the goblet cells leads to a cascade of disorders. At first, the lack of mucous secretion on the epithelium of the nasal cavity leads to its drying out, peeling. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe through the nose, especially indoors, worried about dryness and burning in the nose. Epithelial cells that are not protected by mucus quickly die off and accumulate in the nasal passages in the form of dry crusts.

In the absence of treatment, the disease progresses - the patient is worried about partial nosebleeds, nasal congestion, deterioration of smell, and then taste. An atrophic form of rhinitis develops.

The described symptoms are usually aggravated by exposure to stress factors, for example, hypothermia, inhalation of dusty air or irritating chemicals, etc.

General principles of treatment

Subatrophic rhinitis is a chronic disease, and, like all chronic diseases, it requires long-term complex treatment. The use of local funds cannot be limited, otherwise the recovery will drag on for many weeks and months.

The treatment plan is drawn up individually - it all depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of the observed symptoms, the tolerance of various drugs, etc. In general, complex therapy for subatrophic rhinitis may include:

  1. Reception of trace elements (in particular Iron and Iodine) and macronutrients (primarily Calcium). They play an important role in regulating blood circulation and maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. The intake of Potassium and Magnesium ensures the normal functioning of the ciliated epithelium, the function of which is self-cleaning of the nasal cavity.
  2. The course of vitamin A and D. These vitamins are important for maintaining the water-lipid balance of the skin and mucous membranes. With a lack of them, the skin dries out and becomes prone to inflammation.
  3. Respiratory gymnastics is recommended by many otolaryngologists. It activates the movements of the ciliated epithelium, helps to cleanse the nasal passages, saturates the blood with oxygen.
  4. Frequent irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline.
  5. Instillation of the nasopharynx with oil-based nasal drops.
  6. The use of creams and ointments to moisturize the nasal mucosa.
  7. Steam inhalation.
  8. In the presence of bacterial inflammation, antibiotics (local or general, prescribed by a doctor).
  9. A favorable environment, a balanced daily routine and good nutrition also play an important role.

Another method often used in the treatment of subatrophic rhinitis is autohemotherapy. The method is the intramuscular injection of the patient's own blood.

Currently, autohemotherapy is not recognized by medicine. Autohemotherapy trials have shown that the effectiveness of this method does not differ from placebo (saline injection).

Despite the proven ineffectiveness, autohemotherapy is still used today as a method of "alternative" medicine.

Ointments in the fight against subotrophic rhinitis

Most patients suffering from subatrophic rhinitis prefer to use topical preparations - ointments, creams, sprays, oils. They have an undeniable advantage - their effect begins to be felt almost immediately after application. In addition, many of them have no contraindications. How do they work, and what ointments are best used for subatrophic rhinitis?

How ointments work

Ointments and creams are indispensable in the treatment of subatrophic rhinitis. Most of them contain petroleum jelly, as well as various oils that envelop the mucous membrane with a film. Thanks to this, excessive evaporation of moisture from the mucous membrane is prevented, the nasal cavity does not dry out, itching and other unpleasant sensations are reduced.

Preventing drying out is not the only reason for the therapeutic effect of nasal ointments. Of no less importance is the stimulation of local blood circulation, as well as the activation of metabolism in the cells of the mucous membrane. This, in turn, prevents the development of stagnant processes, which cause atrophy. Many ointments also contain antiseptic and antiviral components.

With subatrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane becomes more susceptible to various infections, so you should pay attention to nasal ointments with an antiseptic effect.

Popular and effective nasal ointments

Nasal ointments are an extensive group of drugs used for various types of rhinitis, as well as for the prevention of infections. Table 1 shows a list of popular nasal ointments that are used for subatrophic rhinitis.

Name of the ointmentpharmachologic effectMethod of application, course
Iodine-glycerin ointment, Lugol's solution in glycerinAntiseptic and local irritant effect (stimulates blood flow).Apply to the surface of the mucous membrane 1 time in three days using a cotton swab. The duration of the course is up to 2 months.
Oxolinic ointment 0.25%Antiviral and moisturizer.You can apply oxolinic ointment with your finger, 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks (the maximum course is 2 months).
Vinilin (Shostakovsky's Balsam)Antimicrobial, healing effect.For subatrophic rhinitis, it is used in combination with glycerin-based ointments (mix in a 1: 5 ratio). The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
Furacilin ointmentAntimicrobial drug.Treat the nasal passages 2-3 times a day.
Lanolin ointmentLanonil is an animal wax with an emollient effect. Prevents crusting.Lubricate the nasal passages as needed.
BacrobanLocal antibiotic. It is prescribed for secondary infections of the nasal mucosa against the background of subatrophic rhinitis.Apply twice a day for a week.
PinosolThe ointment contains eucalyptus, pine, menthol oils and white wax. It has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect.It is applied 4 times a day. The course is no more than 2 weeks.
EvamenolAnti-inflammatory ointment.It has a vasoconstrictor effect, therefore, with subatrophic rhinitis, it is used with caution.Apply to the nasal mucosa twice a day for 5-10 days.
Ointment "Propolis" MosFarmaHomeopathic ointment based on propolis and petroleum jelly. It has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.Apply a thin layer on the mucous membrane 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

What other drugs can I use?

The most affordable and safest remedy to help improve the well-being with rhinitis is saline. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or make it yourself by dissolving a teaspoon of ordinary kitchen salt in a liter of boiled water. You can also purchase a ready-made solution for irrigation or rinsing of the nasal cavity (Aqua Maris, Humer, Nazomarin, Quicks).

Saline nasal sprays thin mucus and help normalize goblet epithelial cells. In addition, they clean the nasal passages of dust and facilitate the passage of crusts.

How to use saline solution? There are several ways:

  • frequent irrigation of the nasal cavity (a spray bottle will be required);
  • instillation of the nose;
  • rinsing the nasopharynx (you can use a pear, syringe or small kettle for this);
  • inhalation (while the temperature of the saline solution should not exceed 65C).

Oil-based nasal drops are an effective treatment for subatrophic rhinitis. The interface is quite important in the online casino industry: this applies to both the browser and mobile versions of the site. Pin Up Casino has no problems in this regard: the service is perfectly optimized and copes with its tasks. The main page contains a catalog with games, as well as sections designed for easy search. In the top menu, you can find other pages: for example, with bonuses. Here you can find all the necessary information about current promotions and bonuses from the administration Pin Up. Among them are Pinosol, Sanorin, Eukasept, Apipharm and many others. Most of the drugs in this group contain base oil (vaseline, olive, sea buckthorn), as well as essential oils - mountain pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, etc.


Thus, there are many drugs for external use that can reduce the manifestations of subatrophic rhinitis. Ointments occupy an important place among them.

It must be remembered that external therapy is only part of the treatment. To achieve a long-term effect, it is necessary not only to moisturize the dry mucous membrane, but also to restore the normal functioning of the body.

In particular, with subatrophic rhinitis, you should take care of the digestive, circulatory and immune systems.