Throat treatment

How to gargle a sore throat?

The appearance of pain in the throat in most cases indicates an inflammatory process, which can be caused by infectious pathogens, irritating factors in the form of pungent odors, smoke, cold air. So, if your throat hurts, how to gargle?

Today, there are many pharmaceuticals and folk remedies that help in the fight against pain.

In order to eliminate local symptoms of the disease, it is widely used:

  • gargling;
  • irrigation of the oropharynx, pharynx, tonsils;
  • resorption of lozenges.

Procedure rules

Effective rinsing of the throat is considered subject to strict observance of the frequency of the procedure (5-6 times daily), as well as the rules of rinsing. How to gargle properly?

  1. Solution temperature - maximum 40 degrees. Gargling with a hot solution is not recommended due to the high risk of burns to the oral mucosa. This can significantly worsen the course of the disease. At the same time, a cold remedy leads to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
  2. Volume for one rinse cycle - one gulp.
  3. The duration of the procedure is about 5-10 seconds.
  4. How to gargle? To increase the area of ​​coverage of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to tilt your head back, pronounce the sound "Y". This will allow the product to be delivered deeper into the oropharynx.
  5. It is not recommended to swallow the used product in order to avoid the development of intoxication, poisoning, allergic reactions.
  6. In one procedure, it is required to spit out the entire solution 15 times and pour a new one into the mouth.
  7. After the procedure, it is forbidden to drink or eat for 20 minutes. This will maximize the effect at the site of inflammation.
  8. It is recommended to rinse the throat by alternating pharmaceutical rinse solutions with folk remedies.
  9. How often should you gargle? During the day, 5-6 procedures are allowed, that is, every 1.5-2 hours.

Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from rinsing the throat due to the high risk of the solution entering the respiratory tract when inhaling or swallowing the product.

Rinsing solutions

How to gargle with a sore throat? Let's list the safest medicines that have proven their effectiveness over the years. Preparations for gargling.

  • Givalex is produced in the form of a solution. The tool has four main properties (antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic). The drug has a bacteriostatic effect. It is used in the treatment of local infectious and inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, especially in otolaryngology, dentistry. Of the contraindications, it is worth highlighting hypersensitivity to the components of the medication, atrophic type of pharyngitis, bronchial asthma. Givalex is allowed for children over 6 years old. In 50 ml of water, add 2 teaspoons of the drug, rinse the throat 2-4 times.
  • Furassol in powder form is effective against pathogenic staphylococci. The tool is used for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx. The contents of the sachet dissolve in a glass of hot water. Having cooled it down a little, you need to gargle it three times a day. Not recommended for children under 4 years of age.
  • Stopangin is released in the form of a solution, has a bactericidal, antifungal, anesthetic effect for 10 hours after use. Stopangin is indicated for infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, oropharynx (especially of bacterial, fungal origin) in dentistry, otolaryngology. Children under 6 years of age are not assigned. You can gargle with undiluted solution in the amount of 1 tablespoon per gargle. The procedure takes about half a minute, after which the medicine is spat out. It is used after meals three times a day.
  • Furacilin is available in the form of tablets and is approved for use by pregnant women. Possesses a wide spectrum of action against viruses, bacteria, fungi. It can be prescribed prophylactically to keep the oral cavity clean. To make a solution, you need to dissolve the tablet in half a liter of hot water. Having cooled the product to 40 degrees, you can carry out the procedure. The prepared preparation can be stored in the refrigerator, the procedure is repeated three times a day for 3-5 minutes. The shelf life of the drug will not be limited, if furacilin is diluted with 70% alcohol (1500: 1), a tincture is obtained. The drug is especially effective for purulent inflammation in the oropharynx.
  • Chlorophyllipt is the most effective against staphylococci, and therefore is indicated for the treatment of angina, pharyngitis, sinusitis, stomatitis. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets, solution, spray. To prepare a medicinal liquid, it is necessary to dilute 1 teaspoon of 1% medicine in a glass of water. Gargling is repeated three times a day, especially effective in the presence of purulent discharge. Also, the drug can be produced with eucalyptus oil, so it is not recommended for use by allergy sufferers.
  • Miramistin leads to the destruction of the walls of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is widely prescribed for an infectious process caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi. Rinse with the medicine undiluted. If it is used for children, then dilution with water (1: 1) is recommended. The multiplicity of the procedure is 3-4 times a day.
  • Rotokan. It contains chamomile, calendula, yarrow tincture. "Tincture" indicates the alcohol content, which should be considered. The combination of herbs has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, reduces puffiness by reducing capillary permeability, activates local blood flow, regeneration processes, and improves metabolism. A good effect is observed when used in dentistry, otolaryngology for stomatitis, pharyngitis. It is not used for pregnancy, allergies, increased blood clotting. It is recommended to rinse the throat with a solution (5 ml) diluted in a glass of warm water three times a day. For children, can be used over the age of 12.

