
What to do if snot in your throat

The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx secrete a special secret that performs protective and moisturizing functions. In the normal state of the body, mucus does not bother a person at all, but when there are disturbances in its work, snot begins to flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx into the throat. This is a very unpleasant sensation that can be caused by a wide variety of diseases.


The formation of mucus in the nasopharynx is a serious reason to visit an otolaryngologist. The runny nose itself is not a disease, only in very rare cases it can appear due to hypothermia. Most often, its presence indicates the development of viral infections in the body, less often there are cases of bacterial and fungal infections, as well as allergies.

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly diagnose, this is the only way to prescribe adequate therapy. The ENT makes conclusions after examining the patient, studying the test results. Snot itself can tell a lot about the presence of certain diseases. Their appearance and consistency very well characterize different types of ailments.

Only after the otolaryngologist has completed all the necessary studies, you can begin treatment. Most often, it is carried out using local means. However, in some, especially difficult cases, systemic therapy is required.

What causes the violation

In an adult, immunity has already been formed, and he can independently fight infections and bacteria. However, there are times when the body's protective functions fail. The mucus that flows down the back of the nasopharynx into the throat is a protective reaction of the body. She protects us from:

  • penetration of viral, fungal and bacterial infections into the respiratory tract;
  • foreign bodies;
  • allergens;
  • dust, dirt, smoke;
  • overdrying of the mucous membrane.

Therefore, this condition can be caused by ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections, and pathogenic bacteria or fungi. For allergy sufferers, snot in the throat appears at the slightest contact with allergens.

If the room is too hot and the air is not humid enough, then the mucous membrane begins to actively secrete a secret to protect itself from dryness.

Classic treatments

In an adult who is not prone to frequent colds, this disorder goes away on its own. You can only use additional measures to improve the condition and relieve severe symptoms. If snot flows down the back wall from a viral disease, it is enough to do the following procedures:

  1. Rinsing. Gargle with infusion of chamomile, sage, oak bark, furacilin solution or sea salt. These mixtures disinfect mucous membranes well, relieve inflammation and promote mucus discharge.
  2. Washing. The secretions that stand between the throat and nose with a lump cannot be blown out, therefore they need to be rinsed. A weak solution of salt in water, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are suitable for this. It is important that the liquid penetrates into the nasopharynx; for this, it must be injected in the supine position, with the head thrown back. After the procedure, it is recommended to stay in this position for some time.
  3. Inhalation. Vapors of eucalyptus, menthol, saline and other medicines moisturize the mucous membrane very well. It is very effective to treat infections with inhalation, they significantly speed up recovery.
  4. Moisturizing the mucous membrane with oil. Successful treatment is to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out and snot thickening. While the mucus is liquid, it has protective functions and serves as a barrier against infections, but if it dries up, pathogens can freely penetrate into other organs. You can moisturize the mucous membrane with olive or peach oil, petroleum jelly is also suitable.

Additional measures

In addition to the basic procedures aimed at alleviating the patient's condition, it is important to use additional measures. If snot flows down the back of the throat, everything must be done so that the body can cope with the problem itself. To do this, you need to place the patient in a cool room, the optimum temperature is 20 ° C, no more. The room should be sufficiently humid, an indicator of 60-70% will be most suitable. Such conditions are created so that the mucus does not dry out, nose breathing is not hampered by swelling, and the treatment is more comfortable.

To cure the disease quickly, you need to give the patient as much fluid as possible, especially if he has a fever. This will help prevent dehydration and prevent drying out of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat.

Drug therapy

It is necessary to treat snot in the throat with medication only in extreme cases and on the recommendation of a doctor. Advanced stages of bacterial or fungal infections, allergies and serious viral infections require the use of special drugs. Funds are divided into the following groups:

  • vasoconstrictor - sprays and drops, they do not accelerate treatment, but relieve symptoms;
  • antihistamines - reduce the body's personal sensitivity to allergens;
  • antifungal - they kill pathogenic microorganisms, remove their waste products;
  • antiviral - with their help, viral diseases are treated;
  • combined - contain several active ingredients at the same time and have a complex effect.

When taking medications, it is very important to adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Overuse of drugs can lead to serious complications and side effects. You cannot independently prescribe therapy for yourself or do any procedures, treatment is carried out only after consulting a specialist.

How to avoid a runny nose?

Snot that runs down the nasopharynx can appear for a variety of reasons. If you take precautions, then this unpleasant phenomenon can be avoided. So that breathing through your nose does not complicate mucus, and you do not have to treat serious diseases, you need to strengthen the immune system.

Also watch your diet, it should be balanced and with enough vitamins. If there is an epidemic of respiratory disease in your city, wear a mask. Even the most harmless colds must be treated to the end so that they do not give complications.

Let's summarize

It is necessary to treat mucus that flows into the nasopharynx only after determining the disease that caused this condition. Medication is prescribed if the infection is very advanced. Most often, adherence to simple rules for keeping the patient and local remedies help get rid of the disease. Any measures to eliminate the problem can be applied only after consulting an otolaryngologist.