Nose symptoms

Treatment of nasal congestion without a runny nose in children

For parents, nasal congestion in a child is a common problem. We didn’t have time to look around, as the baby was already gondos, but so far without snot. There are situations when children cannot breathe through their nose for a long time, and a runny nose does not appear. In this case, the advice of a qualified specialist is required. How to treat a child if the nose is blocked, but there is no snot?

First, we will analyze when the congestion of the nasal passages is a physiological process. This applies to babies in the first months of life. The fact is that after childbirth, the living conditions for the child change, which takes time to adapt.

During the first three months, the nasal mucosa gets used to the irritating effect of the air, which can swell and make nasal breathing difficult. As for premature babies, the adaptation process can be somewhat delayed due to the slowed down development of tissues and organs.

For parents, this period becomes a test, because the baby refuses to feed. When he tries to clasp the nipple, he stops breathing, starts crying and refuses to breast.

The main task of new parents is to provide nutrition to the baby using alternative methods (for example, spoons). Insufficient supply of milk or formula for a growing body threatens malnutrition (weight loss).


Everyone knows the discomfort caused by nasal breathing difficulties. In children, the situation is aggravated by the anatomical features of the structure of the nose. In childhood, the nasal passages are narrower, which is why even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane can cause a complete cessation of breathing through the nose.

On the other hand, the mucous membrane of the child is more delicate and sensitive, as a result of which they can get stuffy nose much more often. When congestion appears, not only the respiratory function suffers, but the work of other systems.

The nervous system is most sensitive to oxygen starvation, therefore children become capricious, irritable, lethargic, refuse active games and poorly master the school curriculum. In addition, hypoxia leads to a slowdown in physical and mental development.

Environmental factors

If a child has a stuffy nose, it is necessary to check his living conditions. What can cause the condition to worsen?

  • insufficient air humidity. When the humidity drops below 50%, the mucous membrane does not have time to produce protective mucus and gradually dries up. To determine humidity, it is enough to purchase a hygrometer. The optimal level for a nursery is 65%;

Note that humidity above 75% can cause rhinitis and asthma.

  • increased dustiness. If children live in a room with a high concentration of dust or near industrial facilities, there is a risk of atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Normally, the nasal mucosa is regularly cleaned with cilia and mucus. With a massive attack of dust, the purification apparatus does not cope, the mucous membrane becomes dry, which makes it more vulnerable to infection;
  • allergens such as pollen, mites, wool, strong odors. With air, microbes and allergens settle on the nasal mucosa. Depending on the strength of the allergic factor and the characteristics of the baby's immune system, the severity of the allergic reaction may be different. In some cases, it can be limited to nasal congestion, sometimes it manifests itself as a generalized rash, widespread edema and bronchospasm;
  • tobacco smoke. This applies to children who are "passive smokers". The smoke not only irritates the mucous membrane, predisposes it to swelling, but has a negative effect on the lower parts of the respiratory tract;
  • Frequent flushing of the nasal passages with homemade saline solutions. If the concentration of salt exceeds the permissible level, the mucous membrane may swell, perceiving the saline solution as an irritant.

Internal factors

If there is a favorable microclimate in the children's room, and nasal congestion does not go away, it is worth looking for the cause inside the body. Sluggish vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by a slight swelling of the mucous membrane, but there is no snot. Mucus can rarely be secreted, however, in a small amount.

There are several reasons that predispose nasal congestion:

  1. chronic sinusitis. The swelling of the mucous membrane of the paranasal cavities is supported by the present infection. With an untreated rhinitis, bacterial pathogens can accumulate in the tissues, due to which a sluggish inflammation is observed. Chronization of the pathological process is promoted by immunodeficiency. It is diagnosed in premature babies, with congenital infections (HIV), severe somatic pathology, poor nutrition;
  2. adenoids. The proliferation of tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil leads to a decrease in the lumen of the airways, which causes nasal congestion, but no snot. Most of the cases are recorded at the age of 3-8 years. In older children, hypertrophied tissue gradually undergoes reverse development, which greatly facilitates nasal breathing. Severe swelling of the mucous membrane is noted with adenoiditis, when a chronic infection becomes active and begins to multiply rapidly. This can be observed during freezing or exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs. In first-degree adenoids, breathing through the nose can be difficult only at night when the child is in a horizontal position. As for the daytime, breathing is easier, so the baby is active and cheerful;
  3. hormonal fluctuations. A change in the quantitative composition of hormones in the blood occurs during adolescence, which is considered a physiological process. In addition, hormonal imbalance can be registered in diseases of the endocrine system, as well as congenital genetic diseases;
  4. anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx. They can be a congenital defect or acquired (due to exposure to a traumatic factor). Curvature of the septum, obstruction of the nasal passages (partial, complete) lead to a violation of the airway function of the nose. As a result, the mucous membrane is not completely cleansed, and the paranasal cavities are insufficiently ventilated, which in combination contributes to the activation of opportunistic flora and swelling of the mucous membrane;

In order to detect congenital defects in a timely manner, one should not neglect routine pediatrician examinations.