In order to avoid the development of microbial resistance to a certain solution, it is recommended to alternate them during the day.

Throat sprays

Sprays can be used between rinses and when pain occurs in public places. They are quite easy to use and have a good therapeutic effect. Which remedy is the best?

  1. Bioparox in the form of an aerosol is somewhat more effective than other drugs. It is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, since it is an antibiotic, but it is not absorbed into the general bloodstream. It is widely prescribed in dentistry, otolaryngology. When the oropharynx hurts, 4 inhalations every 4 hours are enough. Children are allowed from 2.5 years old, no more than 2 times a day.
  2. Tantum Verde is an anti-inflammatory medium with a decongestant, analgesic effect, which is used in dentistry for stomatitis, gingivitis, otolaryngology for pharyngitis. The patient must install a nebulizer, thanks to which the drug in the form of an aerosol enters the oropharynx. Adults need 4 doses 3-5 times, children from 4 years old are allowed 1-2 doses three times a day.
  3. Strepsils plus is an aerosol that has an antiseptic, analgesic effect. Not recommended for allergies, bronchial asthma, and children under 12 years of age. One dose can be used once, no more than 6 times a day.
  4. Ingalipt is a combination medicine with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, distracting effects. It is widely used for pharyngitis, laryngitis, ulcerative stomatitis. In children, it is shown from 3 years old. Irrigation of the oropharynx is carried out three times a day, 2-3 doses.

Lollipops, tablets

What else can you use for sore throat? For sore throat, lozenge tablets are also used.

Comprehensive treatment is needed to reduce inflammation. With a pronounced process, the use of lollipops is not enough. The most effective for the throat is rinsing the throat up to 5 times a day, using the spray three times a day, as well as resorption of tablets in between rinses.

In addition, it is not always convenient to use solutions for the throat, especially if you are in public places. In this case, it is best to use tablets in the form of lozenges.

The most effective remedies include Strepsils, Lisobakt, Decatilen, Faringosept, Septolete. Each type of lozenges has an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect to a greater or lesser extent. After resorption of the pill, the throat will stop hurting for a while.

Traditional methods

What can you rinse with if it is painful when swallowing? The most common and effective remedy is salt and soda.
For cooking, it is enough to mix 1 teaspoon of ingredients in a glass of warm water, add 2 drops of iodine.

The use of iodine in childhood is prohibited due to the risk of poisoning the child if the solution is swallowed.

  • A solution for gargling a throat can be prepared from calendula, plantain (mix 7 grams of ingredients, pour a glass of boiling water, insist, filter).
  • Gargling is effective with chamomile, linden. It is enough to take 7 grams of plants, pour boiling water, set aside for a quarter of an hour and filter.
  • What is the best way to gargle? A good effect is noted after using the leaves of lingonberry, St. John's wort. Taking 7 grams of plants, pour boiling water over them, leave for a quarter of an hour, filter.
  • How to gargle a sore throat? Kalanchoe juice can be diluted with water (1: 3).
  • Throat lavage is carried out with sage infusion with honey. It is enough to pour 15 grams of the plant with a glass of boiling water, insist, filter.

Means for gargling are represented by a decoction of chamomile, sage, oak, raspberry leaves. Propolis tincture is also effective.

We have reviewed the most useful and safe medicines. A medicine in the correct dosage can eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, and eliminate infection. Thanks to an integrated approach in the treatment of pharyngitis, sore throat and other diseases accompanied by a sore throat, it is possible to get rid of symptoms in a short period of time, thereby preventing complications.