Ear treatment

Furacilin alcohol in the ears

Furacilin alcohol is an antibacterial drug used for many diseases of an infectious nature. The drug is an alcoholic solution of the antiseptic substance nitrofural (a common synonym is furacilin). Nitrofural is effective against many opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, as well as some other microorganisms. Furacilin alcohol is used mainly externally - for the treatment of bedsores, boils, burns, etc. Internally, it is taken with dysentery (under the strict supervision of a doctor).

Otitis media, or ear infections, is one of those diseases in which furacilin alcohol is used. For the ears, it is used in two main ways - by burying it in the ear canal, or by impregnating it with ear turundas. It is also practiced rinsing and rubbing the ear canal with this solution. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the therapeutic properties of furacilin alcohol, and also talk about the rules for its use and contraindications to it.

Pharmacological group and action

Furacilin alcohol solution belongs to antiseptic antibacterial preparations of local action. It has a pronounced inhibitory effect on bacteria, as well as some viruses and fungi. Furacilin changes the structural proteins of the membranes of microorganisms, causing disruption of their vital activity and death. In addition, this substance enhances the phagocytic activity of immune cells, that is, it stimulates the immune system.

Ethyl alcohol 70%, when applied externally, has the following effects:

  • bactericidal (destruction of bacteria);
  • astringent;
  • irritating (dilates blood vessels and speeds up blood circulation);
  • tanning;
  • cauterizing.

Thus, furacilin in combination with ethylene alcohol has a powerful therapeutic effect in otitis externa and otitis media, affecting the cause of the disease - infection.

It is known that ethyl alcohol is able to penetrate the skin and be absorbed into biological fluids. When alcohol enters the blood, toxic reactions are possible - inhibition of the activity of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, impaired coordination, alcohol intoxication. When using an alcohol solution of furacilin as a remedy for otitis media, a minimum amount of ethyl alcohol is absorbed into the blood. However, when treating infants, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of using alcohol-based drugs.

Indications for use

Furacilin is successfully used in the treatment of various pathologies. Its alcoholic solution is used as a topical preparation. They rub wounds with it, wash the inflamed body cavities. For otitis media, turundas soaked in furacilin alcohol are often used.

Although this drug can be purchased without a prescription, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using it. An alcoholic solution of nitrofural can be prescribed for such pathological conditions as:

  • acute catarrhal otitis media;
  • acute purulent otitis media;
  • chronic ear inflammation;
  • Swimmer otitis media - inflammation of the outer ear due to frequent ingress of water;
  • furunculosis of the ear canal;
  • open wounds (for disinfection of wounds);
  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • bedsores;
  • minor damage to the skin and mucous membranes of various etiologies.

In the treatment of otitis media, furacilin alcohol is used in combination with systemic antibiotics (in tablets or in the form of injections). In the treatment of otitis externa, the drug can be used as an independent therapy.

Application for otitis media

The method of using furacilin alcohol depends on the established diagnosis. The main ways to use it are:

  • burying the ears;
  • lotions (turundas);
  • washing;
  • rubbing.

Instillation is indicated for acute and chronic ear inflammation. The alcoholic solution is drawn up with a pipette and warmed in the palms so that the liquid is heated to body temperature. Then furatsilinovy ​​is introduced into the ear. alcohol (a few drops). Next, a cotton swab should be inserted into the ear canal; the patient must lie down for several minutes.

Lotions are used for acute otitis media and otitis externa. You will need a gauze swab - turunda. To make it, a sterile bandage should be impregnated with furacilin alcohol and twisted with a tube. This turunda is inserted into the ear for 30 minutes. You can repeat the setting of turunda no more than three times a day.

Washing is used for acute otitis externa, as well as otitis media, accompanied by purulent discharge from the ear canal. Slightly warmed (about 37 C) furacilin alcohol is poured into the ears (you can add a full pipette of the drug several times or use a spoon, a small pear, a syringe without a needle, etc.). The patient holds his head alternately with each ear up, and then turns it so that the liquid flows out.

Rubbing is used as a preventive measure. This procedure is recommended for swimmers, since among them the frequency of otitis externa and otitis media is very high. To clean your ear, soak a cotton ball in the medication and clean your ear and ear canal.

Contraindications and restrictions

Furacilin alcohol solution, when used correctly, causes side reactions very rarely. It is forbidden to use the drug internally without appropriate indications. When used externally, dermatitis is possible, including allergic ones, due to individual hypersensitivity to furacilin.

If symptoms of allergic dermatitis occur, treatment with this drug should be discontinued.

Contraindications for use:

  • violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane, as well as its absence;
  • the presence of bleeding;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to furacilin.

The drug is approved for use in otitis media in pregnant and breastfeeding women. The advisability of using furacilin alcohol in children in each case is determined by the doctor.