Ear symptoms

Auricles peel off

Exfoliation is the process of sloughing off dead cells of the epidermis from the surface of the skin. Normally, we do not notice this phenomenon, although it occurs constantly. Keratinized skin scales are removed by washing the skin (especially with a washcloth), wiping it off with a towel, etc. The skin of the ears, like other parts of the body, is also constantly renewed.

Increased peeling indicates that either the skin is overdried, or the cells of the epithelium are dividing so quickly that the stratum corneum does not have time to peel off. Another possible cause is permanent damage (mechanical, chemical, allergic irritation, inflammation, etc.) to cells on the skin surface. Pathologies associated with peeling ears are based on one or more of these factors.

How to understand why the skin is peeling in the ears and on their surface? We will tell you how to find out the cause of this violation.

Desquamation in the ear canal

Excessive sloughing of the epidermis inside the ears can be associated with factors such as:

  • overly active use of ear sticks - they injure epithelial cells, and also deprive them of their protective lubricant - sulfur;
  • abuse of boric alcohol and other alcohol-containing drops;
  • fungal infection - external otomycosis - accompanied by itching, peeling of the ear canal, swelling of the skin and the discharge from the ear of a thick dark mass containing spores of fungi (they can be detected by bacteriological seeding of a smear from the ear);
  • psoriasis can affect various parts of the body with thin skin, and the ears are one of its frequent localizations; peeling, swelling, a pink rash covered with scales - these symptoms are a serious reason to consult a dermatologist for early diagnosis of psoriasis.

Peeling in the ears inside the ear canal is usually accompanied by discomfort associated with the accumulation of keratinized scales in the ear. Skin scales are mixed with sulfur, and therefore there is a risk of the formation of sulfur plugs - dense accumulations of sulfur and epidermal cells. Sulfur plug impairs hearing, causes headaches, tinnitus and even coughing.

If you are worried about peeling in the ear canal, you need to perform a procedure to cleanse your ears. In this case, it is very important to avoid active mechanical action on the skin of the ear - this can cause increased peeling and increase the activity of the sulfur glands.

It is safest to clean the ears with hydrogen peroxide - it dissolves sulfur, but does not damage epithelial cells, unlike cotton swabs, etc.

Peeling of the auricle

The auricles peel off from the outside for reasons such as how:

  1. Allergy
    • Allergic reaction to jewelry and alloys. For example, if you are allergic to nickel, chromium, copper and other metals that make up jewelry, your earlobes flake off. If one ear lobe flakes off (the one on which there is a piercing), this is a clear sign of allergy to the metal from which the earring is made. In addition to peeling, a person may be concerned about itching, redness, and swelling of the ear. To get rid of the symptoms, it is necessary to exclude (or limit as much as possible) the person's contact with the metal that caused the reaction. Treatment includes antihistamines and topical anti-inflammatory drugs (including glucocorticosteroids).
    • Allergy to cosmetics and other household chemicals - hairspray, shampoo, shower gel, hair dye, washing powder. All of this directly or indirectly comes into contact with the skin of the ears and can provoke the appearance of itching, rash, peeling and other allergy symptoms.
    • An allergic reaction to dust mites that inhabit down pillows and mattresses. Household irritants can also include mold spores, which are quite often present in damp rooms.
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disorder that causes peeling in the auricle, on the scalp and behind the ears. Its other symptoms are the formation of horny scales, increased oily skin, a tendency to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Seborrheic dermatitis most often affects areas of the skin that are rich in sebaceous glands. The causative agent of the disease is a lipophilic fungus that feeds on the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is known that the infection more often affects people with reduced immunity, disturbed hormonal levels, and a tendency to oily skin.
  3. Sunburn. If the peeling began in the summer, perhaps the reason lies in the banal burning of the skin under the influence of sunlight. Sunburns, in addition to flaking skin, can be accompanied by redness and pain of the skin surface.
  4. Dermatitis of various nature - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, etc. can affect the skin of the ears. However, in most cases, their symptoms are found not only on the ears, but also on other parts of the body.

Diagnostics and treatment

How to understand why the skin peels off in the auricles and inside the ear canal? It is not easy to determine the cause on your own, but you can exclude some of the possible causes even before going to the doctor.

Wash your ears well first. Use warm water and a washcloth, baby soap (to eliminate the possibility of an allergy to the detergent). Wipe all folds of the outer ear from the outside and from the inside, lightly pulling back the auricle. Clean the visible part of the ear canal with a dampened cotton swab with a stopper or gauze pad. After that, dry your ears well with tissues and apply a hypoallergenic moisturizer. It is possible that after this step the peeling of the ears will stop.

If the care does not help to get rid of the problem, make sure that you are not allergic to metal (if you wear earrings), as well as shampoo, perfume, shower gel.

To do this, it is necessary to temporarily exclude contact with potential allergens. If your suspicions are confirmed, contact your allergist.

You should also give up ear drops if you use them often - perhaps this is the reason for the peeling.
The final diagnosis is made by the doctor. He can prescribe clarifying tests - a biochemical blood test, bacteriological culture of a smear from the ear, allergy tests, etc. Treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis.

Do not try to treat the condition you suspect on your own - this can worsen the skin condition.

So, if diagnosed with otomycosis, you will need antifungal therapy. If the flaking is due to an allergy, you will need to take anti-inflammatory medication and always avoid contact with a particular allergen. Psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis require an individual approach to treatment. It can take months or even years of treatment to achieve significant improvement in the treatment of these diseases. Do not self-medicate if you suspect psoriasis, eczema, or atopic dermatitis (i.e. neurodermatitis).