  1. polyps, formations of benign, malignant origin. On examination, the otolaryngologist visualizes "bunches of grapes" that indicate the presence of polyps. They narrow the lumen of the nasal passages, squeeze local blood vessels, which disrupts tissue nutrition and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs. If such formations are located near the opening of the Eustachian tube, there is a risk of closure with polyposis growth. In this case, the auditory function deteriorates and the process of speech formation is disrupted;
  2. foreign bodies. When an object gets stuck in the nasal passage, nasal congestion appears without a runny nose. The reason for the deterioration of the condition can be a bead, a constructor element, a seed, a button and other objects of interest to children. As soon as a foreign body gets into the nasal passage, lacrimation, sneezing and rhinorrhea appear. As it moves into the choanal zone, the severity of symptoms gradually decreases, which complicates further diagnosis.As a result, parents cannot visualize an object in the nose and remove it on their own. The danger of this condition lies in the high risk of penetration of a foreign body deep into the respiratory tract, which can cause bronchospasm and suffocation.

The consequence of a prolonged absence of nasal breathing is a change in the shape of the facial skeleton. The lower jaw gradually drops as children constantly breathe through their mouths. In addition, the rib cage does not develop properly, appetite decreases, and the child loses weight.

The nasopharynx provides warming, purification of the inhaled air, which is impossible in this case. Thus, cold, polluted air penetrates directly into the lower respiratory tract, provoking inflammation of the bronchi and trachea.

Treatment activities

How is nasal congestion treated? To save a child from unpleasant sensations, it is necessary not only to carry out drug therapy, but to normalize living conditions.

Humidity in the children's room

Humidity in the room plays a huge role in the respiratory system of children. It is especially important to control its level during the heating season, as well as during prolonged use of the air conditioner, when there is the greatest risk of air drying out. To keep the humidity at a sufficient level, you must:

  1. ventilate the room regularly. Of course, in the summer, ventilation does not always provide air humidification. In winter and in cool weather, it is recommended to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. You should not use a draft for this, it is advisable to open the windows wide so that the air quickly "refreshes";
  2. houseplants. Thanks to the plants, the moisture level can be controlled. If the leaves are wrinkled or yellow, there is dry air in the room. They are not only a kind of indicator, but saturate the room with oxygen;
  1. aquariums. If you do not want to look after the fish, you can place containers with water in the room near the heat source;
  2. wet cleaning. Regular cleaning of surfaces allows you to reduce the concentration of dust, allergens, and humidify the air;
  3. temperature regime. The temperature should not exceed 22 degrees, 19-20 degrees is considered optimal.

Daily regime

Do not underestimate the impact of your daily routine on your baby's health. What to do to alleviate the child's condition?

  • in childhood, fresh air is especially important, since the internal organs are at a stage of intensive development. This requires a sufficient supply of oxygen, so daily walks in the park area are extremely necessary, even in frosty weather;
  • drinking plenty of fluids. Depending on the preferences of children, you can give not very sweet compote, juice, still mineral water, herbal tea;
  • proper nutrition. Breastfeeding is the infant's primary defense against infection. With age, children need to expand their nutritional diet with dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables;
  • good sleep, rest. To maintain a strong immune system, you need 9 hours of sleep. For young children, the duration of sleep can be up to 13-15 hours.

Medicinal and traditional medicine

Treatment consists in rinsing the nasal cavities with saline solutions and herbal infusions:

  1. from pharmaceutical preparations Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Humer are recommended. They are allowed from the first days of life and are absolutely safe;
  2. you can prepare the saline solution yourself. This requires thoroughly dissolving 3 g of salt in 220 ml of warm water;
  3. antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin);
  4. infusion of chamomile, calendula, oak bark has a healing effect. For cooking, you need 270 ml boiling water, 10 g of the plant. So, fill the grass with water and leave for 20 minutes in a closed container. As soon as the infusion cools down a little, you can begin the rinsing procedure;
  5. in rare cases, the doctor permits the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Homeopathic medicines, for example, Delufen, are considered the safest. You can also use Otrivin, Nazik or Nazivin. Pinosol is distinguished by its plant composition. Thanks to the oil components, the nasal mucosa is moistened, protected from the negative effects of environmental factors, the regeneration processes are accelerated, and the cleansing of the nose is facilitated. To easily remove dry crusts, it is enough to drip the drug or lubricate the mucous membrane with eucalyptus and tea tree oil. After 7 minutes, you can start cleansing.

Long-term use of intranasal drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect leads to the opposite effect. The nasal mucosa swells and a large amount of watery mucus is secreted.

Let's talk separately about the role of vaccination. It is an integral part of protecting your baby from infectious pathogens. Thanks to vaccinations, immunity develops resistance to many serious infections that can be fatal.

Now you know that nasal congestion can be not only a manifestation of a cold, but many other serious diseases.