Nose treatment

Inhalation with congestion

Inhalation is a medical procedure, the principle of which is based on the inhalation of certain drugs in the form of steam. Due to the fact that inhaled agents have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, most often these procedures are used in ENT practice. So, inhalations can be used to treat the common cold, in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis and other diseases. This method is not only highly effective, because inhaled substances act directly on the site of infection, inhalations are also a simple and inexpensive option for treating colds.

Surely many are familiar with the basic principles of steam inhalation, because our grandmothers also advised this method for treating a cold. In order to carry out inhalations with a cold, you need to prepare:

  • hot water tank;
  • large towel.

If necessary, additional components can be added to hot water, for example, essential oils and special mixtures can be used for inhalation with nasal congestion.

Important! Make sure there is no individual intolerance to essential oils!

After the container with heated water is ready, the patient bends over it, covered with a large towel, and just breathes over the steam.

Steam inhalation for a cold is carried out not only independently at home, but also in hospitals, as part of the comprehensive treatment of sinusitis and other diseases of ENT organs. For these purposes, special devices are used - inhalers. In this case, the drug can retain heat for longer and be supplied in the desired direction, which significantly improves the efficiency of the procedures. For substances that cannot be heat treated, special inhalers are used - nebulizers, which are devices in which the medicine is sprayed using ultrasound.

However, if you decide to use nasal inhalation in the treatment of a common cold, you do not need special devices, because even with the help of an ordinary container with hot water, medicines can reach their destination together with steam and will contribute to a speedy recovery.

For safety reasons, nasal inhalation at home should not be carried out over a saucepan that is directly on the stove being switched on.

Types of steam inhalation

Despite the simplicity of the inhalation procedure, there are several popular options:

  1. Conventional steam inhalation.
  2. Procedures using potatoes.
  3. Inhalation with essential substances.

Steam treatment for rhinitis - myth or reality?

Very often, simple steam inhalation does not allow you to quickly get the expected result. That is why many consider this method of treating the common cold to be ineffective. So does inhalation help with a cold? Definitely yes. However, such procedures cannot be classified as "first aid", because the effect of them will be noticeable only if the procedures are regularly repeated for several days.

Important! For a more effective procedure, it is necessary to breathe through the nose, despite the difficulties that arise in the case of difficulty in nasal breathing.

There are times when after the first inhalations you realize that breathing through your nose has only become more difficult. In this case, you shouldn't stop. Indeed, during inhalation, situations often arise when nasal congestion not only does not decrease, but also increases, and this is normal. After all, very soon you will get the desired result, and nasal breathing will noticeably improve.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that it is precisely the steam inhalations that are familiar to many that are a simple and effective way of treating a lingering rhinitis. The point is that inhaling warm steam is beneficial. Heat promotes the expansion of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which provokes the release of liquid secretions. So is it possible to do inhalations with a runny nose, if after the procedure the nasal congestion only intensifies? The thing is that with an increase in the production of mucus from the nasal passages, the causative agent of the disease is also washed out, which does not allow the virus to penetrate further, complicating the disease. Also, the warm steam supplied during the procedure helps to thin the mucus that accumulates in the nasal passages with complicated forms of the common cold.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalation regularly, lasting at least fifteen minutes until the cessation of the common cold.

"Breathing over potatoes" is the effectiveness of the "grandmother's" method.

Inhalation using potatoes has been known to many since childhood. After all, this method of treating colds at home is one of the most popular, and importantly, effective. In this case, the method of achieving a positive result is similar to the previous one. There is an opinion that it is potatoes that can enhance the therapeutic effect of such procedures, but this is nothing more than a myth. Relief of nasal breathing is achieved by exposure to warm steam.

Essential oils for the treatment of the common cold.

Unlike potatoes, essential oil treatments can greatly enhance the benefits of regular steam inhalation.

If the supplements are selected correctly, it is possible to reduce edema and inflammation of the mucous membrane, which will have a positive effect on the general well-being of the patient.

For the treatment of nasal congestion, it is best to use menthol oils, as well as essential oils of various conifers. These procedures can help reduce nasal congestion. The following proportions are most often used: 5-6 drops of essential oil per liter of water.

Important! Oil should be added to hot, about 80 ° C, but not boiling water, since the beneficial properties of substances are often lost in boiling water.

It is possible to use not only ready-made essential oils, but also certain parts of medicinal plants. To do this, prepare a decoction using the following proportions: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed substrate per liter of water.

The use of herbal medicinal additives is useful in the complex treatment of rhinitis, both in adults and in children. Therefore, such procedures are often used in medical practice, and pharmacists are developing drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, containing various essential oils.

Thus, we have made sure that steam inhalation is a simple and safe way to treat a cold. Moreover, this method of treatment is not contraindicated for pregnant women and children in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the drugs.

Important! When carrying out this procedure, you should be careful not to bend too low, in order to avoid getting burned!