Throat treatment

Cryotherapy technique of tonsils for sore throat

Cryotherapy of tonsils is a physiotherapeutic minimally invasive procedure during which lymphoid tissues are exposed to liquid nitrogen cooled to -130 or -150 ° C.

Surgical treatment of ENT diseases stimulates the respiratory processes in the tonsils, which leads to the restoration of the functions of organs or their necrotization.

Bloodless therapy practically does not cause discomfort, therefore it is used to treat hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils, not only in adults, but also in children. Local treatment of tissues with liquid nitrogen allows partial or complete removal of the tonsils. Cryotherapy is used to eliminate chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, bleeding, etc.

The essence of the technique

Cryotherapy of tonsils - therapy of local inflammation in the oropharynx through the action of liquid nitrogen. The gas, the temperature of which is −195.75 ° C, is non-toxic, which made it possible to use it for medicinal purposes for conducting "shock therapy". Liquid nitrogen is stored in special cryogenic tanks or Dewars with external sealing. During cauterization of the tonsils, gas is supplied using a special cryoapplicator, which allows you to regulate the area of ​​freezing of lymphoid tissues.

What is the benefit of cryofreezing the tonsils?

  • restores the hematopoietic and protective functions of the glands;
  • normalizes the immunological function of organs;
  • destroys foci of inflammation and pathogenic flora;
  • activates the processes of drainage of the tonsils;
  • eliminates cicatricial changes in tissues caused by inflammation.

A low-traumatic procedure allows you to stop pathological processes in the ENT organs and prevent the development of systemic complications. Critically low temperatures have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, which contributes to their destruction. Freezing of the glands leads to necrotization of the tissues affected by inflammation, as a result of which regeneration processes are triggered in the body. Thus, the functions of the palatine tonsils are restored, which contributes to an increase in local and general immunity.

Features of the procedure

The elimination of foci of inflammation with liquid nitrogen extremely rarely causes side reactions, due to the absence of open wound surfaces. After therapy, healthy areas of the tonsils remain intact, so the lymphoid tissues continue to synthesize immunoglobulin. The operation itself is as follows:

  1. the oropharynx is treated with an antiseptic solution to prevent infectious tissue inflammation;
  2. the affected areas of the glands are treated with a local anesthetic, which makes it possible to relieve pain during freezing of damaged tissues;
  3. the cryogenic applicator is directed to the foci of inflammation, after which the tonsils are frozen for 1-2 minutes.

To prevent septic inflammation, the oropharynx should be rinsed with antiseptic solutions Miramistin, Aseptolin, Aquazan for 1-2 weeks.

On the second day after cryotherapy, a white plaque (fibrin filaments) forms on the treated areas of the tonsils, which indicates the rejection of dead tissue. The complete regeneration of lymphoid formations takes about 10-14 days, during which it is advisable to perform sanitizing procedures at least 3 times a day.

Cryotherapy types

Tonsil freezing is a medical procedure during which the tissues affected by inflammation are either restored or completely die off. The therapeutic effect of cryotherapy is determined by the intensity of the effect of liquid nitrogen on the palatine tonsils. In this regard, there are two types of cryofreezing:

  1. regenerative cryotherapy - a relatively weak effect on the tonsils with liquid nitrogen, which stimulates regeneration processes, which contributes to the resorption of infiltrates and epithelialization of lymphoid tissues;
  2. cryodestruction of the tonsils is an intense effect on the tonsils with ultra-low temperatures, which leads to tissue necrosis.

Regenerative therapy is used in the initial stages of the development of catarrhal processes in the lacunae of the tonsils. The therapeutic procedure restores the functioning of tissues with altered morphology, which is due to the stimulation of redox processes in cells.

Gentle cryotherapy allows you to completely destroy foci of chronic inflammation in the glands and at the same time preserve paired organs.

The minimum course of cryotherapy is approximately 2 months, during which the patient undergoes 3-4 sessions of tonsil freezing.

Cryodestruction of tonsils is used mainly for partial or complete removal of lymphoid formations. A more radical method of treatment is advisable to apply in the event of serious local or systemic complications.

Indications and contraindications

Freezing the tonsils with liquid nitrogen is one of the safest physiotherapeutic methods for treating infectious diseases. However, cryotherapy, like many modern methods of tonsillotomy, has its own indications and contraindications for use. The absolute indications for physiotherapy are:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils;
  • complicated course of angina;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of systemic complications.

Cauterization of lymphoid tissues with liquid nitrogen practically does not cause side reactions, but has several contraindications:

  • allergy to cold;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe hypertension;
  • blood disease;
  • cardiovascular failure.

So that the freezing of the tonsils does not provoke a deterioration in health, the patient must pass all the necessary tests before the procedure. In the absence of direct contraindications, the specialist will talk about possible complications after cryotherapy, which in most cases arise due to non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation program.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of cryotherapy is due to the ability to preserve the bulk of the lymphoid formations, which prevents a decrease in local immunity. Cold exposure to local areas of inflammation prevents the further development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, laryngitis and other ENT pathologies. The benefits of treating tonsils with critically low temperatures include:

  • absence of pain syndrome;
  • bloodlessness of therapy;
  • quick rehabilitation;
  • no need for hospitalization;
  • the possibility of partial removal of the tonsils;
  • low risks of recurrence of inflammation.

Physiotherapy is usually performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The duration of the entire procedure is a maximum of 15-20 minutes, taking into account the preparatory measures (throat sanitation, anesthesia).

Regenerative cryotherapy has practically no age restrictions, which makes it possible to use liquid nitrogen for the treatment of preschool children.

A minimally invasive procedure can cause unpleasant effects. In particular, during the rejection of necrotic tissues, an unpleasant odor occurs in the mouth, which can affect the perception of taste and appetite. In the first two days after the freezing of the tonsils, minor pains are felt, which can be easily eliminated with the help of traditional analgesics "Panadol", "Nurofen", "Akofil", etc.