
How to treat green snot in a child under one year old?

Snot in babies is common, and many mothers do not find it a serious cause for concern. And completely in vain - only liquid transparent discharge can be considered relatively safe. And if their color and viscosity change, this is already a signal of danger. So, thick green snot in babies clearly indicates that an active inflammatory process of a bacterial nature is taking place in the body. This means that there is a possibility of developing serious complications.

Why does the color change

Green snot in babies appears as a response to the attack of pathogens: viruses or bacteria. When they penetrate the nasal passages, the baby's body tries to protect itself by the increased secretion of mucus, which "flushes" the infection from the nose. Initially, it is very liquid and transparent, as if water is flowing from a spout. If you notice this in time and take preventive measures, there is a high probability that the child will not get sick.

In mucus, neutrophils are present in large quantities - cells that neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. As the number of dead bacteria and neutrophils increases in the mucus, it changes its texture and color. This is how thick green snot are formed in the baby, which signal to the mother that the baby requires urgent treatment. In its absence, the smallest ones very quickly develop complications. This is due to several reasons at once, which the mother must know about:

  • the nasal passage of the baby is very short, so it is easy for infections to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract;
  • due to the fact that the nostrils are narrow, in the case of even the smallest edema, the nasal passage is blocked and mucus accumulates inside;
  • with careless washing under the pressure of water, green snot in a child under one year old can get into the Eustachian tube and provoke tubo-otitis;
  • if mucus runs down the nasopharynx, it can enter the throat and then the bronchi, causing bronchitis.

That is why it is imperative to start the correct treatment as soon as possible. Moreover, only a pediatrician should decide how to treat green snot in a baby.

At certain periods of life, children are extremely undesirable to take antibiotics - they can cause complications and even developmental delay. An adequate substitute for such drugs can only be a complex therapy, which can be correctly selected by an experienced doctor.

How to treat a baby

Before treating green snot in a baby, the doctor usually prescribes a microflora test. It is needed in order not to use potent drugs unless absolutely necessary. The primary diagnosis is usually coryza.

In order to prevent the development of the disease and the spread of inflammatory processes further, the child is assigned:

  • nasal sprays or liquids;
  • nasal drops (possibly with antibacterial ingredients);
  • vasoconstrictor drugs - with severe rhinitis;
  • antipyretics - in case of a significant increase in temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory - if the mucous membranes are severely inflamed.

Your doctor may also recommend ear drops to prevent otitis media. Do not ignore these prescriptions, as the inflammation of the middle ear will greatly complicate the course of the disease.

The pediatrician selects the appropriate drugs individually, depending on the age and general condition of the child. Usually, such a treatment regimen is sufficient to cope with the problem within 2-5 days and avoid possible complications.

From home remedies that are always at hand, you can use saline, a weak decoction of chamomile or sage to rinse the spout. Drops into the spout can also be prepared from medicinal herbs.

Decoctions of calendula, eucalyptus, yarrow, coltsfoot have a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. A teaspoon of dry herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. 1 drop of strained broth drip into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Disease prevention

Sometimes even green snot appears in a month-old baby. This indicates severe hypothermia, which dramatically weakens the immune system. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to postpone long walks for several days and provide the child with intensive care: rinse the nose well, drip with herbal infusions. If the runny nose does not go away in 2-3 days, or the body temperature rises sharply, urgent medical attention is needed.

Therefore, for the youngest children, it is very important to comply with preventive measures that will strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of pathogens:

  1. During walks, be sure to monitor the child's condition and at the first signs of hypothermia (cold nose or hands, blue lips), you must immediately return home and warm the baby well: put him to bed and cover with a blanket, give warm tea or milk.
  2. If there are carriers of a viral infection in the house, it is advisable to completely protect the child from contact with them, and if this is not possible, then the patient should be in a tight gauze bandage.
  3. It is highly undesirable for strangers to come to the house where there is a baby up to one month old: the baby's immune system is still weak, and guests can bring an infection.
  4. The best way to strengthen the immunity of a baby is mother's milk, as it contains ready-made antibodies that protect the baby in the event of an attack by pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. If the baby is artificially fed, it is necessary to choose only high-quality milk formulas, which contain all the nutrients necessary for normal development.
  6. The baby must be brought for preventive examinations, since some diseases at an early stage may be asymptomatic, but the doctor knows what details to pay attention to and can recognize the disease in time.

And most importantly, even if you are an experienced mom, do not self-medicate.... Green snot in a baby at 3 months is not as dangerous as in a month-old baby, but nevertheless, in the absence of adequate treatment, it can cause serious complications. Therefore, if the situation has not improved significantly in the first couple of days of home therapy, then you need to show the child to the doctor.